834 Breeder Message Board
January 16, 2006
Smart choice, Cambion. Breeders are operating with about one-half of a brain cell so your points and comments would fall on deaf ears. They just don't have a clue. These are the same breeder types that get an animal for their kids and get rid of it when it becomes inconvenient, all the while they are pumping out kid after kid.

Rest assured, though, that whilst all us CF'ers are snuggled cozily in our beds, sleeping soundly with our pets, significant others or alone, there is a breeder awake in the middle of the night for the umteenth night in a row, pulling out it's hair with a screaming shit loaf. That is the greatest form of satisfaction I get knowing I am CF forever.
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 16, 2006
One more fun detail that I forgot to include in my entry...this one made me want to right hook my computer screen when I read it..:

I made referene to breeders as being peole who pop out a litter of sprogs and neglect them. I did not call anyone on the board a breeder, but Moo thought I was pointing my finger at her. Her response was something like this:

"You call us 'breeders', but without breeders, humans would be extinct!"

Another depressing case of placenta brain. I also find satisfaction in knowing that, when I wake up at noon, some two-watt Moo has been up for hours with her sprog. It just irks me when the breeder will whine about how much work it is to care for the brat. That's like sticking your hand in an open flame and crying afterwards that you didn't know it was hot. Pff...breeders.
CF Scorpio
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 16, 2006
I don't think it's a good idea to hang out and post on any of those baby/moo boards. They probably consider it trolling, the same way we consider it trolling if a breeder posts here. You're never going to change a breeder's mind by posting on their breeder board.
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 16, 2006
"You call us 'breeders', but without breeders, humans would be extinct!"

I would ask the breeder, "What is so tragic about that?" With all the breeder and freaklitter trash in the world, it doesn't sound like a bad thing to me.

Here's a good song for the placenta brains:

Porno For Pyros "Pets" lyrics

Children are innocent
A teenager's fucked up in the head
Adults are even more fucked up
And elderlies are like children
Will there be another race
To come along and take over for us?
Maybe martians could do
Better than we've done
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
My friend says we're like the dinosaurs
Only we are doing ourselves in
Much faster than they
Ever did
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We will make great pets
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We will make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
We'll make great pets!
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 16, 2006
Yeah I know, it was kinda dumb to post on that forum. It's not a parenting or pregnancy forum entirely - it's a health message board I frequent. Someone was dumb enough to post a topic on abortion in a pregnancy was expected she got nothing but mooing about how she's evil for wanting to abort.

As much as I didn't want to come off as being a troll or a bitch, I just wanted to let the girl know that she doesn't need to keep a child against her will. I hate when women believe that.

And that's a great song, Catmeow. I can just imagine an alien race using humans as pets...the breeders would probably end up being the ones that no one wants because they're so common. Oh well, if we were pets, at least maybe people spayed and neutered before they sprogged.
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 16, 2006
"Apparently, she believes there is no difference between a fetus and a 4-year-old child, and that breathing is what makes something real (which implies that all inanimate objects are only figments of the imagination)."

The thing is, fetuses DON'T actually breathe. This is a very important point to make when faced with a pro-lifer. The fetus CANNOT live outside of the mother's body, so it CANNOT be compared to a fully-developed human who is breathing on his own. If a fetus could actually breathe air on it's own, women could give birth to them whenever they felt like it and not have to worry about carrying them around for nine months.

If a woman is too stupid to get these simple concepts, she has no business raising kids, which is really a very difficult and complicated task. No business. Whatsoever.
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 17, 2006
Guest Wrote:
> "Apparently, she believes there is no difference
> between a fetus and a 4-year-old child, and that
> breathing is what makes something real (which
> implies that all inanimate objects are only
> figments of the imagination)."
> The thing is, fetuses DON'T actually breathe. This
> is a very important point to make when faced with
> a pro-lifer. The fetus CANNOT live outside of the
> mother's body, so it CANNOT be compared to a
> fully-developed human who is breathing on his own.
> If a fetus could actually breathe air on it's own,
> women could give birth to them whenever they felt
> like it and not have to worry about carrying them
> around for nine months.
> If a woman is too stupid to get these simple
> concepts, she has no business raising kids, which
> is really a very difficult and complicated task.
> No business. Whatsoever.

Thanks, guest--I thought the SAME THING when I read that original post. Does this woman think that fetuses BREATHE in the womb? Jesus Christ, that is really scary.
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 17, 2006
Oh, yeah. Breeders believe that their fetuses breathe, tap dance and, cure cancer. All at the same time, no less. The ignorance of these moos never ceases to amaze me.
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 17, 2006
sprogless Wrote:
> Oh, yeah. Breeders believe that their fetuses
> breathe, tap dance and, cure cancer. All at the
> same time, no less. The ignorance of these moos
> never ceases to amaze me.

