Anonymous User
Moo vehicle stickers & plates
December 26, 2007
Guest, I've never seen a "my kid poops in the potty every day" sticker...OMG that's so gross & over the top!

On the soccer balls, I've always wanted a sticker of a deflated one with an arrow poking through it, or a foot sqwashing it.

And putting a memorial of your dead child on your car? Not healthy after 6 years. I'd find it hard to move on having that displayed to every stranger on the roads.

But then, most breeders have no identity other than their keedz, so "I'm the mom of a dead child" has become her identity. And it cheapens the memory. Like I said, not healthy.
Re: Moo vehicle stickers & plates
December 27, 2007
The one I see in this area the most is: "Motherhood...A Noble Profession." It is just another way for the stay-at-home mom to think she is special or akin to the CEO at the bank. Pitiful...lurking
Re: Moo vehicle stickers & plates
December 27, 2007
Absolutely, Am! Yea, whatever breeders, just keep telling yourselves that. Whatever gets you through the day.

It's also just another way the martyrs, or, I mean breeders, advertise their tragedy to solicit attention for themselves.

They make me sick.
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