had a bingo on my forum
November 30, 2007
had a bingo, and it was a doozy, i will paste it here, and if you want to go and rip her a new one.. by all means go. wink

its under 101 reasons not to have kids

One reason is LOVE. I agree that the earth is over crowded- I think it would be a service to everyone for people who lack love (i.e. think babies belong in trash bins behind abortion clinics) to just go ahead and off themselves. We've solved 2 problems- lack of compassion for fellow human beings and the drain on the environment taken care of with one shot.

Believe it or not, some "breeders" love their children and strive to teach them respect for the planet. If anything, they are the only hope for the future of this planet.

This board really saddens me. There is so much self loathing and pain. I'm really sorry for some of you who see children in this awful way and don't know the joy of holding your baby - parasite does not come to mind. The joys of a first smile or the feeling of contentment while cuddled up sleeping with your little one. Really, it all boils down to loving another human being more than you love yourself but you aren't even AWARE you can feel this love until you have a child so I know people on here simply can't relate to that. That's what it is and it's an amazing feeling.

I wouldn't want to force anyone to have children and do respect those who choose not to- that's a very personal decision. At the same time, there's a difference between not wanting children and being an angry child hater. The latter, imo, needs psychological help. Not meant to be an insult, it's truly just a recommendation. Something is wrong with you if you hate men, women, dogs, cats, or children. You have some serious anger issues that can't be good for your overall health.

I just wanted to add, I'm not trying to bash you guys or be a troll. I'd really love to see a discussion on why you believe these things, when did it start, etc. I'm speaking more to those who truly hate children, not those who have just decided having children isn't for them and have chose a different lifestyle. Like I said, I totally respect your rights and don't think there's anything wrong with that at all.

I agree w/many of you on some things. There are parents who should NOT be parents. I've joked w/my own friends about laws requiring people to pass a test before becoming a parent. The stupidity of the world is frightening. I guess, in my eyes, raising my children to be thoughtful and contributing members of society helps "even out" what other parents are obviously not doing.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: had a bingo on my forum
November 30, 2007
Sounds like a placenta brain panting with baby rabies, which we are lucky not to be cursed with and it also sounds like she's morbidly curious about us childfree folks, so she wants to examine us under a magnifying glass or something. How patronizing.eye rolling smiley
Re: had a bingo on my forum
November 30, 2007
**Really, it all boils down to loving another human being more than you love yourself but you aren't even AWARE you can feel this love until you have a child so I know people on here simply can't relate to that.**

She's one sorry sack if she really believes this. No lady, don't pity me. I pity you for your lack of humanity.
Re: had a bingo on my forum
November 30, 2007
Why in the world these people seem to state that CF means a child hater? That is so stupid. Most violent crimes against kids were courtesy of all mighty famous breeders. If in doubt, read news.

So, who is really the child hater? It's not CF.
Re: had a bingo on my forum
December 01, 2007
I love how she swears up and down that she "respects" peoples' decision not to have kids but basically says that CFers are all selfish and mentally ill. If she really respected other peoples' opinions she wouldn't have been reading/posting on your board to begin with.

Typical breeder condescension...it's like they can't help themselves.
Re: had a bingo on my forum
December 01, 2007
That post smells of a SAHMoo Opraholic who sits on her lazy ass all day watching talk shows or surfing the internet while her brats destroy her house.

The clues: "self-loathing", "issues" and other psychobabble that reek of Dr. Phil and every other half-assed 60-minute talking head show on network or cable.

Anyone who says that he/she "respects" your decision means they cannot come to terms with the fact that they fucked up their own life so they feel the need to drag others into the pit of pain with them.

I don't really give a shit if breeders are condescending or not. Considering the source, I take it all as a compliment that we, the CF, made the right decisions and they hate their lives.
Re: had a bingo on my forum
December 03, 2007
If the moo was really satisfied with her life, she would not have had to go to Mercurior's website to bingo the members...just like I do not go to motherhood sites...not even to lurk. I am with Dr. Dan. I do not need the condescending attitudes of how a breeder "respects" my choice not to breed. As he said, it is a roundabout way of the moo saying she fucked up her own life. Regarding "self-loathing", I find that more mothers hate themselves than a childfree woman. In a CF book I am currently reading, the author pulled up articles from mothers who found out the hard way how they would never know themselves again once the babies were born. With a baby, the woman would never be her first priority again and often felt like public property. Does not sound "loving one's self" to me...
Re: had a bingo on my forum
December 03, 2007
Any way you paint, it you simply do not want to understand WHY we've decided that the best course of action in our personal lives is to NOT have children. If you actually wanted to know, you wouldn't start off your request with the assumption that we are mentally ill, selfish bastards who hate children. (Here's a hint, if you really want to have a discussion with someone, don't put them down first, hopefully you will teach your children this.)

