Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
First, I am sorry to be adding another scare to the list of pregnancy scares that have popped up all over the board. I am also sorry to be posting this after being absent from the be honest I've been swamped with work, stressed, and in no mental state to make fun of pregnant idiots.

So back on September 3rd, I had protected sex. The condom broke, and I took the morning after pill within 24 hours. Five days later, I spotted for three days. On September 15, I had mostly protected sex with the same guy. He hates condoms and bugged me about not using them all the time, but I would never relent because I'm not stupid and not using any other birth control (I was in the process of switching doctors). Anyway, on the September 15 experience, I was fairly drunk and he told me that he had a condom on when he didn't, but didn't end up finishing inside me. I dumped him right after that, and took the morning after pill within 48 hours of that experience. Again, five days after I took the pill, I spotted for three days. (This was around Sept 19-20).

I expected my period on October 7th, and I'm usually pretty regular. However, I found a great new doctor and went in for a consultation on October 5th, where she took a pregnancy blood test. Since I chose to get an IUD, she told me to call her whenever my period came so she can fit the IUD. Fast forward, it's October 23, and still no period. I am beyond freaking out, even though the pregnancy blood test came back negative. (Note: they did the blood test 20 days after the date of possible conception). you think the neg blood test could have been a false negative? Is it normal to be this late after taking the morning after pill twice in a month. I'm freaking out here, so thanks so much in advance for everyone's support.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
I'm sorry you are going through this - and I'm glad you dumped that guy. He's not worth keeping if he refuses to use protection. friendly hug

I think that blood tests are extremely accurate, and false negatives almost never happen; sometimes with HPTs, false positives can occur, but are rare.

I'm wondering if the morning after pill could have affected your cycle? I'm not really sure how they work on things like that. I know there are a few folks here on the board who know about herbal remedies for late periods - they may be able to give you some good advice on teas you can make and drink, herbs you can take, etc. to help ease your mind.

I'm quite sure you aren't pregnant because the blood test read negative, however pregnancy is a scary thing.

As I'd mentioned to another poster, take care of yourself, emotionally, physically and what you need to get through this time. When Aunt Flo returns, plan a nice celebration. Go out for a shopping day or dinner with friends.

Good luck and please let us know how things are going.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
Sure thing. I think it's just your body freaking out due to the morning after pills. Try home pregnancy tests. If that shows up positive then call pp. If negative call pp for another preg test. You'll be good.

Good job for sending that Oopsing bastard packing too!

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
The morning after pill can fuck with your hormones. So can stress. That said, I'd be stressed in your condition as well, and probably would get a pee test just to be on the safe side. If your period holds off for much longer you might want to consider seeing a doctor anyway.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
I also agree that a combination of stress and the morning after pill will screw up your periods.
If you are truly concerned- see your doctor again
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
On behalf of responsible men everywhere, I'm sorry you're the attempt of an "oops".

If I'd attempted to oops my GF my own father would beat me senseless. Sounds like he was either poorly raised or chose to be a total scoundrel.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
I can personally recommend the parsley tea recipe that was posted in my thread. After a couple of doses, Aunt Flow did arrive and I was SO relieved.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
good for you getting rid of him. sounds like a dry run for a real oops: wanted to see if you would 'forgive' the oversight.
good luck

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
I brought this over for you, from my thread. Hopefully it will help you as well as it helped me! Amd thanks again to LoavesStillSuck, for the awesome advice.

Look, any time you either take abortifacient herbs OR introduce a hormonal medication like the morning after pill or the RU-486 abortion pill into the equation, you are interrupting your body's natural menstrual cycle. Think of it as a temporary hijacking/resetting of your menstrual meter, if you will.

You also say you recently went off the Pill. I hate to break it to you, but unfortunately, for the two months after you go off of hormonally based birth control, your fertility INCREASES. So a loose sperm, dammit, is far more likely to do damage when you suddenly shift off the Pill.

So a couple of things might be happening. Number one, having gone off the Pill and entered into being more fertile, your hormones are all over the place, and so it's possible you're pignant or you were pignant.

But number two, having taken the morning after pill, you should have successfully knocked out the pignancy because that pill does just fine if you take it anywhere from immediately after unprotected sex to as far out as five days/120 hours after unprotected sex.

The double whammy of having gone off the Pill recently and having taken the morning after pill will completely knock your menstrual cycle off schedule for anywhere from one to three months. You'll need major backup contraception during this time. At the very least, use spermicide before sex plus a condom. If you go back on the Pill, give your body at least two to three months before having any unprotected sex again because it takes that long for your hormones to "reset" with the Pill.

