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Abortion's latest victims

Posted by JoJo 
Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
Here's a truly disgusting article:


It's about a bunch of whining choads who are suffering retroactive guilt over their ex-girlfriends' abortions of 20+ years ago.

"We had an abortion". "I'm a victim". etc. It's enough to make me sick!

"SAN FRANCISCO -- Jason Baier talks often to the little boy he calls Jamie. He imagines this boy -- his son -- with blond hair and green eyes, chubby cheeks, a sweet smile.

But he'll never know for sure.

His fiancee's sister told him about the abortion after it was over. Baier remembers that he cried. The next weeks and months go black. He knows he drank far too much. He and his fiancee fought until they broke up. "I hated the world," he said.

Baier, 36, still longs for the child who might have been, with an intensity that bewilders him: "How can I miss something I never even held?"

These days, he channels the grief into activism in a burgeoning movement of "post-abortive men." Abortion is usually portrayed as a woman's issue: her body, her choice, her relief or her regret. This new movement -- both political and deeply personal in nature -- contends that the pronoun is all wrong.

"We had abortions," said Mark B. Morrow, a Christian counselor. "I've had abortions."

Morrow spoke to more than 150 antiabortion activists gathered recently in San Francisco for what was billed as the first national conference on men and abortion. Participants -- mostly counselors and clergy -- heard two days of lectures on topics such as "Medicating the Pain of Lost Fatherhood" and "Forgiveness Therapy With Post-Abortion Men."

The most striking session featured the halting testimony of men whose partners aborted. Baier, who now lives in Phoenix, told the crowd he suffered years of depression and addiction. "I couldn't get the thought out of my head about what I had lost."

Since the concept of post-abortion syndrome first emerged in the early 1980s, some women have recounted similar stories -- and learned to leverage them into political power. They speak at legislative hearings and rallies organized by the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. They write affidavits detailing their years of emotional turmoil, which the Justice Foundation, a conservative advocacy group, submits to lawmakers and courts nationwide.

Last spring, the Supreme Court cited these accounts as one reason to ban the late-term procedure that opponents call "partial-birth" abortion. The majority opinion suggested that the ban would protect women from a decision they might later regret.

Women's testimony was also used to justify a sweeping abortion ban passed in 2006 in South Dakota. (Voters overturned the ban before it could take effect.)

"It's a rule of thumb that if you want to get a law passed, you have to tell anecdotes that grab people," said Dr. Nada Stotland, president-elect of the American Psychiatric Assn. Antiabortion activists have done that well, she said. "They've succeeded in convincing a lot of the American public" that abortion leaves women wounded.

Now, those activists see an opportunity to dramatically expand the message.

The Justice Foundation recently began soliciting affidavits from men; one online link promises, "Your story will help legal efforts to end abortion." Silent No More encourages men to testify at rallies.

Therapist Vincent M. Rue, who helped develop the concept of post-abortion trauma, runs an online study that asks men to check off symptoms (such as irritability, insomnia and impotence) that they feel they have suffered as a result of an abortion. When men are widely recognized as victims, Rue said, "that will change society."

Abortion rights supporters watch this latest mobilization warily: If anecdotes from grieving women can move the Supreme Court, what will testimony about men's pain accomplish?

"They can potentially shift the entire debate," said Marjorie Signer of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, an interfaith group that supports abortion rights.

The concept of post-abortion trauma is hotly disputed. Several studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals suggest that women who have had abortions are more prone to depression or drug abuse. But the research does not prove cause and effect, Stotland said.

It may be, she said, that women who have abortions are more emotionally unstable in the first place. Abortion is one of the most common surgeries in the country, with more than 1 million performed a year; while some who chose the procedure surely come to regret it, doctors say they see no epidemic of trauma in either men or women.

But the activists leading the men's movement make clear they're not relying on statistics to make their case. They're counting on the power of men's tears.

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"The lived truth of peoples' experience is very hard to dismiss," said Vicki Thorn, who runs post-abortion counseling programs for the Catholic Church. "It's time we . . . affirm the pain that fathers feel."

