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"Childfree Bashing: An Everyday Happening"

Posted by yurble 
Don't have time to read everything right now, but it occurred to me that:

For all the debate over whether it's civilized to make gay people adhere to the policy of "don't ask, don't tell" (inside OR outside of the military) what many people can't be bothered to notice or care about is that, depending on where you live, that policy is often even stricter with regard to the childfree. I.e., it's OK not to have children only so long as you allow everyone to assume that the only possible reasons for that in your case are

1) infertility,
2) poverty, or
3) lack of a suitable spouse.
Re: "Childfree Bashing: An Everyday Happening"
November 05, 2012
Hmm. Looks like some personal answers are in order.

•Childfree adults are irresponsible/immature and not able to be a good role model with children

Not true. I've worked for everything I have. I don't even have a credit card. If I don't have the money available, I don't buy it. In order to have more ready cash, I just earned an MA (moves me into the $50,000 a year category), and recently accepted the English department's offer to join the PhD program. Does a PhD sound irresponsible?

•Childfree adults are not nurturing

Not true. Fifteen minutes ago, I had to run down to the store. An armadillo was foraging in the parking lot. I sat idling my truck until I could see the wee beastie at a safe distance. I didn't want to run over him. My two cats are from a rescue shelter. Right now, their fat little selves are asleep on the bed. Not nurturing? Maybe not to humans -- I don't have the patience to nurture whiners.

•Childfree adults’ lives are not complete

Not true. Do I read this great book, write my own book, play my fiddle, make love to my wife, watch a classic movie, go for a walk, hit the gym, break out the easel and paints, listen to jazz, crank up the Stratocaster, or see what kind of alchemy I can brew in the kitchen? Decisions, decisions. If anything, my life might be TOO complete. I do have to sleep sometime, dammit!

•Childfree adults are genetically flawed

ABSOLUTELY TRUE! At least I am. I have an inherited personality disorder and had to have major surgery to correct a genetically deformed mouth. Also a bit color-blind (thanks, Grandaddy!). Does this Moo seriously want people with genetic disorders to breed?

•Childfree adults hate kids

Not true. I don't hate kids. I just hate what they do. I hate those high-pitched screachy voices. I hate the frenetic energy. I hate the noise. I hate the innane, neverending questions. If kids didn't come with those deficits, I wouldn't mind being in the same room with them.

•Childfree adults secretly feel distressed about not having children

Not true. No reason to feel distressed about that. If I want to have someone to yell at, increase my blood pressure, or blame for any problems in my life, I will turn on the evening news and within five minutes, some politician will have me swearing like a drunken soldier. I can always turn off the TV. I can't turn off a kid. Now, not being able to afford that awesome combat-grade replica Viking sword? That distresses me!

Let the moos bash away. I wouldn't trade my life for any child on earth.
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