I would do some more pregnancy tests just to be super certain but give yourself more time, like another week, before taking the next one. By then the result should be super accurate either way. Right now you're still in the middle of a hormone stew and I wouldn't trust the results. I've known women (including myself) who had negative pregnancy tests but turned out to be pregnant. Don't mean to scare you, it's just the truth. Keep doing pregnancy tests until you get at least three to five negative ones just to be sure. Use first morning urine each time.

In the very very VERY unlikely instance that you might be pignant (and again, having taken the morning after pill, this is extremely unlikely at this point, okay? ) I highly recommend fenugreek seeds (either ground or whole, available in most grocery stores and in most Indian or Asian markets and in health food stores) and either mugwort or motherwort taken together.

Teaspoon of fenugreek seeds; quarter cup of loose mugwort (best) or motherwort (almost as good) leaves. My second fave recipe is fenugreek seeds plus parsley; the raw parsley from the supermarket works just dandy; buy a bunch of it at the store; use about half of it with the fenugreek seeds/teaspoon of the fenugreek. (Note: if you're petite, do one teaspoon of fenugreek; if you're a larger lady I recommend two teaspoons of fenugreek.)

Fill a regular size saucepan two thirds of the way up with water. Put in the fenugreek seeds and either your mugwort, motherwort, or parsley leaves. Bring to a HARD, strong boil and let it boil for two minutes; then immediately lower the temp and get it to a nice, calm bubbling, a simmer, for another eight minutes; so ten minutes total to cook.

Drain out the herbs and you'll have your handy liquid. You know a traditional, regular drinking mug? Not the huge size kind but the smaller, regular coffee cup size? Your dosage is about a half of a mug of liquid, and you should drink one dose, then wait twelve hours, then drink another dose. Repeat for no longer than three days. So, two doses a day. Most women get their period within the first two doses. If you still haven't gotten your period at the end of the third day seek the RU-486 pill or an abortion. (But these herbs WORK, dear lady, so you are far more likely to see Ms. Flow return with a vengeance.)

Your period might be strong and with cramps, so have some aspirin or Advil handy.

If you induce your period this way, remember, your hormones will be "reset" and your next natural period might be a little wonky or off schedule until your body gets back on track. You might want to do an additional pregnancy test after you get your period just to make sure you're in the clear. And again, use backup contraception for at least two to three months after you induce your period to give your system time to reset itself.

You should be able to go back on the Pill, but wait until you get your next NATURAL period before starting back on the Pill again. Because you've disrupted your cycle by inducing your period and things need time to get back online.


Best wishes to you for speedy menses and peace of mind.
Anonymous User
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
I had PCOS and would often go 7,8 morning after test in those days. I totally sympathize with you. God, I remember when I was 21 and a dumbass. Every weird twinge would make me panic. I had my abortion savings ready but I really did not want to have one. Ouch.

Will cross my fingers for you.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
Hi again all,

Thank you so much for all your help, insight, and kind wishes. I really appreciate the tips...and I know that statistically, between the fact that I took the morning after pill twice, the fact that he didn't finish inside, and the negative blood test 20 days out, it is highly unlikely that I am pregnant. However, since I am staunchly CF and prone to anxiety and paranoia, the very small chance is enough to scare me. To all who said it was the morning after pill that fucked up my system, you're probably right, but a late period isn't fun.

So after I wrote the message, I ran out to CVS and bought a pregnancy test, which came out negative. Even though I am queasy from drinking around four cups of the free cider my law school gives out around Halloween (much like that scene in Juno with the Sunny D), I feel a bit better. The negative test helps, but I don't believe I'll fully relax until Auntie Flo rolls into town. I will keep y'all updated.

Also can I rant about that guy? He said he was CF originally, but I don't believe any truly CF dude would oops someone like that. There were other red flags, like how he mentioned once that even though he hates kids, "that as a man [he feels] obligated to pass on his genes." Also, I hated the "condoms don't feel as good" whining. Even when I am using backup birth control like the pill, until there is a negative STD screen from both parties and we are in a committed relationship, I insist on condoms. In terms of choosing between remaining CF and keeping the guy, I think I'll choose CF. Furthermore, if a guy puts up that much of a fuss, chances are he doesn't respect me or care about me and isn't worth it. As much as I dislike this guy, I think I can be thankful this experience in the long run for driving home the point that I deserve better.

Again, thanks for everything. I'm so glad I found such wonderful people on an internet message board of all places. I will keep you all updated.
Anonymous User
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
Aw, bratty. sad smiley I'm so sorry this idiot treated you this way.

