2537 Trampolines
November 07, 2007
Yea, I don't know why this is allowed. Personally I'd love to see them all break their little necks.

If you live in a neighborhood like ours where there are zoning rules, you must put a non-permanent shed at least 10 feet from your property line YET in my same neighborhood, pahrunts can put a trampoline or swingset anywhere they damn well please. Does anyone NOT see how this is annoying to the neighbors? On a trampoline, it's common to hear kids screaming, laughing loudly - FINE - but NOT underneath someone's bedroom window.

In the neighborhood I grew up in, we had a lot of 1/2 double attached homes. Everyone's parents taught them to be respectful of other people's spaces - stay out of other people's yards, don't be noisy, etc. I remember my mother telling us to BE QUIET as our next door neighbor worked 3rd shift in a factory so he slept in the afternoons.

Not anymore. Parents don't give a shit who their kids bother or disrespect, and they do whatever the hell they please at the expense of others. And they wonder why they are called BREEDERS.

Do they think things have changed from when they were kids? Do they think the parenting job has become any more important than it was back then? They have no respect for anyone. But the parents of yester-year sure did!
Re: 2537 Trampolines
November 07, 2007
Courtesy is a thing of the past. Even as an adult when living in an apartment, I wore the headsets if I wanted to hear the music loud so not to disturb the person next door to me. I was always taught when visiting my grandmother who lived in a complex with a pool in the San Francisco East Bay to play where adults were not sunbathing. I and other kids were not to disturb those who wanted to relax by the pool. I was also taught to be respectful when I played outside as some neighbours worked third shift like yours, KFLL. Today's breeders do not give a damn about anyone but themselves and the brats they shat out.
Re: 2537 Trampolines
November 07, 2007
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Not anymore. Parents don't give a shit who their
> kids bother or disrespect, and they do whatever
> the hell they please at the expense of others.
> And they wonder why they are called BREEDERS.
> Do they think things have changed from when they
> were kids? Do they think the parenting job has
> become any more important than it was back then?
> They have no respect for anyone. But the parents
> of yester-year sure did!
Of course things have changed since they were kids, every stranger is out to kill their children and the only thing they have to make their kids lives "better" is to never let them feel bad about themselves, and always be reminding them that they are the most important beings on earth. Oh and 9-11. A kid can't be taught to respect a stranger, because a stranger is out to rape and kill you.

The parenting job has actually become LESS important to breeders. Most people who have children now don't seem to want to do the boring, difficult JOB of parenting, they want a "little buddy" who will "love me no matter what" as long as the toys and presents keep coming. They want someone to protect, but they don't want to actually teach that person anything.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: 2537 Trampolines
November 08, 2007
Sadly, from what I saw in college, I don't think anything has changed since we were kids. I went to school with assholes who didn't give a shit who they bothered with their noises or messes...so clearly parents who taught their kids to be considerate were a rarity even when I was young.
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