mercurior 1
post 884 and 886
January 27, 2006
anti-social disorders in pre-teens and teens
i think this is what you meant guest 894

Half Of Pre-Teens With Behavior Problems Become Criminals
A Swedish research group claims that half of all children who seriously violate norms of behavior go on to become criminals.

The future is bleak for children whose behavior seriously goes against the norm at a tender age. Early and long-term interventions make all the difference. This is shown in a research survey presented by IMS, the Institute for Evidence-Based Social Work Practice at the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare together with the National Board of Institutional Care.

The behavior of such children is often more serious and aggressive than that of children who do not violate the norm until they are teenagers. Moreover, it more often continues into adulthood. Current research shows that as many as every other boy and one in five girls in this group will exhibit criminal behavior as a grown-up.

guest 896 not sure if this is the right article

Oh, No: It's a Girl!
Do daughters cause divorce?
By Steven E. Landsburg
Posted Thursday, Oct. 2, 2003, at 9:29 AM ET

If you want to stay married, three of the most ominous words you'll ever hear are "It's a girl." All over the world, boys hold marriages together, and girls break them up.

In the United States, the parents of a girl are nearly 5 percent more likely to divorce than the parents of a boy. The more daughters, the bigger the effect: The parents of three girls are almost 10 percent more likely to divorce than the parents of three boys. In Mexico and Colombia the gap is wider; in Kenya it's wider still. In Vietnam, it's huge: Parents of a girl are 25 percent more likely to divorce

it may be this one

Re: post 894 and 896
January 27, 2006
Oh I was just thinking about this last evening. I went to the mall with a friend of mine. Milled around, hung out, ate, got coffee. There were some high school aged girls walking around who looked like the Bride of Frankenstein. All sullen, depressed looking, dressed in their canned "notice me" ensembles, huddled together like ducks on a frozen pond. These girls looked like a bunch of ax murderers.
Re: post 894 and 896
January 27, 2006
Nice description, KFLL!

As far as girls "cause" divorce over boys...I don't know. I think something else is at work here, but it may be related to families having girls. Maybe the girl doesn't cause the break up of the marriage so much as the couple's perceptions of having a girl. Don't a lot of societies prefer baby boys over baby girls because of the misogyny that still exists today? Maybe the man and woman blame each other because they don't have a boy or as many boys as they would like and they divorce. (And I'm thinking they are generally not even conscious of this factor at work.) I remember I had a psychology professor who said that deep down most couples who want kids, (even the women) want a boy. (Or at least, if they want more than one kid, they want the boy first). I remember one of the students (who was a moo) took issue with it, saying most couples "don't care about the gender of the baby, as long as it's healthy." The professor said that's what they say, but that's not what they really want. Also, didn't the number of abortions of baby girls go up significantly in China when the government limited the number of children couples could have?
Re: post 894 and 896
January 27, 2006
My guess is that men are unhappy if they don't have a boy, and they are more prone to leaving if they tend to be that way anyway.
Hubby has two sisters, one older and younger, and his parents have been married for something like 45 years. So ultimately I think this is a bullshit study.
Re: post 894 and 896
January 27, 2006
I eagerly await my BF's 4th neice and the resultant pressure for him and I to go make a boy for the family on our visit after her birth. That probably won't be the best request to make of a girl who was raised in the lesiban Mecca of the Midwest. We also commune with satan here, according to Mr. O'Riley.

"What?! You want me to get knocked up in the off chance that maybe it'll a boy? What kind of a sick reason is that to have a kid?!! What if we find out it's another girl? Should I abort it and keep trying? Are you saying your 4 perfectly decent grandchildren aren't good enough because they're girls, eh? I'm sure they're going to be very happy to grow up knowing that. Now you're making me drink heavily, because I feel bad for the girls, and your request is almost inhuman. You know, that's how I deal with these things, so I'm sure I'll be a perfectly fit boy making machine."
I'm guessing I'd better bring my own car on that visit.
Re: post 894 and 896
January 27, 2006
Oh, Feh, I think you should bring your own car! I wouldn't want to walk into that situation!
About this study, I was thinking maybe the fact that slightly more girls are born than boys would skew the analysis making it bullshit.
The establishment just doesn't want to hear that the stress of having the sprogs leads to a lot of divorces, so again, blame the females!
CF Scorpio
Re: post 894 and 896
January 27, 2006
I've also read that girls handle divorce better than boys, so maybe parents are more reluctant to divorce when they have a son because they think the kid won't be able to handle it?
cloggers child
Re: post 894 and 896
January 29, 2006
I fear that people are now choosing which sex of child they have and also the ones that don't decide on the whole to know the sex before birth. This is think is very wrong, unless for serious medical reasons. Where is the way people used to have children because they wanted them, because they accepted them for what they where. By knowing in advance that the child is of the sex you didn't really want starts you off completely on the wrong footing with the child emotionally.

Alright you might have been a little disappointed when told it was the type you didn't want but then you loved it for what it was.

Now you you months to build up a resentment to the child. Not a good situation.

Girls do cause more problems than boys in relationships, they compete with their mothers for attention. You know the saying Daddy's little girl" its not without foundation.
Re: post 894 and 896
January 30, 2006
Fine, go for it--I think they SHOULD keep choosing boys over girls, just like in China. You know why? BECAUSE THAT WILL BE THE END OF THE HUMAN RACE! That's right, if we keep on fucking with Mother Nature that will be the end of it, and rightly so.
There's a whole generation of girls missing in China due to this. So they won't be able to make any babies--oh well!!
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