My master card ad...
October 03, 2007
New Vespa Scooter = $7500.00
New cell phone with texting capabilities = $150.00
New Ipod = $200.00
Helmet = $0
Explaining physics and traffic as you come to = Priceless.

I was sitting at the end of a huge line of traffic the other day, and had the opportunity to watch a helmetless young man, on a scooter, with those ubiquitous white cords coming from his ears, looking down at something he was holding in his hand as he approached without slowing down, or looking up. Being trapped between orange barrels, with cars in front of me, there really was nothing to do but watch in my rear view mirror and hope that he would look dice....BLAM! Right into the back of my car, without ever once looking up or slowing down. The scooter rams into the trunk, whatever he was holding in his hand flies off in one direction, and the ipod in his breast pocket flies off in the other, as he is thrown into the back window and slides off on to the street. I sigh, call 911, and get out of the car to find him unconscious, and bleeding in the road. Broken cell phone thing to the left and broken ipod to the right.

As I attempt to stop the bleeding using a coat he had strapped to the back of his scooter, he wakes up as the officers and paramedics arrive and asks what happened. I kindly explain what I saw and that when you are in traffic, you should be paying attention to the traffic lest you get in an accident. He laments the destruction of his many parental gifts and the resultant trouble as he's strapped into a neck brace and back board. I lament that he didn't have the sense to NOT BE TEXTING WHILE RIDING A SCOOTER HELMETLESS IN RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC, and get his, and his parents, contact information as he was uninsured. He looks sad, but I am not feeling generous enough to just suck it up and drive around with my back bumper all dented in due to his dumbassery.

Boy, do I hate college age people.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: My master card ad...
October 03, 2007
Wow, what a dick face.

I wouldn't be surprised if he/his parents try to sue you. After all, we are probably dealing with a very entitled young mayun.

I'm glad you were not injured.
Re: My master card ad...
October 05, 2007
Feh, I'd definitely nominate that dumbass for a Darwin Award - honorable mention. I hope to the powers that be that he NEVER procreates. Can you imagine the dumbass dd and ds's he'd spawn? Yuck. The mind wobbles to think of it.

Glad you're ok. I hope you sue the parents to get your car fixed. HUGS!

Hopefully the dumbass is reduced to public transportation (I can just see him waiting endlessly for his bus because he never bothers to glance up from texting!!!).

SO glad it's Friday, campers. Have a great weekend!
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