The culture of plastics and breeders
November 01, 2007
Anyone heard about the huge floating plastics trash dump about the size of texas approx 1000 miles from the california coast? Literally, this is a huge pile of discarded plastics that have found their way from land out into the ocean.

When I first read about it and then saw something the other day on how they've "given up" on solving the issue, basically, just to leave all that shit out there and not only that continue producing plastics as the breeders demand skyrockets for toys and other bullshit.

100 years ago there was no such thing as plastic. You got your stuff in cloth, paper or glass. Toys were made of wood and cloth, and children didn't have too many of them, they spent more time studying and even working on the farm than playing. Children loved and appreciated education and work back then. Illiteracy and children breeding children was not "cool."

My partner and I made a deal a long time ago that we would avoid plastics when we could and try to go out of our way to do so. For example, instead of buying a $39.99 plastic coffee maker we saved and bought a $199 all stainless steel one with a lifetime parts and warranty. Before we decided to try to live as much as possible without plastics we went through 4 plastic coffeemakers in 3 years, that, and the other plastic crap that always seemed to be breaking, fucking up or just plain dying after 2 years or less of use started to disturb us a great deal. We started to look into the reasons -- one of which we discovered that 99% of these companies making the cheap plastic shit fully expect the stuff to be discarded or fall apart after a year or so and I am convinced that it's all designed to self-destruct when the "limited one year warranty" runs out. Breeders all want new stuff! And truly, these companies cater to the throw away breeder culture.

You've heard of the throw away culture, yes? That's a couched term for breeders who always have to shop and have something new.
Re: The culture of plastics and breeders
November 01, 2007
But you see dear friend, plastics are just SO convenient for breeders. They are busy people and anything that can be done to make their day more enjoyable should be done. To hell with the environment. Sea animals choking on plastic bottles? Oh well, just rest assured that, that one particular plastic bottle made life easier for just 1 busy moo.

Wow, I'm really in a sarcastic, smart-assed mood today! Woo hoo!
Re: The culture of plastics and breeders
November 01, 2007
I can always tell the breeder dens when I'm riding my bike to work in the morning. They're the ones with 4 trash bins overflowing with plastic packaging materials. Every week. I think each family member gets his or her own bin.
Anonymous User
Re: The culture of plastics and breeders
November 01, 2007
In a shitty little upstate NY town called Ada, the city of Rome has opened up a dump. Howls of outrage from the townspeople. I have no sympathy for them. I would love to ask them how many kids and grandkids they have, they tell them that THAT is the problem. NIMBY mindset.....
nowiggers Wrote:
> Anyone heard about the huge floating plastics
> trash dump about the size of texas approx 1000
> miles from the california coast? Literally, this
> is a huge pile of discarded plastics that have
> found their way from land out into the ocean.

Here's a link to an article about it, if anyone is interested.

It also talks about:

How plastics degrade into plastic polymers, but then the tiny polymers can take 500 years to degrade back into organic chemicals (so basically you wind up with very small plastic particles that persist in the environment for ages).

How plastic attracts non-water-soluble contaminants like PCBs and DDT and concentrates them, where they enter the beginning of the oceanic food chain when the plastic particles are ingested by filter-feeding organisms.
CF Uter
Re: The culture of plastics and breeders
November 01, 2007
One thing I always notice about breeders and garbage is how they throw out perfectly useful huge plastic toys or perfectly clean stuffed animals. They are always too big for the can and sitting there on the cement when I walk the dog.

I find it so funny that they don't give them to other breeder friends/brats or at least call the Goodwill and let a poor person use it. They complain about money themselves but it doesn't make them any more frugal and lean them to reuse of anything.

Plus, you would think they would think about the future of the earth since it is their brats that it would effect.Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

None the less, I have no brats, and recycle, give away or donate everything. I'm the one who should be shitting on the world since I'm not raising da future.eye rolling smiley

Breeders always equal selfish.spanking with a whip on the ass
Re: The culture of plastics and breeders
November 02, 2007
Well, heaven forbid they teach their children that thrift store are good things. If Sprogleigh gets that idea, she might decide that image isn't really important, and therefore won't make those important connections in school that make her parents look good in their breeder brained communities. After all, none of the popular kids are going to be friends with someone who shops at Goodwill, or doesn't wear brand name fashions, or has a mind of their own.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
If breeders actually interacted with their kids and showed them they can use their imaginations *gasp*, instead of buying them a bunch of senseless crap to order to get them out of their hair …. They could buy them a few quality toys instead of a bunch of crap. I remember I had a bike from the time I was in the THIRD grade until I graduated from high school.
Based on some psychology studies I have read, having too many choices actually isn't good for people. People claim they want lots of choices, but the more choices people have, the less happy they are. People are happiest when they have just enough choices to make them feel in control, and few enough choices that they adapt to what's available and do not feel overwhelmed by the simple act of choosing.

That goes for people shopping in stores where there's 40 brands of toothpaste on sale (we pick the brand we know rather than debate the merits of the nearly-identical competition otherwise we'd go crazy), and that goes for kids who have 300 toys and won't play with them because they want something new.

Get your kids a handful of high-quality toys and some craft supplies and stop buying them endless reams of junk. My sweetie grew up with parents who allowed him to pick ONE toy for Christmas each year.

Teaching kids that happiness = a new toy every time you go to the store/McDonald's just turns them into wasteful consumer idiots later in life. Yes, it sucks to have to listen to them beg for things. It sucks to say "no" when you want to give them the world. It sucks to hear them scream when you won't give in. But do it anyway.
Re: The culture of plastics and breeders
November 03, 2007
Sibyl, you are right about the choice thing. I noticed at a meeting I had attended how there were TONS of teas to choose from...yet it seemed such a big deal to select which flavour. How dumb right? I made the same comment to my S/O on the way home how too much choices are not good for people as they really do not know what to choose. With kids, we see how all of this "choice" and the throngs of shit they get is not good for them. Hardly any of the sproggen appreciate anything from the hard work of their parents. I have known Far East women who come here to marry. They came from nothing from a shit third world country yet become overgrown spoiled brats when they get accustomed to so much to choose from in America. Suddenly, they feel they are fucking "owed". I do think things were better in the Bad Old Days when kids got less for Shitmas.
Re: The culture of plastics and breeders
November 04, 2007
I think plastic is great. Birth control pills come in plastic packages. Clips used during a vasectomy are made from plastic ( titanium ones are not covered by insurance) grinning smiley

They also make condom packaging from plastic. You see, breeders misuse plastic.tongue sticking out smiley Us, CF, have used it wisely.
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