Morrow, the counselor, described his regret as sneaking up on him in midlife -- more than a decade after he impregnated three girlfriends (one of them twice) in quick succession in the late 1980s. All four pregnancies ended in abortion.

Years later, when his wife told him she was pregnant, "I suddenly realized that I had four dead children," said Morrow, 47, who lives near Erie, Pa. "I hadn't given it a thought. Now it all came crashing down on me -- look what you've done."

A few months ago, Morrow reached out to the ex-girlfriend who aborted twice. They met and prayed together, seeking peace. After they parted, she spilled her anger in a letter: "That long day we sat in that God-forsaken clinic, I hoped every moment that you would stand up and say, 'We can't do this'. . . but you didn't."

Even abortion rights supporters acknowledge that men may benefit from counseling when they and their partners face an unwanted pregnancy. Sociologist Arthur Shostak has interviewed thousands of men waiting in abortion clinics; though they tried to project strength to help their lovers through the ordeal, many told him that they felt powerless, anxious and alone. Some dreamed about the children they would never know.

Shostak encourages clinics to reach out to these men. But he views the activist movement with alarm.

Recruits often cycle through church-based retreats, support groups and Bible studies that aim to heal post-abortion trauma. The men are urged to think of themselves as fathers, to name -- and ask forgiveness from -- the children they might have raised, had their partners not aborted.

At one retreat, the men are told to picture their sons and daughters dancing in a sunny meadow at the feet of Jesus Christ.

"They draw in men who may have a little ambivalence, possibly a little guilt, and they exacerbate those feelings," Shostak said.

Chris Aubert, a Houston lawyer, felt only indifference in 1985 when a girlfriend told him she was pregnant and planned on an abortion. When she asked if he wanted to come to the clinic, he said he couldn't; he played softball on Saturdays. He stuck a check for $200 in her door and never talked to her again.

Aubert, 50, was equally untroubled when another girlfriend had an abortion in 1991. "It was a complete irrelevancy," he said. But years later, Aubert felt a rising sense of unease. He and his wife were cooing at an ultrasound of their first baby when it struck him -- "from the depths of my belly," he said -- that abortion was wrong.

Aubert has since converted to Catholicism. He and his wife have five children, and they sometimes protest in front of abortion clinics. Every now and then, though, Aubert wonders: What if his first girlfriend had not aborted? How would his life look different?

He might have endured a loveless marriage and, perhaps, a sad divorce. He might have been saddled with child support as he tried to build his legal practice. He might never have met his wife. Their children -- Christine, Kyle, Roch, Paul, Vance -- might not exist.

"I wouldn't have the blessings I have now," Aubert said. So in a way, he said, the two abortions may have cleared his path to future happiness.

"That's an intellectual debate I have with myself," he said. "I struggle with it."

In the end, Aubert says his moral objection to abortion always wins. If he could go back in time, he would try to save the babies.

But would his long-ago girlfriends agree? Or might they also consider the abortions a choice that set them on a better path?

Aubert looks startled. "I never really thought about it for the woman," he says slowly.

"On one level, yes, maybe she got an education, married a great guy, has six kids and everything's wonderful now," he said. But he can't believe it could really be that uncomplicated. "It might bother her once every 20 years or once every five years, or every day, but there's a scar."

He has not talked with either of the ex-girlfriends, but he says he can imagine what they feel because he knows how the abortions affected him. He never had the nightmares that other men describe, or the crying jags, the drug abuse, the self-loathing. Yet he knows he has been tarnished.

"I have this stain on my soul," Aubert said, "and it will always be there."

He hopes to organize a father's section at this month's march in Washington protesting the 35th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion.

Aubert pictures men by the hundreds praying, chanting -- and waving signs: "I regret my abortion."

I thought the "We're pregnant" crowd were bad enough, but this takes the cake!
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
3 words for these ass wads:




OK, it was a bad choice for YOU. It's over and done with. Time to move on. Get the cross off your back, somebody else needs the wood AND the nails.

Why do these people want to make their guilt everyone's elses choice? Abortion is a delightful choice for a lot of people. Those who do not agree, don't need to concern themselves with it.

