I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 15, 2006
When I was a kid I too got one of those damned creepy baby Alive dolls.People were always trying to give me one of those ugly fucking baby dolls.I hated baby dolls,but loved stuffed animals,and real animals.I wanted to be a veterinarian way back then.I also got house cleaning sets made small so female children could learn to ''enjoy'' doing housework.And the Easybake oven so we could learn to ''enjoy'' being a cook as part of being domestic servants.Well,I realized at a young age that this was all bullshit and a means of programming young girls into thinking their only vocation would be to become a Moo.Who the fuck can derive extreme pleasure from a shitty,snotty, puking ,wailing,troublemaking baby and the pride of being a fucking janitor???Oh yes,that is the only acceptable life we women can ever hope to have to''fulfill'' ouselves,and to be ''complete''.Ha ha.I never did get that one.
I did like Barbie not because she was a fashion plate,or a bad message of superficial beauty being the societal standard for women,but because she was without children and always got to do interesting things and pursue whatever career she wanted.There never was a fat bitching,exhausted Moo Barbie with 12 children clamped to her extramities ever developed.Yayyy!
Betty Friedan was right on when she wrote The Feminine Mystique.I think every woman should read this book before making any major decisions with her life.
I am CF and have faced a shitload of controversy with my decision as all of the rest of you have.
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 15, 2006
Yeah, there was no fat bitchy Barbie saddled with a litter, but I do recall having a Barbie-brand baby doll, complete with the crib and toys. I forgot the thing's that's definitely the image to promote to young girls - "Hey girls! You can shit out a sprog and have the perfect body as well as the perfect life with your twat-demon!"

Pff. I had a Baby Alive too when I was about 6, and I stuffed semi-melted Tootsie Rolls down its throat and up its ass so I wouldn't need to feed it anymore. I also had another baby doll (forgot the name) that would crawl around, and when it fell on its stomach it would cry in the most annoying way. After it got beaten and thrown against walls a few times over a period of a week, it reached a point where the voice box screwed up and it would cry while it crawled. I eventually drove a screwdriver into the vent in its ass that covered the voice box and ripped out the springs in the battery compartment so it would never work again.

I, too, leaned more toward animals. While most of my human-esque dolls were beheaded, stripped, or mutilated in other various ways, my plush animals were all in wonderful condition. After almost 14 years, I still have some of the plushies I had as a child and they look like new.

I find it cool that you made a topic about this, Sherri - I have a childfree site that's nothing but rants, and I had written a rant about how toys for young girls try to brainwash them into thinking being a wife and a Moo is fun and the only thing they are good for.
Lady Cooper
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 15, 2006
M grandparents tried to give me the Barbies, but I didn't play with them. I had dinosaurs and trucks! I still have my favourite old T-rex, that I would feed apple seeds to.
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 16, 2006
Me too guys. I loathed baby dolls. I never saw any use in them. I loved my stuffed animals and pets. I did play with Barbie though, only because you could make her into anything you wanted and I had (and still have) a very active imagination. LOL However, I actually never saw Barbie as being soooo beautiful. I kinda thought she was kinda top heavy and unrealistic looking.
CF Scorpio
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 16, 2006
Wasn't there already a Baby Alive thread here a couple months ago? I remember one poster saying she chopped off her doll's head and buried it in the woods or something.

As far as the Easy Bake Oven, it does seem like a stupid toy. Chappelle's Show did a funny skit about it where they replace it with a new oven toy that you can hook up to the gas line and it blows up.

Also, one of the radio stations here in Houston has a female DJ who bakes cookies in an Easy Bake Oven for any celebrity morning show guests they get. It's kind of a funny gimmick, and judging from her personality, I'm 90% sure it was her idea to do that.
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 16, 2006
I had Barbies and baby dolls, but somehow managed to not let them brainwash me...always had animals too, and absolutely preferred playing with them rather than my toys. Of course the ULTIMATE was when I was about 8 years old and Atari came out--total video game fanatic here! I think I want to remain brat free because #1, I was an only child and was always treated like an adult, and #2, I didn't really even like kids wen I WAS a kid!
Anonymous User
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 16, 2006
I had an Easy Bake oven. It sucked. The light bulb kept burning out, and the stuff *baked* in the thing was disgusting.

Another stupid crap toy I had was a *Suzy Homemaker* kit. It had a toy broom, dustpan, carpet sweeper, vacuum cleaner, mop...that sort of shit.

I had some dunb-assed baybee dolls...I don't think I had Baby Alive, but I remember it. I had something called *Newborn Thumbelina* pull a string on her back, and she squirms around, just like a real loaf. Not much fun.

I had some Barbies, too, but I thought Barbie was a bimbo even before I heard of the word *bimbo*. I had one that talked...pull the string and it said dumb shit like, "What shall I wear to the prom?"

