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Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?

Posted by johnnybsterile 
Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 02, 2012
Here's a local story from my area.

This pisses me off SO much! Lying, screeching little sacks of shit costs a guy his bus driving job!

Bare recalled telling the kids: "When you do that, I'm not looking at the windshield anymore. I'm looking in the mirror. No one is driving the bus."

He also explained that when he hears a scream, he has no idea whether something serious is going on or if they're just fooling around.

Apparently, Bare said, when some children told their parents about the incident, it got translated into him threatening them.

According to Bare, that version quickly spread to Wyomissing school officials, who requested that he no longer work in the district.

Spineless bastard school district officials don't ever question when the 'Mama Bear Claws" come out. angry flipping off
I HATE this generation of parunts and brats. When I was a kyd and rode the school bus, we had drivers that threatened to throw the loud and obnoxious bastards OFF the bus, and carried out the threat!!

Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 03, 2012
Snark Shark
"Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?"

No, but I'd be happy to push one off a cliff!

How about introducing a school bus to a photon torpedo?
Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 03, 2012
With how shitty kyds are these days it baffles me that anyone would willingly do such horrid job. If I was offered a million dollars a year in exchange for driving a school bus, I would still pass.
Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 03, 2012
What utter bullshit. I bet the little bastards told their parents the bus driver was "mean" to them or some such nonsense.

When I was a a kid, you got tossed off the bus for being a pain in the ass. Not only that, but you could be banned from the bus and suspended from school if you caused enough trouble for the bus driver. Needless to say, we behaved on the bus.
Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 03, 2012
The only redeeming thing is that they (and all us teachers) get a pension.
Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 03, 2012
What a CROCK of shit! They won't allow audio recordings because it might violate the privacy of an 8 year old. If he hadn't stopped the bus to check and the scream had been coming from an idiot who lost half an arm due to hanging it out the window at a stop sign, he would have been fired or worse, charged with a child abuse crime. I think the bus drivers should bring their OWN recording devices and use them covertly unless some shit like this happens. He shouldn't NEED any proof beyond his word! ALL those kids couldn't have lied about what was said or how it was said, so I wonder why all the kids weren't interviewed? Common sense should prevail in this matter and that the driver wouldn't have pulled over had some little shit not wailed it's lungs out.

SO WHAT if what he said sounded like a threat? Maybe they NEED to be scared if they can't STFU and not bellow out like they're on fire. Personally, because of shit like this becoming more commonplace, I think there should be a strict NO TALKING on the bus rule and NO MAKING ANY SOUNDS WHAT SO EVER rule. That way, he can kick their asses off the bus for a week each and every time they make the slightest peep and see how much Moo likes taking the little bastards to school!angrily flogging with a whip

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 03, 2012
Back in the day....okay, the 1960's... I rode the bus to school in Jr High. The ride from the school to the bus stop was about 4 miles. We had the usual troublemakers on the bus. I remember one day our bus driver had enough of a couple boys who were constantly banging on the ceiling of the bus and opening the windows and making jestures at passing cars. So she stopped the bus about a mile from our stop and put them out and told them to walk. They were not allowed back on the bus until their parents signed something. It was about a week and they were back and much more calmed down.
I don't remember parents siding with the kids back then. Whatever teachers, principals or bus drivers said was the truth and the kid got treated accordingly.
Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 03, 2012
With how shitty kyds are these days it baffles me that anyone would willingly do such horrid job. If I was offered a million dollars a year in exchange for driving a school bus, I would still pass.

Me too - I cannot be paid to be around children!
Anonymous User
Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 03, 2012
Oh god Wyomissing? My college roommate was from there. From my few forays into that area, it seems like it is filled of entitled rich people with giant houses. If I am correct, then I am not surprised at all that something this stupid happened there.

Yeah when I was in school the bus driver did toss kids off the bus, and parents would punish their kids for acting up so badly that it was required! ugh.
Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 03, 2012
With how shitty kyds are these days it baffles me that anyone would willingly do such horrid job. If I was offered a million dollars a year in exchange for driving a school bus, I would still pass.