And that Morrow dude - the counselor - he's nothing more than some guy who couldn't keep his dick wrapped, and now he wants to punish everyone for his stupidity. If you feel that awful over it, go buy a bottle of Jack Daniels, some sleeping pills, and do the world a favor and end it all.

Why do they think just because THEY made the wrong choice that every one else feels the same way?
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
I've got two more words...

These whiny nut sacks (I decline to call them Men) who are crying over decades old abortions deserve a punch in the face. Those relationships are OVER, and probably would have been even if the women did keep their hallowed loaf, and SHE'D be stuck with raising it. Even if the relationships hadn't ended, the women would still be stuck doing most of the shit work. Go make another freaking baby if it's so goddamned important to you and get over yourself. It's not like it's difficult to find a chick to knock up and it's not like all babies aren't all alike anyway.

These nutsacks are just as bad as the Betty Breeders who will get knocked up by ANYTHING because they REALLY WAAAAAAAAANNNTT a BAAAAYYYBEEEE! Sad thing is, these guys are probably using their lost children as an excuse to check out on actually parenting their existing children. They don't want to be parents, they just want to live in the Kodak commercial they've got running through their thick skulls because they regret how their actual lives have turned out.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
This is the most outstanding example of douchebaggery I have ever seen. I couldn't even bear to read the whole thing.

Get over it, you bunch of sad sack pussies!
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
Not only that, Feh, but those men - the same ones bitching about the women having abortions - would be the SAME ones bitching about all the child support they'd be paying by now had they NOT ended the abortion and kept the kid.
Anonymous User
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
I read this in the paper a few days ago. Does the online version have the douchebags weeping for their lost babies? The print edition had this sorry sack of fundie shit weeping over the 3 abortions. Where was his responsibility in creating these lives? Didn't the dumbass think that after the first abortion, he should've, oh, used a CONDOM???

Fucking sick.
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Not only that, Feh, but those men - the same ones
> bitching about the women having abortions - would
> be the SAME ones bitching about all the child
> support they'd be paying by now had they NOT ended
> the abortion and kept the kid.

EXACTLY!!! The only reason these fuckers are upset over the abortions is because the women made a choice that would get them out from under these men's control. It is all about control. The guys are only mourning the fact that they were unable to ruin these women's lives because these fuckers know that a DNA Sample running around means a woman's life is fucked up for life. I am sick of males acting like little victims when women take charge of their own life and will not be a breeding vessel for them.
Anonymous User
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
That pisses me off! Because those women regret THEIR abortions -- that they frickin' CHOSE to get -- they think that ALL women should have the option to abort taken away from them?!

And now a bunch of pathetic pansies are having a pity party because their ex-girlfriends made a decision that prevented them from being dependent on and shackled to those guys for the rest of their lives -- so they want to "protect" other men from being abandoned by women who KNOW they don't want their lives ruined by a baby?

And that asshat talking about his "moral obligation" -- long after his ex-girlfriends had their abortions; now that he's settled into his cushy life, he feels free to judge other people and take the options that allowed him to make a better life for himself away from them. Smug prick.

Just another attempt to get women "back in their place".
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
i think its more of a case of if the man is "sympathetic" he will get laid by another woman.. some of the anti abortion people.. (those hag faced cowz)

Not every man wants to put women under the thumb..

ame try reversing what you said " I am sick of FE males acting like little victims when men take charge of their own life and will not be a breeding vessel for them" isnt that the same as oopsing.. when they complain about men having a vasectomy/ not giving into breeding

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
Stephanie, I am also so sick of cunts regretting their abortions and trying to get that right taken from us. Most of those cunts only "regret" it when they are past the fucking around stage in their lives and want that proper husband with the life in the 'burbs, babies, and church attendant. All of a sudden, they scream how that bad ex-boyfriend made them murder their baby. Too fucking bad! These broads made their choices; they get to live with it...but do not fuck up MY right to choose. I have had a 2nd tubal after the 1st one failed where I aborted ASAP. Had the procedure been illegal, you can all bet that I would stick a knitting needle in my cunt to get that thing out. So what if I was risking my life. Death would be far better than forced moohood. I bought two shirts on Cafe Press, a rarity for me since I think it is lame to pay $20 for a t-shirt; however, we need to protect our right to abortion. Fuck that "choice" bullshit and say it as it is...