I was always far more interested in my brother's toys than the dumb girly crap that I was always given. He had cool things, like Tonka trucks, Hot Wheels cars and tracks, Matchbox cars. Back in the late 60's/early 70's Mattel had a line of outer space toys called *Major Matt Mason*. Anyone remember those? MMM was an astronaut, and there were other human astronaut action figures, and rockets and space stations and such to go with them. But the coolest action figures were the aliens...they had one alien from each planet in the solar system. Now, THOSE were some cool-assed toys.

I've always loved baseball, too...both playing it, and watching games on TV. My girl friends in the neighborhood used to get pissed at me because they wanted to play dolls with me, and I wanted to watch the Mets game on TV instead.

I think I am still rebelling against that Suzy Homemaker crap...30-something years later, I am still a slob. But I do love to cook and a REAL oven, and I still love baseball.

And I still hate baybees...real or fake!
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 16, 2006
KB Wrote:
> Of course the ULTIMATE was
> when I was about 8 years old and Atari came
> out--total video game fanatic here!

Whoooo - another video game fan! I got my Sega Genesis when I was 8, and I just loved it. Now, at 18, the Genesis is my favorite system and I have 2 that are in perfect well as 8 other systems. Hell, I'm majoring in video game design right now too.

Anyone remember Littlest Pet Shop?

Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 16, 2006
Wal-Mart is selling an Atari for like 30$ that has like 8 or 14 (can't remember) of the original games in it. Remember Pong????? That was the SHIT back in the 70's.... I could stay entertained for HOURS playing Pong. My sis in law got this Atari and my 8 year old niece was dying to play it because it is a video game. She tried Pong for all of 30 seconds and was bored. Oh well.....
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 17, 2006
catmommy9 Wrote:

> I was always far more interested in my brother's
> toys than the dumb girly crap that I was always
> given. He had cool things, like Tonka trucks, Hot
> Wheels cars and tracks, Matchbox cars. Back in
> the late 60's/early 70's Mattel had a line of
> outer space toys called *Major Matt Mason*.
> Anyone remember those? MMM was an astronaut, and
> there were other human astronaut action figures,
> and rockets and space stations and such to go with
> them. But the coolest action figures were the
> aliens...they had one alien from each planet in
> the solar system. Now, THOSE were some cool-assed
> toys.
I had a dumptruck that I LOVED and tinkertoys and a real erector set. Legos were awesome too! And I loved my Star Wars figures!
When my niece was little we bought her a dumptruck, I serously doubt she even knew what to do with it because her mommie is a stupid moo...

Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 17, 2006
I'm a dork. I loved my Easy Bake...I'd take a regular ol' box of cake mix and make like 10 little cakes, which was awesome. I also loved Barbie. She didn't have kids, could do anything, and had a kickass horse and a fantastic house filled with STUFF. I hated baby dolls, except for one which was more of a toddler doll, I guess. Anyway, does anyone remember a doll with hair that you could make various lengths? It was more like a ponytail coming out of the top of her head, but you could pull it out to make it long, or twist a dial on her back to make it short. I thought that was pretty neat.

I'm much for most video games these days, but I'd spend hours watching my uncle and his stoner friends play Pong.
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 17, 2006
I remember the hair-growing doll, Feh. I don't know its name, but I had one. You would twist its arm in a certain direction to lengthen or retract a ponytail from the top of her head - err, that's the way mine worked, as far as I can remember.

Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 17, 2006
Yup...I had one where you turned the arm, and one with a knob in it's back.
I don't remember their names but, I've always wished I had a knob in my back so I could change the length of my hair at will.

The Purple Penguin
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 17, 2006
My CF doll, was the lovely Blythe. You could pull the string on her back and her eyes snapped shut and opened a different color. That was the coolest thing ever. I still have my 2 blythes...and now I knit outfits for them and buy them anime t-shirts. XD I had one of those stupid Suzy Homemaker kits...and a mini Dirt Devil. Agh. I preferred Blythe and my stuffed kitties. ^^
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 18, 2006
I had one of those hair dolls, too. I don't remember what it was called, though. Did anyone have one of those barbies with the "quick curl" hair? It was two-toned blonde with copper wires in it, and felt kinda greasy.
mercurior 1
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 18, 2006
i never had any dolls well i had action men(UK name), but when i first got the first ever computer the zx81 i was hooked, could it be that most of us rabid cfers play games (or used to)where it takes concentration and we cant get distracted. i know i have spent hours sitting at a game never moving and concentrating so hard i forget to eat or drink.
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 18, 2006
I remember all the stuff you guys mention here! What a hoot! My mom still has all my Barbie stuff in the attic. Christ, I had the airplane, log cabin, kitchen, hair salon, townhouse, campers, car, pools, and my mom used to make all kinds of cool clothes for her that I would design. I often wanted to take all of it home, set it up in one of my extra bedrooms and play with it. I can see me in the therapy session now, "Hi, I'm 39 years old, childfree, and I play with Barbies." LOL I'm glad I don't have nieces, mom would probably want to give all my shit to them.
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 18, 2006
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> I remember all the stuff you guys mention here!
> What a hoot! My mom still has all my Barbie stuff
> in the attic. Christ, I had the airplane, log
> cabin, kitchen, hair salon, townhouse, campers,
> car, pools, and my mom used to make all kinds of
> cool clothes for her that I would design. I often
> wanted to take all of it home, set it up in one of
> my extra bedrooms and play with it. I can see me
> in the therapy session now, "Hi, I'm 39 years old,
> childfree, and I play with Barbies." LOL I'm
> glad I don't have nieces, mom would probably want
> to give all my shit to them.