I know what the freak-out is like. For the future, remember to breathe, and remember that no matter what, sperm poisoning is a curable disease. winking smiley

As the others said, I think the EC is probably messing with your cycle. With a neg blood test and now a neg home test, I think you're ok. And don't forget that anxiety can make you nauseous.

As for the dude, WHAT A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT. You shouldn't ever put up with such self-centered assholes.

You're worth more than that. Don't put up with a guy who pushes you into doing anything with your body that makes you uncomfortable, ESPECIALLY when it's a risk to your health. You're better than that.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 23, 2012
Hi Bratty,

First off -- BREATHE! smiling smiley

Second, taking the morning pill in close succession on two separate occasions DEFINITELY fucked up your natural hormonal cycle. End of story. That's all this is. You can keep taking pignancy tests just for reassurance, though.

Problem is, taking the morning after pill will ironically INCREASE your fertility for at least two more cycles even IF you are having the most "protected" sex of your life (condoms, spermicide, pulling out, etc.) So you'll want to be super duper careful.

Also, if you START a new form of birth control, pill or even the IUD, your cycles will still be all over the place and you'll still be in the "danger zone" (increased fertility) for at least two cycles.

You'll have to wait this sucker out, I'm afraid, and don't expect your periods to be normal for a while.

I'm sorry you're going through this, but BELIEVE ME, the morning after pill messed up your natural cycle. That's what's going on.

If you want to be super duper careful, buy a bunch of regular parsley at the grocery store, bring a pan of water to a boil, put the parsley in, allow it to cook at a FULL BOIL two minutes, then turn the temp down on the water to a nice simmer (steady bubbles, about one per second, percolating through the water.) Drink about a half cup of the tea in twelve hour increments. Do this no more than three full days (six total doses.) You'll usually get your period by the first couple of doses.

You can also use fenugreek seeds in combination with the parsley or you can use mugwort leaves and fenugreek seeds or you can use motherwort leaves and fenugreek seeds or you can use parsley with mugwort, motherwort, or fenugreek. Parsley is super easy though and a lot of women I know have recently used it. I used to work with women more on the fenugreek seeds/mugwort combo.

Even WHEN this brings on your period, this process, too, messes with your natural cycle and also ironically increases fertility for at least two months after. But it will give you piece of mind should you end up in a SITUATION where, for some odd reason, the morning after pill didn't generate a TRUE negative. (However, the odds of that are EXTREMELY low, okay????) smiling smiley

Best to you and give your lover a whack in the head for me! smiling smiley Better yet, tell him you're fine with him not using a condom properly again, you just want him to write a check out to you first for $200,000 to raise the kid. smiling smiley (Of course, if you demand that, sex might not happen at all since no man likes to connect the concept of CHILD with ERECTION/ORGASM. But maybe that's just as well ! smiling smiley


PS Forgot to add I usually use a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds (can be roasted or plain) with about a half cup of mugwort or motherwort (Two different herbs with similar effects.)
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 24, 2012
He hates condoms and bugged me about not using them all the time, but I would never relent because I'm not stupid and not using any other birth control (I was in the process of switching doctors).

Katha Pollitt wrote, 14 years ago, that when men as a group keep whining and griping about having to use (or campaign for) ANY type of male birth control, but also expect to have the right to abandon their kids, who deserve to be fed and clothed, that isn't a case of "women having 'all the power.' It's men having their cake and eating it too."

I think one thing sex-ed courses should emphasize is that when a woman gets unexpectedly pregnant, it isn't fair to assume that she did it on purpose - or that she was using something, but carelessly, secretly hoping to get pregnant anyway. The pregnant woman probably just didn't quite realize, as men often don't, that a contraceptive with a 5% real-life failure rate - such as the Pill - is one that clearly calls for a backup, since it's Five Times More Likely to fail than when the likelihood is only 1% - which generally only happens if the couple is using TWO contraceptives!

Or, in fewer words: "Always use at least two methods. If you don't, you're playing Russian roulette."
Anonymous User
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
October 24, 2012
A friend, Jane, missed 2 pills and........Emily arrived 9 months later.

The horror show begins. Charles arrives, planned, 3 years later.

Charles got oopsed during his senior year in high school and Emily gave birth to Sam the week after she got her high school diploma.

Jane & husband agreed to take care of Emily's son since she had been accepted at a great college and is quite bright.

Emily got a job as a CPA.

Are you ready?

Emily then gets knocked up again and is now raising her second son while Sam is with his grandparents. She is gorgeous and is engaged to a nice guy, but the nice guy insists on one more kid after the wedding.

Charles is career Marine and pays support for his daughter, now 12, and is still single. He is fanatically careful.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
November 25, 2012
Hi all..back with an update.