These are the shirts I got:

http://www.cafepress.com/choiceTs (I love that one in response to the forced-birth cunt sticker that states, "Smile! Your mother chose life", when many women had no fucking choice!)

http://www.cafepress.com/talkinghamster/1273386 (Simply stated...)
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
Stephanie Wrote:

> And that asshat talking about his "moral
> obligation" -- long after his ex-girlfriends had
> their abortions; now that he's settled into his
> cushy life, he feels free to judge other people
> and take the options that allowed him to make a
> better life for himself away from them. Smug
> prick.

Tell me about it...

There is nothing worse than a "moral male" who talks of his "obligation". If he was so "moral", he would not have had sex outside of marriage. Nothing worse than a born-again man.


Merc, I often advise women to take matters into their own hands when it comes to contraception and not forcing fatherhood onto a male.

Too often, women are guilted into those babies. I wish it was not so easy to guilt a female.
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
Aubert looks startled. "I never really thought about it for the woman," he says slowly.

Of COURSE, Aubert never thought about what it was like for the women so he needs to shut the fuck up! I never ever regretted my abortion but am thankful every single day that I was able to abort and not be forced into the leghold trap of motherhood. I would not be free today but still dealing with a shit ex-boyfriend who would say he had "rights" because his sperm made that kid.
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
but its just as easy to guilt a male as well.. feeling guilty isnt just a single sex thing. but a lot of women do oops men, and they use the same justification. if its right for one group why is it wrong for the other and vice versa..

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
From the story: "Morrow, the counselor, described his regret as sneaking up on him in midlife -- more than a decade after he impregnated three girlfriends (one of them twice) in quick succession in the late 1980s. All four pregnancies ended in abortion."

Huh? This guy's prior girlfriends aborted a total of four times after he knocked them up? That must be some sort of record. Wouldn't it be interesting to ask them why? My hunch is that something about this guy turned them off to the point that they didn't want to have to deal with him for years after having his sprogs. I smell a loser: him...
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
mercurior Wrote:
> i think its more of a case of if the man is
> "sympathetic" he will get laid by another woman..
> some of the anti abortion people.. (those hag
> faced cowz)
Yeesh, you're almost as cynical as me, Merc. I bet it does a pretty good job of getting those single ladies at church into bed, though. Nothing gets a fundy woman into bed faster like a crying man to take care of and heal. The sadder they are, the faster they go down the aisle I bet.

> ame try reversing what you said " I am sick of FE
> males acting like little victims when men take
> charge of their own life and will not be a
> breeding vessel for them" isnt that the same as
> oopsing.. when they complain about men having a
> vasectomy/ not giving into breeding
I don't think it is the same. An abortion gets rid of a collection of unwanted cells, once it's done...it's done and there ain't nothing more to it. Regrets aside, both parties move with no additional resources expended.
Having a child, oopsed or otherwise, is permanent (unless it is "forgotten" in a hot car), and something both parties will have to deal with for the rest of their lives. Someone is going to have to expend resources to raise it. A woman can whine and cry all she wants, but she's going to have to get the sperm to fertilize the eggs from some one. She can easily break up with an unwilling sperm donor and move on to a stupider one...and really, when have we ever expressed sympathy for ANYONE of any gender who is baby-rabid?

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
the imprssion on me is that it is a similar justification, the outcome may be different, but the reasons may be close.. i just say it how i saw it. its not how we deal with people like that its how they can use that same argument to justify it. same arguement different results but still the same process

yes i am cynical.. but unfortunatly the world is more cynical than i can imagine sometimes wink

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Anonymous User
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
amethusos* Wrote:
> These are the shirts I got:
> http://www.cafepress.com/choiceTs (I love that one
> in response to the forced-birth cunt sticker that
> states, "Smile! Your mother chose life", when many
> women had no fucking choice!)
> http://www.cafepress.com/talkinghamster/1273386
> (Simply stated...)

Thanks for the link, Am! There are some great shirts there -- I'm thinking or ordering a couple. I like...

