Yes it is nice
February 29, 2008
SIL is 26 years old, married 2 years, and a major princess. She married a man who does not have citizenship and his job options are limited. She refuses to work, because she has only dreamed of being a SAHM. They are stuggling to get by, but SIL had the nerve to ask if we would co-sign a loan for a house. I said hell no. My husand told her hell no. She started crying and going on about how her BFF just got a new house and is pregnant and how they can't afford a house because they don't make enough money. We told her to get a job, she said I got married to have babies, not to work. I want babies and I want them soon, but before I have a baby, I want a new house, new SUV, and to have my hair long one more time. Her main freaking concerns are not finances and a home, it is getting someone to pay for the home and having long hair. She tried to get daddy to pay for the house and he told her that since she won't help herself, he isn't helping her. So she did announce she was pregnant 3 weeks ago. She got all she wanted, mommy was helping with the down payment, because her grandchild can't live in a rent house. Well SIL lost the baby and FIL found out about what mom was doing behind his back. Now it is a big mess, she ain't pregnant, she ain't getting a house, and she thinks I am being unfair because I won't help.
To add to this they don't have any insurance and they are planning on babies and already getting pregnant. Her husband is illegal, she doesn't work so we will be paying for this kid to be born.
She gets all bitchy because everytime she sees me, I have a new toy or just came back from a trip. Hello, I did not opt to not work and have kids. I opted to work hard and she feels I am being the bitch because I won't help.
Re: Yes it is nice
February 29, 2008
It's nice to watch people like that crash and burn.
Anonymous User
Re: Yes it is nice
February 29, 2008
Ok, why did she marry a dude who she knew had no citizenship here in the first place? Did she think that would guarantee him citizenship? WRONG! WRONG! LOL

Nature said, "Stupid bitch. YOU OF ALL PEOPLE DO NOT NEED A KID RIGHT NOW!" but I bet she will ignore this warning and will try again and may suffer another miscarriage. DUMB ASS!
Re: Yes it is nice
February 29, 2008
Sounds like SIL needs a reality check.
Re: Yes it is nice
February 29, 2008
Annie, SIL is a cunt. You are not obligated to help a grown-assed person take care of herself and any of her little messes. SIL had to be desperate to marry an illegal. Did she ever think that this guy only married her believing her family would dole out the dollars as her mom has been doing without her husband's knowledge? These male illegals seek out dense American women who believe their bullshit of how they will become citizens and get these great jobs...and hoping an "anchor baby" will somehow allow them to stay in the USA. About the mother, this happens a lot: father is tired of the adult kids shit and refuses anymore money but mother will give $$$ behind her husband's back. I do not blame the father for being angry. Maybe you want to call ICE to have SIL's husband deported? grinning smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Yes it is nice
February 29, 2008
Doesn't it just gall you? Mostly it is the stupid women who do the hand-wringing and going behind hubbys back to help out stupid breeder.
Dr Laura would even have given them a tongue lashing. Only ones who did anything right are dad and you.. for not funding their baby rabies and accompanying materialism.
Do I smell welfare moo in training?
Re: Yes it is nice
February 29, 2008
two cents ΒΆΒΆ Wrote:

> Do I smell welfare moo in training?

Yes, you do. I know someone who married an illegal. She got pregnant with no health insurance. Medicaid paid for the maternity care and birth. The child is still on the system's medical care. Had the father of this kid been an American, there would not have been America's version of socialized medicine for the woman.
Re: Yes it is nice
February 29, 2008
Good grief... 10 years down the line you'll be in a great job with great vacations and wondeful life all round, and she'll still be on welfare, fat, depressed, with a giant brood and a husband who left her/ sits around, doesn't work and expects her to do it all for him like a domestic servant. THEN she'll whinge worse.
A well.. like someone here is fond of saying - Bed. Made. Lie.
And don't give her a penny, or she'll be on you like a leech for the rest of your existence.
Re: Yes it is nice
February 29, 2008
SIL has tried everything to get a down payment and co-signer for a house. Nobody will help her.
She sure as hell knew he ws illegal, it is obvious but she actually told me one day that she had a plan to be maarried, house, suv, and kids by the time she was 22. It did not work out as planned, so she took what she could get and moved forward with the plan.
Now don't get me wrong her husband is a nice guy and a hard worker, but she is working the poor guy into the grave. He works 18 hours a day so she can sit at home and bitch that he is never at home. As my husband told her, if she would get a job maybe her husband would not have to work so damn hard. She is such a princess and will tell you she deserves to be treated like one. Those few weeks she was pregnant, she walked around rubbing her tummy and talking about her cravings. I was so tired of if, we were visiting for the weekend and all she did was rub her tummy and talk of baby stuff. I was ready to leave as soon as she announced she was pregnant, because MIL started shaking, crying, and praising the lord. My husband and I were actionless and just sat there wndering why anyone in that financial situation would ever consider something so dumb at that point in life.
Anonymous User
Re: Yes it is nice
February 29, 2008
I have one of those in my family. She's constantly bitter that the people who work hard have more money than she does, and she thinks that people who have more money than she does should help her out when she quits her jobs and can't pay the rent.

Sadly, she's almost old enough to qualify for Social Security! I guess she's counting the minutes until the government sends her a check every month.
Re: Yes it is nice
March 01, 2008
Newbie said: "And don't give her a penny, or she'll be on you like a leech for the rest of your existence." Amen to that!

And it doesn't have to be money. Favors, time, buying things for them, etc., will feed an entitlement mentality just as cash would. Once it starts, it won't end, as she'll expect more and more. Don't start in the first place!

Almost everybody has someone in the family who either is a leech or mooch (watered-down version of leech) or wants to be one. Do something for him/her one time and you'll have to keep doing it.
Re: Yes it is nice
March 01, 2008
Well thanks to that cunt for putting the women's movement back a few thousand years! So she got hitched only to shit out brats and be taken care of? What fucking century is she living in?
Re: Yes it is nice
March 03, 2008
Wow. Just. Wow.
Was she raised by idiots? That'd be an insult to idiots, probably raised by breeders, like herself.
I'd just remind her that her life is not going to be your problem, and if she wants to make good money fast, go sell some sexual favors. She should know that's the basis of her dream life...

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: Yes it is nice
March 03, 2008
I do know how many people feel about dr l, but I did get a kick out of one call.
Married woman with 2 kids, satisfied with her life (however, she sounded like a PNcool smiley.
Stupid unmarried sis got knocked up because she wanted the 'bayybee'. She also sounded like she was one of lifes incompetents. She also was EXPECTING the married w/kids husband to be the male role model (I had a nasty suspicion at that comment... unmarried sis was making a move on this womans husband because she wanted the wallet, trying in effect to break up their marriage.) Talk about putting cart before the horse. Anyway, the best advice was given: the woman has her own husband and kids, put your effort there and tell sis to adopt kid out to intact home. (Like sow sis is gonna do that...)
Just hope this woman stands her ground and tells sis to go .. whatever,
Re: Yes it is nice
March 03, 2008
There is a place where you can get a MAYUN to marry, and then care for you and your's called FantasyLand. Living in it is so much more pleasant than the real world.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: Yes it is nice
March 03, 2008
CFBitchfromLA Wrote:
> Well thanks to that cunt for putting the women's
> movement back a few thousand years! So she got
> hitched only to shit out brats and be taken care
> of? What fucking century is she living in?

She probably expects to be dragged into a cave by her hair. Fucking stupid cow. No wonder all women often get tarred with the same brush when bitches like that behave in that way.
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