2516 Simple Question
October 24, 2007
I hear ya on this one, sister.

When SO and I flew to NOLA and San Francisco in recent months, every leg of the flight had some fucking asshat breeder on it, changing their loaves' shitty diaper right there on the fucking plane - in the seat. Subjecting everyone around them to the putrid stench of baby shit. I even smelled it and I was several rows away from it - that's what first alerted me to the fact that there was a shit loaf being changed in the vicinity.

What's more is, after changing the screechling, every one of them took the shit-up diaper back to the bathroom to dispose of it and stink up the bathroom for everyone else. But who cares, right? Just so long as moo breeder has, in no way, been inconvenienced. After all, she is doing TMIJITW. Isn't that what's important here?

I'd like to know why is this allowed? So, if I decide to take a shit in a garbage bag at my seat and transport it back to the bathroom to dispose of it, that should be ok, right?

We're flying to Texas today. Wish us luck.
Re: 2516 Simple Question
October 24, 2007
It's like you've really got to break it down to breeders, "You see, the reason why indoor plumbing was developed was because SHIT STINKS and is DIRTY. So humans developed special rooms, and even buildings where the shit goes. When that wasn't safe enough for public health, we also figured out a way to make the shit go AWAY FROM US by using indoor plumbing. Of course the bathroom is kind of dirty, it's WHERE THE SHIT GOES. However, that's why there are those little "bathroom cleaning" check off sheets on every public bathroom door, because they get cleaned hourly so the indoor bathrooms don't become PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARDS. If there is shit that wants to come out of you, you go to a bathroom and leave your shit there. Why, then, when shit is coming out of your baby, is it suddenly not a PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD?"

I would complain to the airline, airport and anyone else I could think of.
If adults can't shit in public, breeders shouldn't be able to either.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: 2516 Simple Question
October 24, 2007
And it's not just airports...There I was in downtown Chicago at the height of the holiday season, going through the revolving doors of a major department store and almost stepped on some white mountain trash breeder changing his offspring's white mountain trash shitty diaper right inside the fucking doors!

Nothin' like coming indoors from the Chicago winter to warm up & get a lungful of putrid baybee shit stench. I wished I was a guard & made this lazy fuck get up & walk Shitlington 20 feet to the restroom because he's causing a safety hazard.

Lurking breeders, and this goes for you BF'ers too, you have this misconception that everyone is a-ok with this behavior but wake THE FUCK UP. We (& not just CF people) are really thinking you're selfish, disgusting, and self-centered. Any other superior, self-important, parental self-image you have is false and in your own twisted mind.
Re: 2516 Simple Question
October 24, 2007
Grrrrr, don't even get me started about crotchspawn on planes. I was waiting in passport control in the Philadelphia airport this summer after my vacation to the Czech Republic. My trip was awesome, but the last day sucked because I had to make a 123 pound taxi ride in the UK to get my connecting flight to Philly.(I didn't realize I'd have no accomodation between Stanstead and Gatwick; the bus would make me late, and the train was not working). To top it off, a flight attendant got snippy with me when I inquired about one of the meal options. (bitch!)

Back to passport control, I had the pleasure of standing in line behind Ms. Entitlebreeder who proudly had her loaf in tow. She was telling another woman in line about how her chyld was so creative and was expresssing himself by kicking the lady's seat in front of him (I'm not exaggerating her foolish words). She also bragged about all these places she's taken this brat (foreign countries, Disneyworld, etc.). This kid looked no older than 2; I don't think he gave a rat's ass if his moo took him on a tour of the world or to the Hershey's Chocolate World Tour! I felt horrible for the woman who had to endure this little shit's antics on a long TransAtlantic flight. I guess her $800+ plane ticket doesn't matter because she didn't have a BAYBEE. I felt like taking my dirty-laundry laden backpack, swinging it around, and clobbering the breeder with it to vent my anger.
Anonymous User
Re: 2516 Simple Question
October 24, 2007
If someone changed a shitty diaper near me, I'd call a flight attendant and say "can I move my seat? I have a weak stomach and the smell is making me feel sick." And I'd say it loudly and look as nauseated as humanly possible.
Re: 2516 Simple Question
October 25, 2007
I wouldn't even have to fake being nauseated, I'd be puking my guts out. I have a VERY delicate stomach!
Anonymous User
Re: 2516 Simple Question
October 26, 2007
Aside from the obvious public health concerns of such a disgusting public display, what about the child's dignity? I would love to know if these breeders, completely oblivious to everyone else's well-being and convenience but their own, would like to be stripped naked in public without their consent or the ability to protect themselves (let's slip them a roofie and find out!).

I may not like kids, but I don't believe in taking advantage of their helplessness either.
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