Anonymous User
HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 17, 2007
Did any of you see the HGTV show "buy me" a few nights ago? It was a story of this single guy, owned his own home. He met this single moo with a 4 yr old kid (with autisium of course). She was 25 yrs old. She sucked this idiot guy right in, talked him into selling HIS home, because the town they lived in didn't have FREE autisium care for the crotch dragon. GOD for bid these breeders pay for their own mistakes. She talked him into selling his home and using the equity (which was around $10,000) to pay for some medicare for the cunt dumpling. They also moved to a town where they offered FREE autisium care, where they bought a brand new 2 bedroom condo. This guy is such an idiot.

Than........ at the end of the show, the realtor wanted to toast the sale of HIS home with a glass of Champaign. She said "oh Betty I cant drink, we are pregnant!! SIGH.

1st off, does this dumb breeding cunt know that she will shit out another retard kid.

2nd They weren't together that long and they are already pregnant?

3rd. They just bought a brand new 2 bedroom condo, where is this new retard going to sleep?

I cant stand guys like this that are so fucken stupid. and Skanky breeder hoes who just shit out kid after retard kid with any NEW guy they meet.
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 17, 2007
Well OF COURSE she's already knocked up. Silly. Don't you know? She's just GOT to make SURE that the meal ticket (aka mayun) won't be going anywhere, and if he does, he'll be leaving his wallet with her.

She obviously sucked him in with some really good pussy, which, will be getting cut off any day now........ And he'll resolve to using a furry mitt and baby oil.

In a few years, she'll divorce him for someone else and he'll be left with the financial after math, licking his wounds and cursing his stupidity.

Stupid indeed. He must really have been naive. Poor chap. He should have laid out the rules early on:

1. I am NOT selling MY home.
2. Your name will NOT be going on the deed.
3. I am having a vasectomy.

I got a kick out of the description onthe HGTV website. "their" son "their" home "best medical care" Uh, NO. HIS house HER son HER greediness.

BLEAH I'm off to throw up now..........
What I want to know, is where are these women meeting these men who are willing to pay for everything?

Back before I retired from dating, the closest I got to a meaningful relationship was with a jerk who wanted to pay me the munificient sum of $10 a week for food, nothing towards the rent and utilities and when I pointed out I couldn't afford to support both of us on my $6 hourly salary as a temp, suggested I take a second job at Burger King. He truly didn't get why I was angry and ended the relationship.

He was pretty typical, in my experience. Maybe it's my generation, but the guys I met all wanted sex right away, acted as if taking me out in public was riduculous and unsavory and were too cheap to buy popcorn at the movies.

My point, you ask? I'm sick and tired of these rants by men accusing all women of being gold diggers. In my experience, it's the men who are lazy, mooching bums who are looking for a meal ticket.[end rant]
Anonymous User
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 17, 2007
Well in the above story, the single mom breeder latched onto an IDIOT. both of them are dumbasses. In 2 years she will be a single moo of 2 retarded kids. while the idiot guy will be paying a huge part of his check on shitling support.
Anonymous User
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 17, 2007
I really loathe these gold digging moo cunts and jerks. I've noticed most of the shows like this are about breeders; Exreme Home Makeover makes me sick for this reason. People need to stop breeding NOW!
Anonymous User
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 18, 2007
Such a good thread!

My wife and I love watching HGTV for the most part, yet get so perturbed by the constant FAMILY's which get all the focus.

"We *have* to by this house for our kid. We *have* to make this change for our children." OMG...why not make some changes to your life for your own enjoyment. It's so annoying to listen to sometimes we just have to change the channel.

And then it seems that the other large percentage of shows have same-sex couples on them. As Seinfeld would say, "NOT that there's anything wrong with that!" Honestly though, I just wish they would have more shows my wife and I could relate with...oh well.

We do enjoy the ideas the shows provide us with, and it gives us confidence we can improve our own house. So that's good.
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 18, 2007
I agree, I'm also sick of everything being so FAMBLEE oriented. As if they are the only ones buying homes. That would have been the day my parents revolved their lives and our lifestyle around my brother and me.

