840 Idiot Columnist
January 17, 2006
It would be futile because she is obviously, undoubtedly, an idiot. Being childfree ROCKS in every way imaginable. Assholes like her are the reason I steer clear of the News, TV, and miscellaneous new tidbits. It pisses me off.
Lady Cooper
Re: 844 Idiot Columnist
January 17, 2006
Living well is the best revenge.

No, wait, rubbing breeder's faces in it is.
Re: 844 Idiot Columnist
January 17, 2006
I was very polite in my email to her, told her that first of all, it's childfree, and that I was glad she enjoyed (endured) her parenting. Then I told her that she needed to respect the decisions of the CFs and that we demand it, much like those with children DEMAND that we respect them.
No reply yet, we'll see how snotty she gets. I was really polite, though, so if she does get snotty it will be a typical breeder response.
Re: 844 Idiot Columnist
January 17, 2006
What a dumbass. Of course being a parent is depressing, you throw EVERYTHING you have, had and will have, into kid(s) and there is nothing left for yourself. No nice toys, no free time, no further education, no job advancement, no privacy, no freedom. In general people want to be able to have something for themselves, it's what makes them happy. When they have to give everything up, then they get depressed.
Re: 844 Idiot Columnist
January 17, 2006
As the breeders say, "It's all worth it!"

We all know what bullshit that is. The breeders are jealous of us and regret having their crotchturds.
Re: 844 Idiot Columnist
January 17, 2006
Breeders are some of the worst liars ever to grace this planet. Their sprog could totally destroy the entire house and all its contents, leaving it a huge mess and leaving Moo with no more valuable items.

Yet, after all this destruction, Moo would happily proclaim that "motherhood is so fulfilling!", because she doesn't want to admit that caring for a brat isn't the wonderful, warm tender experience the Kodak commercials make it seem to be.

Others have said it, and I must concur - breeders are indeed jealous, of our freedom.
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