So, you all were right, the BCP really messed with my system. I took a bunch of pregnancy tests over October and early November, and all negative. It helped, but I wanted my period.

It only too almost two months, but today...Auntie Flo popped in for a long awaited visit. I am so crampy and massively uncomfortable, but I would take this over pignancy any day. feels like there is a troll in there tap dancing in spiked heels, but at least I'm not pregnant! Yay!

The best part is tomorrow morning I am calling my gyno to get my IUD put in. She prefers to put them in during menstruation partially for proof that there is no pregnancy (though I think this is a small part...especially since people can spot or bleed when inpig), but mostly because it makes it more comfortable. Since I have (obviously) never had kids, she said it's going to be tougher on me, so she urged me to wait because 1) I will feel more relaxed knowing that I am not pregnant, and 2) it will be less painful and I am anxious about getting that put in. I'm thrilled that I won't have to worry about contraception for five years, and it only costs $20 with my insurance. I think I can get behind spending $20 to stay safely CF for the next five years!

Thank you again to all your support...I will be honest, I was less present on the boards because of this stress (partially...exams coming up is another part), and being reminded of pregnancy all the time on this board made me stress more (this is not a knock on the is more that your perspectives reminded me that CFdom is what I want, and having that in jeopardy stressed me out to the point where I disengaged), so I am happy that I am calmed down enough to be back. Love you guys!
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
November 26, 2012
He is no better than a rapist. Dump his ass.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
November 26, 2012
He is no better than a rapist. Dump his ass.

Way ahead of you. Dumped him immediately after he tried to oops me. If there is anything I hate it is guys who whine about wearing condoms. Seriously, if you really don't want to wear it and don't want kids, get a vasectomy. Otherwise, shut up and deal.

I got rid of him, moved on, and got a new bf who is vigilant about condoms. I once asked him if he minded them and he said, "Of course not. Why would I? Wearing them means I get to have sex with you, why would I complain about any part of that?"
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
November 26, 2012
He is no better than a rapist. Dump his ass.

Way ahead of you. Dumped him immediately after he tried to oops me. If there is anything I hate it is guys who whine about wearing condoms. Seriously, if you really don't want to wear it and don't want kids, get a vasectomy. Otherwise, shut up and deal.

I got rid of him, moved on, and got a new bf who is vigilant about condoms. I once asked him if he minded them and he said, "Of course not. Why would I? Wearing them means I get to have sex with you, why would I complain about any part of that?"

I hate that too! It's almost suspicious to me if they're so anti-condom because if they're anti-condom with me, who knows how many other women they've slept with using no protection and they could have diseases and not even realize.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
November 26, 2012
He is no better than a rapist. Dump his ass.

Way ahead of you. Dumped him immediately after he tried to oops me. If there is anything I hate it is guys who whine about wearing condoms. Seriously, if you really don't want to wear it and don't want kids, get a vasectomy. Otherwise, shut up and deal.

I got rid of him, moved on, and got a new bf who is vigilant about condoms. I once asked him if he minded them and he said, "Of course not. Why would I? Wearing them means I get to have sex with you, why would I complain about any part of that?"

I hate that too! It's almost suspicious to me if they're so anti-condom because if they're anti-condom with me, who knows how many other women they've slept with using no protection and they could have diseases and not even realize.

I shudder at the thought.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
November 26, 2012
Bratty -

Are you sure you want an IUD? I've heard many horror stories. Google. In fact, I just read a book about the "Dalkon Shield" and all that went wrong with that.

One of the points raised in this book was that all IUDs carry risk - from inserting a foreign body into the uterus.

The book I just read -

If you are single - do you really need such a thing?

Not only when I was single (usually celibate) - but also with my exH and other LTRs - it was condoms ONLY for me/us. Because hormonal BC makes me violently sick. I can't take it. And there was no way I was shoving anything weird into my bod. I read about IUDs in the past, I could've got one in EU at the time, they were banned in the US at the time. And even the 'best cases' I had read about - raised concerns and made me extremely ambivalent.

NO guy I have ever been with had ANY problems with a condom! ExH and LTRs too even - they had no issue with it. I told them that I had a very touchy system and couldn't do anything else and they were perfectly fine with condoms.

And if they had taken issue - I would have had to say no and got rid of them - because I cannot use anything. I have a very touchy system.

As I said - I did read about IUDs in the past, before this book, and that scared me enough as is. As I said above. Most of these have been yanked off of US and and other Western markets - they're just too dangerous. You can get Sepsis and die. It also sounds like the insertion of them is horrifically painful.

