Great question about Al Gore
October 13, 2007
Calling yourself an environmentalist when you have four kids is hypocritical in the extreme, especially when those four kids are rich, American hyperconsumers who consume 150 times the resources that third world people do.

Oh, and check out this link on snopes about his home energy usage.

Contrast that with Bush's Texas ranch:

Now, make no mistake about it, I detest George W. Bush with a fiery passion. But I wish Al Gore would be less of a hypocrite. doG knows he can afford to build an energy efficient house.

And it's not just his house. It's that Tipper had to crank out FOUR kids to get the Almighty Son, who, of course, was named Al Gore the Fourth. (The older three are girls.) The dumbass kid tried to Darwinize himself at a young age by running in front of a car. Did parental inattention play a role, since Tipper wants to censor the world for kyds? The breederific media would ever never ask that question or report on that subject. Al Gore survived, so Tipper was off the hook to produce the Spare.

Speaking of that, know who else irritates the shit out of me? John Edwards. John and his wife Elizabeth had a son and daughter. The son, Wade, died in a car accident in 1996 when he was 16. He didn't Darwinize himself. There was no alcohol or speeding involved. By all accounts, he was a decent kid. His Jeep was blown off the road by high winds and ended upside down in flames.

Elizabeth Edwards quit her job as a lawyer and immediately started doing fertility treatments for a replacement sprog, She had a girl, almost two years to the day later at age 48. She finally produced the replacement son at age 50.

I feel bad for the Edwards. I know they grief must have been awful, but the idea of making your wife go through fertility treatments to have replacement kids at age 48 is so distasteful.

Less than six years after her fertility treatments, they announced that she had breast cancer. (Note: Because we all know taking ovarian-stimulation drugs is SOOOO good for a woman's health.)

Now, she will likely die from it because it's come back and it's in her bones.

Anyway, these damn Democrats irritate me. At least Bushie didn't pressure Laura for more brats after she had a difficult pregnansty with twins. Why are Democrats so breederish? Of course, Repubs are nasty too. They don't want any women (except their own wives and daughters) to have abortions, because yanno, all other women are "sluts' who should be punished for having sex and it's a woman's lot in life to bear some man's kids and love every minute of it. And doG forbid that we have stem cell research because of "snowflake" beebehs.

Breederism crosses all political lines, unfortunately. They all make me sick.
Re: Great question about Al Gore
October 13, 2007
If you look at the demographics associated with the last five major elections, breeders barely vote. As a percentage of the population, senior citizens continue to be a very solid voting bloc, and their age group turns out to vote more consistently than any other age group.

If it comes down to a question of Medicare vs. Bratcare, I would hope that the seniors let their voices be known and kick the breederpanderers of any party to the curb.

Breederpandering is, unfortunately, one of the hallmarks of politics and you can count on both American political parties to be hard at work attracting a very marginal base.
Re: Great question about Al Gore
October 23, 2007
Tipper Gore is a bigger breeder than any Republican spouse. The Bushes have the twins and that is it! The Reagans only had two kids. The Clintons have the one daughter yet Billy Boy was screwing with an intern almost his daughter's age. Yeah...the Gores are not as "green" as they would like to believe... tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Great question about Al Gore
October 23, 2007
These assholes talk a good game but feel they can do whatever they want so long as they can afford it.

Lots of people feel that way. They think that just because they are able to afford the 5,000 square foot house, that they should have one and to hell with all the natural resources that are needed to heat and cool it. These same assholes have a litter of brats, running them all over the place, using 20 gallons of gas per day in their Hummers.

Breeders with kids aren't green at all.
Re: Great question about Al Gore
October 23, 2007
Another dirty little secret about All Gory is that he was once forced birth until he was told he would risk the female vote if he did not get rid of his pro-life/anti-abortion attitude. I was not shocked at that as his wife shat out four snatchdragons. I am sure this man fucks around as a woman who stretched her cunt four times to give birth is not this guy's sexual fantasy. I think he is more slick than Slick Willy was when it comes to fucking other chickadees. This man is not The Great One that too many thing. Mr. T: I pitty tha foold
Re: Great question about Al Gore
October 23, 2007
You can all thank Hillary number cruncher. Mark Penn for the Democrat pandering to the soccer moos. This guy is for some reason convinced that parents are the great driving force of the market. Read his new book where he comes up with such ridiculous segments. You thought soccer moms were bad. Try office park dads, who are 15% of the electorate. Or the "Old New Dads/do-over dads" guys who start breed well into their 50's.
Re: Great question about Al Gore
October 24, 2007
It doesn't help that Tipper is totally pro-censorship "for the children".
Looks like it'll be another Brown Shirts vs. Fascists election.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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