However, I'll let you wallow in your delusions and answer some of your points...
"There is so much self loathing and pain."
Please, feel free to explain yourself. Do you seriously think, because I choose to not carry on my genetic line, that I hate myself? Trust me when I say you are sorely wrong.

"I'm really sorry for some of you who see children in this awful way and don't know the joy of holding your baby "
Because it's all different when it's yours, right? WRONG. You obviously don't have the ability to reason, or you'd notice in the news, all those folks torturing and killing children are/were PARENTS, so please stop lying. It's not different when it's your own...if it's work you don't want to do, but you are forced to because you made a child you must now provide some sort of care for, you are going to do a crappy job, and possibly something drastic to get out of that particular, life-long line of work.

"The joys of a first smile or the feeling of contentment while cuddled up sleeping with your little one."
You say you have never known joy in your entire life until you made a child. How sad your life must have been, and maybe continues to be. In my world, you don't really have to do anything extra to experience joy. It could be something as simple as waking up with your chosen mate late on a Saturday morning, seeing some amazing live music, or just hanging out with friends drinking mimosas and telling jokes at brunch.
To create another person simply to make you happy just isn't a compelling, or selfless, reason to have children. You must be happy with yourself before anyone will be happy with you, including the beings you've created.

"Really, it all boils down to loving another human being more than you love yourself but you aren't even AWARE you can feel this love until you have a child so I know people on here simply can't relate to that."
Could you be more insulting? Doubtful.
I feel bad for the poor man who made the child with you as you obviously didn't love HIM. I wonder how he feels knowing that? Knowing that the only reason he's around is to provide the needed sperm to make the child you has taught you, for the first time it seems, what love and happiness are. Do you think that childfree people are just spontaniously created out of thin air, that we don't have parents who we might love just as much as they love us? Do you seriously think the only valid form of love between humans is parent to child? How retarded your life experiences must have been to come to that pathetic conclusion.

"I wouldn't want to force anyone to have children and do respect those who choose not to- that's a very personal decision."
And yet your statements to the tone of "the only valid form of happiness is what happens when you have a child" and "you won't ever know true love until you have a child" point to a distinct LACK of respect on your part. Now, I'm glad you want everyone to feel love and be happy, but you do know that not EVERYONE is living a miserable, joyless, unloved life sans children. Some of us are JUST FINE with our lives AS THEY ARE, and don't have any gaping needs to fill, right?

"I'd really love to see a discussion on why you believe these things, when did it start, etc. I'm speaking more to those who truly hate children, not those who have just decided having children isn't for them and have chose a different lifestyle."
Could you please name anyone you've seen who truly HATES children and wishes them harm? Because NOT WANTING and HATING are two VASTLY different issues, and I've yet to read anywhere on any child-free board someone say anything close to hateful when it comes to children. Annoyance? Yes. Irritation? Yes. Confusion? Yes. Hate? just don't see it. Then again, when you are of the mindset that everyone who doesn't want children is mentally unbalanced, your perspective might be skewed.

"There are parents who should NOT be parents."
And if you'd READ CAREFULLY and PAY ATTENTION, you would know that those are the people we call "Breeders", and it is they, and their ill behaved children, who we mock and express disgust for.

" I've joked w/my own friends about laws requiring people to pass a test before becoming a parent."
HA! HA! Some of my best friends are black, gay, atheists.....Really, we've all heard some version of this disingenuous line of bull before.

Really, you've said nothing new, and nothing that points to parenting being a "selfless act". You've stated that you never knew joy or love until you had a child, leading me to believe that you had a child ONLY so YOU could PERSONALLY EXPERIENCE these things.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: had a bingo on my forum
December 03, 2007
Great response, Feh!

That's "Ms. Bitch" to you, breeder!
Re: had a bingo on my forum
December 04, 2007
Rock on, Feh! Thank you
Re: had a bingo on my forum
December 04, 2007
Good responses, Feh! I've posted also. Candace sounds she's got some issues.
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