I don't mean to scare you and I hesitated to even say this - but - then I thought - maybe I should.

And if you are single and not 'doing' anyone - you do not need this. You can wait until later at the least. You can read more and decide later.

And do remember - what they tell you is "safe" - that largely comes from the mfg.'s "marketing".

If I were you - I would quit it all. The hormonal BC as well as thoughts of having plastic and metal implanted into you. Give your body a rest. Let it heal. You wanna fuck somebody? Rubber.

You meet an LTR? Then revisit all this then.

I hope everything works out and you feel better smiling smiley

I mean all this from sincere care for your health smiling smiley
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
November 26, 2012
I am a proud owner of uterus bling, and problems with the Dalkon Shield do not apply to today's IUDs. You can't even get a Dalkon Shield, they don't exist anymore.

Yes, insertion is painful. YES, it is worth it. Risk of infection or perforation is minimal if your doctor is skilled. Infection with an IUD is caused by infection that was already existent when the IUD was inserted. If you don't have any infections at time of insertion, you should be fine as the IUD is sterile.

I've had a Paragard, which is hormone free, since 2009. It is the best birth control you can buy outside of sterilization, it's less invasive and far cheaper and very nearly as effective. It takes some getting used to, but I am happy with mine.
Anonymous User
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
November 27, 2012
De-lurking to state that I also have an IUD. Law is right - the Dalkon Shield is no longer around. I believe (although I am not taking the time to look this up and I am going off memory) that the problem was that the strings were hollow or too fibrous and bacteria could get in them too easily and up into the uterus.

I can't do hormonal BC (it makes me depressed) and after a while with my partner, I - not he, I - got sick of condoms. I have a Mirena and couldn't be happier. Yes, I know Mirena still has hormones, but the dose is a lot lower - I read it's like 1/7 of the dose in BC pills.

I've had it for about 6 months now. Insurance didn't cover it - so, ouch, that was a lot of money. And for the first three months, honestly, I was thinking it wasn't worth it. Insertion hurt so much I almost cried. And I had extreme pain for about the first eight weeks until it gradually subsided. It also made me emotional for the first three months. I cried all the time for no reason.

On to the good - after about 2-3 months, these cleared up (if slowly). Now I feel like myself everyday and am pain free except on my period. I love love love being able to mostly forget it's there and that we don't have to fumble with condoms. And, in case of the worst (sexual assault), I love knowing that pregnancy is something I don't have to worry about. I can't recommend these enough.

I wasn't quite ready to take the plunge and start fighting my way through doctors to get sterilized, so I figured this was my next best option. When it comes out in 4.5 years then I will likely start the sterilization route.
Re: Another Preg Scare - Sorry guys
November 27, 2012
Zzelda - I actually got my IUD put in this morning, before I saw your post, but thank you for your concern. I do have a BF, and for what its worth, he never complains about condoms. This is about me being sure I can't get pregnant. I understand your concerns, but to echo what law and lurkinggrue said, I've heard the horror stories about the Dalkon Shield, and I brought it up with my gyno, who assured me that that wasn't around. I got Mirena after doing my research for a good year. My insurance did cover it, so I only paid $20. I consider $20 for five years of contraception a good investment.

This is about me being sure. I will always use condoms along with it unless I have a boyfriend who shows me paperwork from a negative STD test (I do have one of those for the time being, but I had plans to get an IUD for ages before I met him). It's not just about being sure, its also about protecting myself from pregnancy in case of the worst (rape, ect). After reading the thread and doing legal research on the pregnancy/living will issue, I realized that without protection that is more absolute, my state laws will not protect me and my living will requests if, in the worst case scenario, I was raped, pregnant, and in need of invoking the conditions of my living will for some horrible reason. I thought about other options, but BCP have been dicey. I responded fairly well to one, but it made my periods so unbearably painful I had to go off of it, and all the others I've tried made me borderline suicidal/depressed. For that reason, I chose the low-hormone Mirena, because the methods that use more hormonal based methods of contraception are likely to make me unstable.

It was super painful to put in this morning. Like, horrifically painful. I am a very small person, and (obviously) I have never given birth, so between my small cervix tightness (sorry for the TMI), it was rougher to get in. I honestly think that some sort of anesthesia or some medication should be used to put it in. I did cry when it was inserted and felt horrible and crampy afterwards. I still feel crampy, but its becoming more bearable as the day goes on, and I think that a few minutes of intense pain followed by severe discomfort, followed by feeling crampy for a day or so is worth it in terms of five years of protection for $20 bucks. But we shall see.

Thank you law and lurkinggrue for your insight into using the IUD. I particularly like the term "uterus bling".
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