Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 08, 2007
Man gets vasectomy at 28, considered insane by most of population.
Seriously, some of the reader comments here are NUCKING FUTS!

Especially this little nugget of joy from a "psychotherapist"...
can't help but wonder how much a toxic dose of narcissism fuels Todd's choice. (Baggage from childhood too much or not enough mirroring by his parents??)His choice has set the groundwork for him to focus his energy on pursuits and achievements at the expense of meaningful (and sometimes messy) relationships, but what about generativity (giving back to the world)? His choice and apparent lack of ultruism can result in a lonely old man, with nothing meaningful to review when it comes time to do his end of life stage of life emotional reflection. I do not see his sense of he spiritually bankrupt?

Firstly I question any psychotherapist who is willing to go this far into some sort of diagnosis based on a 5 minute televised interview. Secondly, I question any psychotherapist who can't spell altruism.
Really?! It's bad that his vasectomy is allowing him the freedom to focus on other things than relationships? And who says his is exploring his freedom at the expense of relationships? OH, I forget, the only reason people enter into heterosexual relationships is to make BAYYYBYEEEESSS!

Really?! Since he isn't going to be making any babyyyeeeesss, he obviously has no sense of altruism? Without having baybees, a person can't contribute anything else to society? Lets observe the freaking breeders who don't do dick to raise their kids, or conversely protect them from any sort of unpleasant experience life might offer...then we'll see who is contributing to society.

Oh really?? Having children makes you spiritual? I guess that's why all those religious guys are always getting in trouble for having sex with children, soliciting gay sex outside of their marriages, or just beating their wives.

Thanks to the "Purple Women" website for this...

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 08, 2007
How much do you want to bet that the "psychologist" isn't a psychologist at all, but rather someone who wanted their opinion to have more weight?

I watched the video and read many pages of the comments...the childfree (and the parents who support the childfree lifestyle absent of any patronization) represent themselves well and present very solid arguments, while all the breeders can provide are the same old empty bingos. If they stepped back and looked at the situation objectively, they'd realize that they are, at least, equally as "selfish" as we are.

Everyone wants what they want, and they will do what they have to do to get what they is ridiculous and shortsighted to believe that one lifestyle is more altruistic than another.
Re: Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 08, 2007
I read the summary and most of the comments. Just as StefTheGuest said, the breeder types who condemned Toby for his choice to have a vasectomy trotted out the same old tired arguments. Many were religious. "You're being selfish for putting yourself first and not having kids." "The Bible says to be fruitful and multiply." "You're interfering with God's plan." "You need children to care for you in your old age." "You won't know the pleasures of watching kids growing." "You're too young to make that kind of permanent choice." Retch, retch, vomit.

One of the best recurring counters was, "If he had chosen to have children, that's a permanent choice too. Would you [breeders] have said he was too young to make that choice?" Of course, another counter was that many old people have children who shoved them into a nursing home and never visit them. So much for the idea that your kyds will care for you in your old age!

Many people responded that sterilization was the unselfish choice and noted that many breeders' reasons for having kyds were themselves selfish, including that stupid old-age argument. They noted that many of the breeders prefaced their reasons for wanting chyldren with the words "I want"—implying a selfish motive, obviously.

All in all, it was a good debate, and Toby's supporters had reason on their side. But we knew that here, didn't we? By the way, I posted comments there twice, but under a different name from "K-Man".
Anonymous User
Re: Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 08, 2007
Have you read all the bingos? It's a jackpot!
Re: Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 08, 2007
Since is when OVERPOPULATING "giving back to the world"???!!!!!

Those idiots are so guilt-ridden they're willing to suffer cruelly for the next generation of spoiled brats rather than make their own choice (including the REAL desire to have kids - and NOT from the groveling fear of God's wrath that would rain extinction upon our heads.eye rolling smiley) Yep, the smart young man was FROWNED UPON for having a mind of his OWN.

Seriously, such dopes belong in the 1800s - no, in the medieval ages.
Re: Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 09, 2007
I wish this 28-year-old man lived in my neighborhood!

I think it shows a lot of maturity (and hey, he waited until he was 28, so obviously, it wasn't a spur of the moment decision) to reach such a logical conclusion for himself.

I'm sure all his duhdy friends envy him.

And I knew of a guy who had a vasectomy when he was 19 (this was AFTER he got his girlfriend pregnant - they got married because of it - and later divorced). It was just as well that this guy got snipped so early. At last count, he's been married 4 times and looking for wife/victim #5, and seems to be a womanizer even when he's married. So it's just as well he knew himself (or wanted to spare himself the child support - I'm sure all the alimony is KILLING him) enough to do something proactive AND smart.

I wish more men would follow this 28-year-old's example.
Anonymous User
Re: Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 09, 2007
Sounds to me like he is VERY sane and knows exacdtly what he wants and doesn't want - KYEEEEEDDDS!
Re: Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 09, 2007
Smart guy. Let the masses bash him all they want, at least he'll never be on the receiving end of a financial fucking by the baybee mamma of his offspring! Who's laughing now!!
Re: Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 09, 2007
I posted over on Rabin's CF board, but my points bear repeating.

A) The licensed psychotherapist from Massachussetts appears to be not only illiterate but full of shit. Most physicians have a healthy distrust of the soft, fuzzy bullshit calling itself "behavioral science" and its practitioners for good reasons. Physicians, by nature, are trained to look for biological reasons for disease and judge based on the objective manifestations of clinical presentation and laboratory numbers. Physicians do not go in for the substitution of emotion for logic, and subsequently most of us consider counselors, therapists, social workers and psychotherapists to be crazier than the bulk of their patients. You can add a good portion of psychiatrists (trained physicians) into the latter, but nonetheless all of this emotional claptrap is used to paint a picture which resembles nothing more than a lump of shit against a background of distortions.

cool smiley The breeder claptrap is all selfish and emotional vomit. All of the Kodak moments are pushed up as "evidence" for having children, when in fact the rough moments are completely glossed over in favor of the idealized, Currier and Ives portrait of so-called family bliss. Coming from the absolute filth that breeders are, Todd should be proud that his choice was made with his needs in mind and not subject to some stupidity like social pressure.

C) Do any of the braindead breeders really think that their moronic personal stories would sway him or others one way or the other? If they do, delusion and denial are two rivers than run parallel to each other.
Anonymous User
Re: Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 10, 2007
My favorite comments against Toby were how it was a good thing that he wasn't breeding b/c he would pass on his bald genes. LOL. The last time I checked balding was passed through the maternal line, but whatever. Just shows you the mental capacity of most breeders. I bet those that criticized Toby's looks look like Brazilian bikini models and therefore have a right to make remarks in that area. I also felt compelled to leave a supporting message for Toby. I just don't see why anyone gives a shit if he doesn't breed. Do they really need their decisions validated that badly?
Anonymous User
Re: Ladies, snatch this fellow up!
October 10, 2007
This is my comment:
I think it's extremely mature for a young man to know his mind. He clearly thought about it and decided against children. Who are you, parents (aka breeders), to try and make him change his mind? Why does he have to conform to the LifeScript(TM)? Why do you think it's immature and selfish to make a sane decision? Most people who have kids don't even think about it and do it, just because "it's what you have to do". This is more of a sheep/lemming way of thinking. Considering the fact that the world is overpopulated and overpoluted, it is in fact extremely selfish to have kids: they want their own DNA experiment, as an adopted child is not a real child. I guess misery likes company. Parents who are miserable and disappointed by the whole parenting experience try to convince others to join their ranks, so that they'll be miserable too.
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