Something else that chaps my asshole, is when they show these make over episodes and such on that channel, with a single guy or girl on talking about OUR house and OUR stuff, etc., and you know damn well it's a gay couple, but HGTV never shows the "other guy" or "other girl" for fear of, *GASP*!!!!!! the public seeing something about a GAY couple on TV.

Fuck the famblees, they're what's wrong with society and this world, not the Pagans, the non-christians, the gays, etc. It's the fucking famblees and the constant bleeding-heart pandering to them.
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 19, 2007
I got a cousin who is like that. She got married, spits out a kid, like immediately. She got a handicapped child. She had to prove something, so there she goes, has another one. Did not wait long at all. Dumb bitch. I do not know yet on second kid, but will soon find out if it is normal.
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 21, 2007
This is so typical. Gotta prove that your relationship is for real by having someone's child (thereby trumping the relationship that spawned the previous kid).
I hate the focus on families, too. Whether it's a top official addressing the masses, or Colgate advertising on TV, it's always rhetoric about "American families", and you need to protect "your family", and "our family welcomes your family". What about people who never choose to (or can't!!) have children? What about folks who never choose to marry, or whom no one ever wants to marry? They're shit out of luck, because, as far as the government, and all other families, are concerned, they don't exist. Or at least they don't matter.

Fuck families. My birth family sucked, and I'm GLAD I never made the mistake of creating "one of my own" as an adult.
Anonymous User
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 22, 2007
Hey, whenever someone asks, my SO and I WILL be a family. LOL, I keep telling my car that soon she and I and he and his car will be a family! (one more week!!!)
Anonymous User
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 23, 2007
Guest, you're so right!

No, we don't matter at all in the grand scheme of things- TV or otherwise. The only time we matter for anything is at tax time. How would MOO take care of the tard without us? Fucking leeches...
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 24, 2007
I remember one night SO and I went out to eat, no where fancy, just a family owned diner type place. We met hostess and she asked how many, to which we replied, "two please."

She replies, "just two?"

We looked around, looked down, up, and said "Uh, yes, two."

So we are "just two" because we don't have shit loaves with us?
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 24, 2007
JoJo Wrote:
> What I want to know, is where are these women
> meeting these men who are willing to pay for
> everything?
> Back before I retired from dating, the closest I
> got to a meaningful relationship was with a jerk
> who wanted to pay me the munificient sum of $10 a
> week for food, nothing towards the rent and
> utilities and when I pointed out I couldn't afford
> to support both of us on my $6 hourly salary as a
> temp, suggested I take a second job at Burger
> King. He truly didn't get why I was angry and
> ended the relationship.

JoJo, I left a marriage almost a year ago for the exact reasons you experienced. This man is now 50 and expected to be a permanent college student while working here 'n there as a temp grading those FCAT-type tests or substitute teaching (which he got fired from the agency). I supported my soon-to-be ex when he had the migraines and could not work.

I thought it would get better when he got disability payments via Social Security. But...he felt entitled to get his college degree. I was not getting rich either in the call center or security world. I finally paid off a debt and only worked 4 days a week seven months before I left his ass. His comment was how I was "lazy" for not working "full-time". This ass forgot how *I* was the one who had worked massive overtime before he got Medicare and had taken a second job often. I even worked at Wendy's until something better came along.

When I left this man and sent him an e-mail telling him it was OVER, the ass acted like I walked out of a "real" marriage. It had not been a marriage in years. What a fucking joke! Like that idiot you got with, my soon-to-be former husband just could not understand WHY I would leave him. Welllll...I should be on the docket soon for the divorce...yeah! Thank you

Despite what you and I have been through, it does seem easier for a woman to rip off a man. Divorce court tends to favour females. If a man comes into a marriage with a house, he should not sell and buy again because it is no longer "pre-marital" property once the new home is purchased with the $$$ from the other place. Once the bitch has her name on the property, the guy is fucked. However, a lot of times, men end up having to move for work purposes. What do you do then: rent so the funds cannot be touched in the event of a divorce? The system is fucked.