Eff that, my nieces aren't getting their grubby little hands on ANY of my dolls!!

Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 18, 2006
Aw damn, I wish I could say the same. I have a collection of plush animals in my bedroom, and when my aunt would let my 5-year-old cousin come to my house (without any forewarning to me or my mom), my mom would let her in my room and she'd get into everything. I get so worried that she's going to destroy my toys. I have a big plush cat toy that looks scarily like my pet cat, Rolly. Cousin started playing with it, and she decided that she didn't like the fact that Plushie's hang tag was still on his ear, so she ripped it off.

I don't collect toys for their value - I collect them because I like them. I don't really care if they have tags or not, but it's the idea of what she did. She ripped the tags off all the stuffed animals I had in my room that she could find that still had tags. Thankfully, I saved one particular toy that I wanted to keep its tag on - it's a collector's doll from Hot Topic. It even says on her tag that she's "not intended for play" and is "for adults only". Her tag is a wee bit bent, but I want it to stay on.

That just ruffled me that she decided to do that to my stuff - if I had done anything of the sort to her toys, she'd scream bloody murder.

Sorry about ranting - once I vent about stuff that pisses me off, it's hard for me to stop.
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 18, 2006
Cambion Wrote:
> Aw damn, I wish I could say the same. I have a
> collection of plush animals in my bedroom, and
> when my aunt would let my 5-year-old cousin come
> to my house (without any forewarning to me or my
> mom), my mom would let her in my room and she'd
> get into everything. I get so worried that she's
> going to destroy my toys. I have a big plush cat
> toy that looks scarily like my pet cat, Rolly.
> Cousin started playing with it, and she decided
> that she didn't like the fact that Plushie's hang
> tag was still on his ear, so she ripped it off.
> I don't collect toys for their value - I collect
> them because I like them. I don't really care if
> they have tags or not, but it's the idea of what
> she did. She ripped the tags off all the stuffed
> animals I had in my room that she could find that
> still had tags. Thankfully, I saved one particular
> toy that I wanted to keep its tag on - it's a
> collector's doll from Hot Topic. It even says on
> her tag that she's "not intended for play" and is
> "for adults only". Her tag is a wee bit bent, but
> I want it to stay on.
> That just ruffled me that she decided to do that
> to my stuff - if I had done anything of the sort
> to her toys, she'd scream bloody murder.
> Sorry about ranting - once I vent about stuff that
> pisses me off, it's hard for me to stop.

Get a lock for your door--I would! Seriously, your mom should respect your property, and your aunt needs to teach your cousin some responsibility and how to treat other people's property! I was expected to treat my things with care, and from the age of, well, zero, I took care of my stuff, even the stuff I played with.
Fucking brat--that is really getting ME pissed off now!
I knew better than that at 5, there's no excuse.
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 18, 2006
Well, for a while, my bedroom door would remain shut, and my mom and I would bring my cousin my very old kiddie toys from the basement to amuse herself. I was forced to play with my cousin, and I hated it. I would occasionally escape to my bedroom for some peace and quiet, but then one day my mom decided to let my cousin in.

My cousin's eyes were all over my room...I had more toys in there that day than I do now. She wanted to get into everything. She rearranged all the stuffed animals, got into stuff I had put away that I did not intend on ever taking out. I have a big plastic dresser-type thing in the corner of my room that houses video games and some other miscellaneous stuff. She saw a bright blue toy car buried in the bottom drawer all the way in the back, and she just had to have it. Even my slender hand could not fit into it that well because I had a table blocking the drawer somewhat, but she whined until I managed to yank it out.

She played with it for a grand total of about 15 seconds. It had a wind-up dial on its side, and it was broken and would fall off. She took it off and threw it behind my bed.

That was the start of my room becoming the play room. When she came up in the summer, she arranged all my stuffed animals and pillows on the floor in a "tea party" sort of fashion. Okay, not too big of a mess, and I cleaned it up. She came back three weeks later and she practically burst into tears when she saw that I had moved everything back to where it was - she was really mad. Then she proceeded to tell me "Now I have to clean up" and she put the pillows and stuff back where they were. I can deal with that, because nothing was damaged, but why the hell would she think I'd leave my room in ruin for three weeks just for her?

My mom let her get into my enormous crate of Beanie Babies, and I was shocked beyond all reason that she didn't start plucking the tags off those like grapes off the vine.

Sorry for venting again - my cousin just drives me nuts.
Re: I Remember Baby Alive Too!
January 19, 2006
Yeah, Cambion, sounds pretty infuriating. I don't know when kids became the center of the fucking universe, but it's absolutely ridiculous.
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