Social Security
November 01, 2007
Yesterday while in the line at the grocery store, I was privileged enough to overhear a convo by 2 obvious breeders. I could hear them going on about the Childfree Movement. It made me chuckle. Then I heard them say something to the effect of, "Well, these childfree people need to realize that OUR kids will be paying their social security." I wanted to punch her in the god damned face.

WTF? I am 1 working person contributing toward social security. When I am 65 I will be 1 retired person collecting social security for 1 person. How is anyone else paying for me or supporting me? Yes, their kids will be working and paying into SS at that time, but I've already paid my contribution towards SS. And I can tell you THIS, the money I'm paying into SS right now certainly won't be what I receive when I retire. Fucking assholes. I loathe breeders and their stupid, low IQ reasoning behind everything.
Re: Social Security
November 01, 2007
You know, I am so tired of that worn-out breeder meme. What utter bullshit. I doubt that when I'm eligible in 30 years I'll even be able to collect any of the social security I put into the system. And how the fuck are THEIR kids paying MY social security? What happens to the money that I put in? Assholes.
Re: Social Security
November 01, 2007
The way things are going, Social Security will be gone in 5-10 years. If you're not pushing 60 or more, you won't get it no matter how hard you worked; much of it goes/has gone to those who have little or no work history.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Social Security
November 02, 2007
Back in 1997, I had a friend who said she was angry at the childfree as her SON would be paying our Social Security. I reminded her how those without children still pay taxes that go to the schools and for welfare mothers & their kids. I also told her how it was almost impossible for any CF person to be a part of Selective Socialism -- Medicaid or any other social payout -- if there was a job loss or a catastrophe in their lives. Friend argued no further...grinning smiley
Re: Social Security
November 02, 2007
Waaaah waaaaahhh! Shitford will have to for social fucking hoo.

And a huge fucking lie. Shitford won't be able to hold down a job to pay into social security because Shitford was raised by people who wanted to be his best friend and never taught him a useful skill or common sense. There will be no social security because the breeders have made a bunch of useless meatbags who are good for nothing except maybe simple, slow, assembly line work.

More likely than not, we'll be working until we die to pay for Shitford's "I'm too stupid, lazy and entitled to work" benefits.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Social Security
November 03, 2007
Social Security is not a good subject to fight over. It will not be around long enough to worry about it. Many other countries have tried it, many have failed. What makes USA any different? The fact that USA harbors and feeds half of the world's population and never gets a thank you? That does not sound like much help is it?

Well, then maybe the "Anchor Babies" of illegal aliens will help. Oh wait, they draw from Social Security. Maybe the Identity Thieves. Shit, they rob us too. Ok, USA, let's just save money. Bummer, dollar is loosing value. Our savings will not be having much buying power if this continues. Investing makes good sense, but what about tax hikes? (Hillary is all for those) With property and business taxes rising, it's been hard to stay above surface.

Guys and Gals, let's face it. Sweet times are not very likely at this time. If we work until we die, will do fine. If we sprog, we will be in a bad situation. I hope none of us will have to discover how to pay for college and buy them clothing - I suspect it will not be easy. And no, Social Security will not be much help - it is already drained. Having kids at this time is a big risk and a suggestion of a crappy life to the young ones. Let's make it easier and do not.

As far as breeders go, they are clueless. CF contribute more to society than anyone gives them credit for. I know of an older CF couple who will donate their estate to cancer research upon their departure. How is that not helping? Many other CF have donated their time, money and energy to causes for public good. Next time a breeder comes down with some sickness, maybe they should wonder who gave the most to medical research. It were not people with kids.
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