Me too - I cannot be paid to be around children!

Yeah, I agree. There isn't enough money to make me consider driving a school bus or any other job where I have to be around children.
Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 04, 2012
Please don't push a bus off a cliff unless you take the driver off first...
Not all of them like kids, most of the other drivers I worked with did not like them either...
I have done my best to try and forget most of the pieces of shit I drove around (there were exceptions. some were nice).
as for screaming and waving and distractions, one of my elementary school stops was down in what I called the river road/head of the harbor part of the Island. One day there was the cutest little puppy I'd ever seen down with the kids.. NOT ON A FUCKING LEASH!! None of the ass-shats were paying attention to it and it walked right under the bus. I waited until I saw it come out again. It was still ok when I left. This was the morning.
That afternoon, as I was approaching the same stop, one of the pricks screamed and waved their arms. Distracted me, and although I was going slow, I lost sight temporarily of the stop. Moo was there and apparently so was the poor little puppy, God rest its little soul. I did not see anything and pulled off after dropping the kids off. They all started screaming and yelling at the same time: such a cacophony I could not hear what they were saying. Once I got them to shut up someone said I'd run over the puppy. I love animals and this tore me up although I would never show it to these little bastards.
I turned around, and moo was at the side of the road with some kid in tears and the fucking moo states 'i wish you bus drivers would be more careful.' All I could do to keep my tongue and not say "DON'T FUCKING LEASH LAWS APPLY TO YOU YOU FUCKING BITCH?" If I had said anything this neuveau riche rich bitch probably would have cost me my job.

So I turned the bus around and went back on my route. One of the kids came up and stared at me for the longest time. Finally I asked 'what is your problem?" little bitch said she thought I ought to get the kid a new puppy. Needless to say little bitch got the pent up anger and my own grief. I ripped her up one side, down the other about leash laws, if you buggers had not distracted me I may well have seen the puppy. God dam cow could probably have afforded to fence the whole damn area in and she couldn't be arsed to leash it? or the very least keep an eye on it?
I kept it up until little bitch got off the bus. She never said anything to me again. What a pity.

thanks to that sanctimonious fucking witch bitch I will never forget that puppy. to this day I still feel horrible. fucking moo.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.

Re: Anybody Want To Try Driving A SCHOOL BUS?
September 04, 2012
Oh god Wyomissing? My college roommate was from there. From my few forays into that area, it seems like it is filled of entitled rich people with giant houses. If I am correct, then I am not surprised at all that something this stupid happened there.

Yep! Also former home of the Gosselins when they started their loaf shitting campaign.
Horrible story about the poor little puppy. Not your fault at all, 2 Cents. It should have been on a leash, but something like that still eats away at anybody with a conscience.

I'm tempted to write a comment in the Editorial section of the Reading Eagle about this bus driver incident because it really grates on me. I grew up in the 60s and rode the school buses. We used to think they were just crabby guys and indeed most of them seemed to have attitudes, but from an adult's perspective it's not hard to understand why. I remember how damned LOUD the idiots were when we were enroute. Both in elementary and Jr/High school. Everyday back and forth LOUD!! It's a credit to these drivers that they could safely drive day in and day out with this distraction and now that I'm an adult I have much more respect for these guys and gals. Big difference between school buses and passenger busses on the noise level. And our school bus drivers would constantly bitch about safety and not making a lot of noise and distracting the driver, but do kyds understand that? No way! Be it 8 years old or 16, they just don't get it! But at least our parents understood, which is more than these idiot parunts do today. No. Their kyds can't be wrong! I like what one of the other commenters said about see how the moomies will like it when all of the drivers get the shits of taking this abuse and kick their asses off (or maybe quit). Then THEY will have to get off of their fat asses and drive them to and from school themselves!


EDIT: After re-reading the "adult perspective" above, I think I need to reword that. After all, moos and duhs are supposedly adults too but they don't seem to understand why bus drivers hate their kyds. shrug
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