Once again proving that moos are incapable of rational thought when it comes to their precious little darlings. YUCK!

Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 17, 2006
Actually it's breeders which will probably lead to the extintion of the human race much faster than anything else. We're a cancer on this planet, and breeders are the unchecked replicating malignant cells. At least parents teach their children to work in society, possibly improving and advancing it, and making it possible for humanity to continue to survive. Breeders just keep adding hungry and greedy mouths that contribute much less than they take.
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 17, 2006
I agree with you, Feh. This brain-dead cow interpreted what I had said as meaning "Everyone in the whole world should stop having kids". I didn't say that, but I'll bet if people did that for a few years, humans would still not be extinct.

What would (maybe) cut down on breeders shitting out 10 kids is to impose a law that says families can only have a certain number of kids (example: 2, maybe 3), and if they have more than the maximum number of kids allowed by law, they should be taxed. Besides paying for everything else the children need, they would also need to fork over a certain percentage of the yearly household income.

Of course, I don't see that happening in my lifetime - dumb-shit Moos would protest saying that "it's my body and I'll what I want with it". But hey, if she pops 7 sprogs out, it's her own fault if she drives herself into poverty. No leeway with such a law either - either the child tax would be paid, or the child would be taken away.

Just wanted to add this, to show how pathetic that message board is I posted on...a woman was asking about abortion in the Abortion forum. She was asking for honest opinions from people...and wouldn't you damn well know it, there was a Moo on there telling her that people who love God and are good people don't kill innocent babies. Why the fuck do Moos go into an abortion forum and tell the women who are looking for support that they're evil or wrong for being pro-choice or for considering termination of an unwanted pregnancy? It irritates me to no end.
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 17, 2006
A. There is no god. Believe all you want, go to church all you want, have all the faith in the world, worship what or when you want, but know that there isn't an entity floating around directing or reacting to humanity's actions. You may believe that, and more power to you if you can, but it just ain't so.

B. So good, god-fearing people don't kill innocent babies, but I guess it's okay for good, god-fearing people to have innocent babies they don't really want and then neglect or abuse them?

C. According to the x-tians themselves, if we're all born into sin, from sin, then how the hell is a baby "innocent"?

Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 17, 2006
Feh Wrote:
> A. There is no god. Believe all you want, go to
> church all you want, have all the faith in the
> world, worship what or when you want, but know
> that there isn't an entity floating around
> directing or reacting to humanity's actions. You
> may believe that, and more power to you if you
> can, but it just ain't so.
> B. So good, god-fearing people don't kill innocent
> babies, but I guess it's okay for good,
> god-fearing people to have innocent babies they
> don't really want and then neglect or abuse them?
> C. According to the x-tians themselves, if we're
> all born into sin, from sin, then how the hell is
> a baby "innocent"?


Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 18, 2006
Krysjianitee is nothing more than a ploy to scare everyone half to death into believing they are going to hell for various "sins" so they jump on board the Jesus boat. They sell you on their bullshit, take your money then snub you if you commit the slightest infarction. All the while priests are molesting young kids. Fuck that noise. I never bought into religion, what a bunch of crap. My dads' mothers' family was from Wales and has been Pagan for hundreds of years. I'll take that any day over fundie bleeding heart god fearing bullshit. I answer to myself and treat others the way I want to be treated. Harm none and you're good to go!
Re: 834 Breeder Message Board
January 18, 2006
It annoys me all to hell when pro-lifers will bring religion into abortion discussions and debates. How difficult is it to comprehend that religion has nothing to do with a woman's decision to abort?

Now, I'm no Bible scholar, but I have read a couple of excerpts in the Bible that I (and a few others) had interpreted as being very anti-life. In the book of Hosea, God comes out and says he will murder children as soon as they are born. Or, the more well-known example (probably) is God killing all the first-born children as one of the Plagues of Egypt. Christians say that abortion is against God's will...if that's true, why the fuck does he advocate the killing of children? I was born and raised Catholic, but because of stuff like this (among many other things I just don't agree with), I have drifted away from my religion and I now consider myself without religion.

I brought up this very discussion in a different abortion debate on the same message board about a month ago, and Catholics were denying it. It's like they didn't want to admit that their anti-abortion God had advised his followers in the Bible to kill babies and children on more than one occasion.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying being Catholic is bad. It's just not a religion I want to follow myself.

This made me yack - I read the profile of the Moo who made the retarded posts..she proudly proclaims that her occupation is a stay-at-home mom. And her hobbies are reading to and playing with her son. Pff.
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