"Keep Your Religion Off My Civil Rights"

"Abortion / Never an easy choice / Sometimes the best choice / Always a woman's choice"

"The attack on women's reproductive rights has nothing to do with life and everything to do with trying to put women back in their "place""

"Show me a poster of an aborted fetus and I'll show you a poster of children who starved to death due to overpopulation"

There's also one with a picture of an acorn that says "Not a Tree" under it.

"If God Gave Us Free Will, Wouldn't That Make Him Pro-Choice?"

...And SO many more! A LOT of them would probably result in the wearer getting his/her ass kicked by fundies.
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
amethusos* Wrote:
> These are the shirts I got:
> [www.cafepress.com] (I love that one
> in response to the forced-birth cunt sticker that
> states, "Smile! Your mother chose life", when many
> women had no fucking choice!)

I would tell any forced-birther who ever gave me bullshit that the baby coming out of the cunt of a bitch who is unfit to be a parent never has a choice.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
Peppertree Wrote:
> This is the most outstanding example of
> douchebaggery I have ever seen. I couldn't even
> bear to read the whole thing.
> Get over it, you bunch of sad sack pussies!

I second that!
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
There are many more men crying about alimony, child support and having a kid who is a violent, useless, pathetic member of a society.

San Francisco Liberals do not talk about those, do they? Can they, by the way, mention that we have been "charging" everyday things onto credit cards? Nope, they just talk about breeder sadness.

I am sad for the young generation who will have to pay for financial sodomy that our politicians are committing today.

I am sad for the Veterans of today who have nothing to look forward to when they come home.

I am sad that douche bag breeders suck us dry of our Social Security.
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 09, 2008
mercurior Wrote:
> i think its more of a case of if the man is
> "sympathetic" he will get laid by another woman..
> some of the anti abortion people.. (those hag
> faced cowz)
> Not every man wants to put women under the thumb..
> ame try reversing what you said " I am sick of FE
> males acting like little victims when men take
> charge of their own life and will not be a
> breeding vessel for them" isnt that the same as
> oopsing.. when they complain about men having a
> vasectomy/ not giving into breeding

I love it Mercurior, I love it when these women whine that their mahn will not breed. Hearing that is like seeing a corrupt politician on trial and actually get theirs! I love it even more when these men hold their ground and do not let ANYONE think for them. It's the most amazing thing in the world when a man tells a girl he WILL NOT breed.

My friend's GF tried to oops him, but he was snipped and she did not know it. One had to be there to understand. I was laughing so hard, I was rolling on the floor!bouncing and laughing I had to get all the laughing out of my system before I could talk to his GF. That wanna-breed wanted to dump him, but just cannot, she knows she would be total moron to do so.
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 10, 2008
Techie Wrote:

> My friend's GF tried to oops him, but he was
> snipped and she did not know it. One had to be
> there to understand. I was laughing so hard, I
> was rolling on the floor!bouncing and laughing I had to get all
> the laughing out of my system before I could talk
> to his GF. That wanna-breed wanted to dump him,
> but just cannot, she knows she would be total
> moron to do so.

I just hope your friend rethinks the relationship. The woman staying knowing that she may not find a better man is not good for a relationship, either.
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 10, 2008
Did you notice that the first guy dreamed of his aborted "son"? Guess he never considered the kid might have turned out to be a girl. He's got the Kodak Moments(TM) disease real bad. These guys are such pussies it's amazing they even have a sperm count.
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 11, 2008
Don't you just love it when a woman decides to "oops". This is the ONLY thing I love about being female, no-one can do this to me.
And I effin' HATE it when everybody gangs up on the man when the man wants NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS KID HE DIDN'T WANT AND GOT TRICKED INTO HAVING.
But no, its the moo and the sprog that matters now. You've done your part, mister, you get no say in anything.
It's funny really. Why do the cows always think it'll be all right in the end? If I ever got betrayed like that by my partner who's supposed to love me, care for me and with whom we're meant to decide TOGETHER on major decisions, I'd want nothing to do with the bastard. So why do they think it's any different for them?
Anonymous User
Re: Abortion's latest victims
January 11, 2008
These sniveling shits need a swift kick square in the balls.
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