2505: Nasty
October 18, 2007
Heed the warning. Seriously. I wasn't eating anything but I was drinking tea. And I wanted to vomit after seeing the photos. And I thought my apartment was messy.

Back on topic, that was actually the topic of a CSI episode a few years back. Woman claims her precious little son got abducted. Police find the boy in the company of some dude in a convenience store. The dude says the boy is his son and the boy doesn't hesitate to say that the dude is his dad. Add to the fact that he says he doesn't know who the woman is. And they do a DNA test (which takes like 1 minute in CSI land). And wouldn't you know, the dude is the boy's father and the woman has no biological connection to the boy.

CSI finds out that the woman's real son died years ago and she has been imagining that the boy is her real son. In fact, she actually killed him.
Re: 2505: Nasty
October 18, 2007
OMG. I can't get the image of the bed sheets out of my head. I sent it to my dad who is a proctologist. You'd think he'd be de-sensitized to this, no? He actually called me and told me that was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen.
Re: 2505: Nasty
October 18, 2007
Great Gods. I don't even know what to say. I wouldn't want to be the one to have to clean that mess up.

Let's just all be glad she didn't die alone somewhere and left to rot for a few days. Now THAT would be a mess. E U
Anonymous User
Re: 2505: Nasty
October 18, 2007
Agreed, the mess was disgusting, but what I find even worse is that someone thought fit to capitalise on someone with a problem and put photos on the net. Now, that's nasty.
Re: 2505: Nasty
October 18, 2007
Proper Cynic Wrote:
> Agreed, the mess was disgusting, but what I find
> even worse is that someone thought fit to
> capitalise on someone with a problem and put
> photos on the net. Now, that's nasty.

Oh come on, "capitalize?" PULEEESE. He didn't use that to make money.

Not to mention the fact that she lied, manipulated and deceived? I guess you didn't read the rest, she's not mentally ill, she has a personality disorder. Big difference. Why do you think serial killers get put in jail or executed instead of a mental institution? Because they have a personality disorder, not a mental illness.

What about HER actions? Those poor guys did the right thing.
Anonymous User
Re: 2505: Nasty
October 18, 2007
Whatever. They were still wrong to put it on the net. Anyway what is the difference between a 'disorder' and an 'illness'. It seems the woman needed help.
Re: 2505: Nasty
October 18, 2007
Personality disorders are not mental illnesses. Look it up.

Anyways, the wannabreeder is dead now. She ate herself to death at the convalescent home.
Re: 2505: Nasty
October 19, 2007
Strictly speaking, personality disorders are mental disorders but are not amenable to drug therapy. I am not a psychiatrist, but personality disorders are considered "Axis 2" in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. DSM categorizes mental illnesses as: Axis 1-primary diagnosis amenable to therapy with medications or other direct therapy; Axis 2-personality disorders, retardation or other mental illnesses not amenable to direct modes of therapy; and Axis 3-associated physical disorders such as hypertension, heart failure, diseases of other organ systems.

Axis 2 disorders include the personality-associated disorders (e.g. borderline, narcissistic, etc. and mental retardation from organic or acquired causes (e.g. traumatic brain injury). There are some other diagnoses which may fall under Axis 2 but are considered nebulous in classification or origin.

Sorry for that technical update.
Re: 2505: Nasty
October 21, 2007
Thanks for that clarification Doc. So this is why serial killers are executed instead of put in mental institutions? Isn't there a defense, not guilty by reason of insanity? All serial killers have sociopathic personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, but in the courts that is not considered "insane" from what I could understand it's because our legal system does not recognize these personality disorders as mental illness?
Re: 2505: Nasty
October 21, 2007
So Doc, in your professional opinion, are we supposed to feel sorry for the lady that shit all over her friends house? She knew what she was doing was wrong, obviously, because she tried to hide it so well.

If you had to do the diagnosis, what would you say is wrong with her, or was wrong with her?
Re: 2505: Nasty
October 21, 2007
Oh barf...does this woman ever stop serial shitting? After seeing the bottles of urine in the duffle bag, I have to assume it's due to laziness? Give me a festering puddle of runny cat poo over that mess any day. Those poor guys.

This it OT, but damn those guys are all fuckin' hot ('specially Statik and Jason).
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