From my own experience and other women who experienced the same, it goes under-reported since most ladies just want to move on with their lives with no drama after being leeched off of by a man. Oh yes...there are a lot of men who want to get it on right away but think that taking the lady out to dinner or even for a movie & popcorn is "too much". JoJo, I do not blame you at all for ditching dating. I look at dating to be similar to dreaded job interviews. I would not do it again. For what? More hassle? I don't fucking think so...
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 24, 2007
guest Wrote:
> I hate the focus on families, too. Whether it's a
> top official addressing the masses, or Colgate
> advertising on TV, it's always rhetoric about
> "American families", and you need to protect "your
> family", and "our family welcomes your family".
> What about people who never choose to (or can't!!)
> have children? What about folks who never choose
> to marry, or whom no one ever wants to marry?
> They're shit out of luck, because, as far as the
> government, and all other families, are concerned,
> they don't exist. Or at least they don't matter.
> Fuck families. My birth family sucked, and I'm
> GLAD I never made the mistake of creating "one of
> my own" as an adult.

I, too, am sick of "focus on the American family". Most violence happens in the standard American Family. Same goes for rape and other sexual abuse. Most women who are assaulted and/or killed has had this done at the hands of a family member. Men are also abused by the family via the wife stealing from him...and domestic violence against males is on the rise as well. Go to any therapy office and one will find most of the clients are there for counseling due to "family issues". I am glad I had the sense and backbone not to get caught up in the dysfunction of "Family Life"... :cool
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 24, 2007
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:

> Stupid indeed. He must really have been naive.
> Poor chap. He should have laid out the rules
> early on:
> 1. I am NOT selling MY home.
> 2. Your name will NOT be going on the deed.
> 3. I am having a vasectomy.

Very good rules, KidFreeLuvnLife. They only thing is I think very few people know how to follow them.

One of fellows I know, has gotten fixed but did not tell his fiance for 3 years. Before they finally tied the nut, he wanted an pre-nup. Meanwhile, she is trying to oops him and tries hard. Obviously a no-go. Nothing. She did everything from flushing pills down the toilet to lying to him about depo (under skin BC). No go no how. WTF? she thought. She finally told him she was not using anything and that she was lying. He still did not admit to anything. She insisted on tests, guess what, he is sterile, totally. Ha-ha-ha! She cried "Sperm Bank". He said "Over my dead body". She left him for about 3 months but has been back for about a month (probably no good lovers out there or her man (my friend) has a really big dick). I will wait and see what she is gonna do now. I cannot see her making on her own, she does need a man. But she cannot get knocked up by my friend (has been proven medically) grinning smiley
Anonymous User
Re: HGTV Show "buy me" fucken breeders
October 24, 2007
Blegh, I wouldn't do the dating (i.e. the casual thing where you go out with a guy a few times but there's no real relationship, etc.) thing either. I thought of it for a while after the ex and I split and I couldn't handle a real relationship, but I don't do casual sex and it seems that's usually expected along with the casual dating, so I didn't see a point in going out with a guy only to be ditched when he found out he wasn't going to get me into bed on the second date.

My ex made a fun comment once too. That boy was seriously naive about money (well, hey, no one in his family that I saw was below upper-middle-class, his rich grandparents paid for everything from his tuition to his car to his apartment. I had an argument with him once because he honestly believed there was no poverty in America--no one in this country was starving. Can you believe it??). Anyway, as we were planning on moving in together (thank heaven that never happened or my life would've been even more of a trainwreck than it was when we split up), he wanted us to get a Prius. (Can't remember if he wanted new or nearly-new). I told him we'd never be able to afford it. He suggested, rather blithely, that I could get a second job to help pay for it (he still had another year of school and of course didn't work). I gaped at him and said something along the lines of "I'm not getting a second job while you're not even working!" He figured out after I said that what a stupid thing he'd said. Hot damn.

Now, the current boi has some expensive tastes too but he's realistic about what he can afford and plans on paying for all this stuff himself.
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