The only Moms I feel bad for are....
September 29, 2007
...the ones on Animal Planet!

Seriously...The last Meerkat Manor rerun had Flower(alpha female) dying by a cobra defending her pups, and I cried my eyes out!

She had more personality & was a better mother than 99% of the moos out there. She didn't sit on her ass(tail?) all day playing on her internet biznazz expecting the males to hand her grubs...And kept a sharp smart eye on all *32* other family members from various sneaky enemies.
While Human Moos cry murder when a slightly sharp edge is on a toy!

So props to the fine, furry, brave creatures, we could all learn a thing or too. :-)
Re: The only Moms I feel bad for are....
September 29, 2007
Aww, that's so sad...I have such a soft spot for animals. Honestly, if I'm watching the news and I hear about people/children dying, I don't feel nearly as much pain as I do if I watch Animal Planet and happen to see one of those emergency vets/animal cops shows where animals die or are mistreated.
Re: The only Moms I feel bad for are....
September 30, 2007
I've always wondered if there was something wrong with me because when the news is blaring on for weeks on end about moos frying the brats in a hot car, or moos killing the brats in a texas bath, or brats coming to their end running out in front of cars -- it breezes right past my head. I have zero, zilch feelings about it. But when some poor animal has been abused and killed by some fucking asswipe that needs to DIE yesterday, I can barely stand to read or hear about it because I will start crying. Which is why I do not read animal abuse news or threads on boards, I just give as much money as I can afford to give to the animal welfare agencies and hope that makes some of the poor creatures feel better.

But as for the stinky human brats. Who the fuck cares? I sure don't.
Re: The only Moms I feel bad for are....
September 30, 2007
nowhiggers Wrote:
> I've always wondered if there was something wrong
> with me because when the news is blaring on for
> weeks on end about moos frying the brats in a hot
> car, or moos killing the brats in a texas bath, or
> brats coming to their end running out in front of
> cars -- it breezes right past my head. I have
> zero, zilch feelings about it. But when some poor
> animal has been abused and killed by some fucking
> asswipe that needs to DIE yesterday, I can barely
> stand to read or hear about it because I will
> start crying. Which is why I do not read animal
> abuse news or threads on boards, I just give as
> much money as I can afford to give to the animal
> welfare agencies and hope that makes some of the
> poor creatures feel better.
> But as for the stinky human brats. Who the fuck
> cares? I sure don't.

Same here.

There is a thread elsewhere on this board about a puppy. I didn't read the full story, but signed the petition and added a comment.
Re: The only Moms I feel bad for are....
October 01, 2007
Every single time the Animal Planet is on at our house, I end up crying either from a happy moment or something sad and awful.
Anonymous User
Re: The only Moms I feel bad for are....
October 01, 2007
nowhiggers Wrote:
> I've always wondered if there was something wrong
> with me because when the news is blaring on for
> weeks on end about moos frying the brats in a hot
> car, or moos killing the brats in a texas bath, or
> brats coming to their end running out in front of
> cars -- it breezes right past my head. I have
> zero, zilch feelings about it. But when some poor
> animal has been abused and killed by some fucking
> asswipe that needs to DIE yesterday, I can barely
> stand to read or hear about it because I will
> start crying. Which is why I do not read animal
> abuse news or threads on boards, I just give as
> much money as I can afford to give to the animal
> welfare agencies and hope that makes some of the
> poor creatures feel better.
> But as for the stinky human brats. Who the fuck
> cares? I sure don't.

I am exactly the same. I shrug when there's a human kid's death, yet when it's animals I'm a wreck. I have all the time in the world for my friends and some members of my family, but the rest of the human race I don't really care that much for. I may be weird, but I don't care.
Re: The only Moms I feel bad for are....
October 02, 2007
HA! Me too!

My mom always told me there was something wrong with me, having those sorts of thoughts. LOL
Re: The only Moms I feel bad for are....
October 02, 2007
I can't watch animal planet or read stories about animals being abused or killed. It will ruin me for days.

I just give as much money as I can afford to give to the places that do something about helping animals and leave it at that.

As for the stinky overpopulated humans, well it's funny when they get knocked off for being dumbshits. grinning smiley
I'm very much the same way: contributing to animal charities and sympathizing far more with animal problems than with human problems. Perhaps a little analysis on why we on this board might think this way would be useful.

Many of the problems that animals face are caused by events outside their control, not least of which are human actions. Historically, humans have tended to be predatory or just plain cruel to animals, or they overbreed and then must destroy animal habitat to build houses, farms, and other development.

By contrast, most human problems are of their own making: people who breed who have no business doing so because of economic circumstances, inability to care for a chyld properly, or genetic disorders; people who cannot even take care of themselves; people who hurt or prey on others and then make excuses for their bad behavior; people who mess themselves up in accidents caused by their own recklessness who then expect others to fork out for their care. Also, breeding is, as mentioned, a reason for habitat destruction, pollution, and resource depletion.

The chyldren who die at the hands of their pahrents are typically those at the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum, who were likely to become predatory criminals or welfare leechs perpetuating the cycle anyway. (You seldom hear of a millionaire killing his/her young children. I wonder why that might be?) Harm to these chyldren by their own pahrents can be viewed as Darwin at work—and that man can be a mean SOB.

Consequently, all of this helps explain why many of us here aren't that upset by children's deaths, but do become troubled by harm that comes to animals. We need not feel guilty about this.
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