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2635 Boston's South End MOOOOOOOOOO

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
2635 Boston's South End MOOOOOOOOOO
March 17, 2008
Gads, what a pathetic, empty life.

Thankfully, when SO and I visit Boston, we stay on the North End.
Re: 2635 Boston's South End MOOOOOOOOOO
March 17, 2008
two faces puking

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: 2635 Boston's South End MOOOOOOOOOO
March 18, 2008
My browser froze two-thirds of the way through it, on the elevator scene.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: 2635 Boston's South End MOOOOOOOOOO
March 18, 2008
Don't worry, you didn't miss anything...just moos doing the most important job in the world of schlepping their children in incredibly expensive strollers from play dates to coffee houses to "toddler school"...

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
>>>>>Don't worry, you didn't miss anything...just moos doing the most important job in the world of schlepping their children in incredibly expensive strollers from play dates to coffee houses to "toddler school"...

I know, I always wonder when modern moos claim "busy-ness" because they make their schedules busy w/ endless bullshit. Every time I see a picture w/ small babies under that rainbow parachute thing, I think "don't these women have ANYTHING else to do? and if not, why not? and, Do they realize how stupid and insipid they look?" I mean really now. I can't imagine ANY moo does that w/ their 2nd babbye. And, you can tell these tend to be educated yup-moos, I can't believe the go from the boardroom to that rainbow parachute so smoothly, no one can be that lazy, enamored with their brat, or at a lack of something more stimulating to do with or without brat in tow.

I imagine while the small brat is growing up and their Wallets are at work, they could stimulate the brat at home in some other fun way, then put it in a playpen or on the floor and if they did't have housework for some odd reason, they could, oh, I don't know, maybe read a book! Call a friend, take a shower that they allegedly can't fit in, make a decent dinner for their Wallet, watch a documentary, write a letter to their congressman, clean a closet, feed the pigeons, anything but go to a group meeting under the rainbow parachute and then for coffee at Starbucks in their expensive trendy sweats having said stimulated brats make too much noise in a place that was at one time, a refuge for quiet serenity and recharge before they took over the neighborhood and replaced it w/ strollers, and gentification where evidentially only white moos count and control the neighborhood w/ their stupid moo agenda.angry smiley But I digress....

Ya know, I always felt CF, but even if I wasn't....HOW the HELL did this become the face of motherhood? And, I wonder what their Wallets think of it all and if anyone views these pics and really think this is "work".
These look like pictures featured on "Welcome-to-Hell" brochures.
No thank you!
You know the sproggins need to be in some sort of baby play-group or else they'll fall behind and won't get into an Ivy-league school! Horrors!:bawl

The hugh-jass strollers really set the tone for the whole piece, IMO. How did our parents ever manage with the dinky little strollers they had? And no trendy, fambly-friendly places to sip lattes or expensive baby boutiques. Damn, life must have sucked back in the day!eye rolling smiley
Re: 2635 Boston's South End MOOOOOOOOOO
March 18, 2008
Nour Wrote:
> These look like pictures featured on
> "Welcome-to-Hell" brochures.
> No thank you!

Seriously! They all look like brainwashed zombies. Or pod people. Conform or die!
Re: 2635 Boston's South End MOOOOOOOOOO
March 19, 2008
Reminds me of that Youtube video for the condom commercial where the brat is having the meltdown in the supermarket. "This could be you" if you do not use birth control.

You know, when I see pics like that it DOES seems like a whole different world and they truly seem like Stepford wives or podpeople, and they are clueless how silly they look.

When I see that my mouth does fall open, it is so unbelievable that this is someone's adult life and they feel good about it--all the while the rest of the world has to do the daily grind, incl. their Wallets. I bet it even looks foreign to our parents because that doesn't really seem like parenting. Our SAHMs *did* stuff like housework etc., and didn't just walk around town playing and relaxing w/ coffees. I know moos have grunt work that I would never go out of my way to do, but that is pretty mindless busy work, then they do this mindless crap. Like I said read a book and let the kid pay on the carpet at home, or in the yard. Then future moos see that and drool for it w/ warm fuzzy hearts...subconsciously knowing that it will get them out of a job that they actually have to perform and DO something and get judged and critiqued at review time.

After one of those parachute classes, don't they realize they can just mentally stimulate their brats at home? blahhhh! sleeping Yet, this is such a cultural phenomenon, there's a frickin' article about it. Geez.
Re: 2635 Boston's South End MOOOOOOOOOO
March 19, 2008
CF Uter Wrote:
> You know, when I see pics like that it DOES seems
> like a whole different world and they truly seem
> like Stepford wives or podpeople, and they are
> clueless how silly they look.
I think silly is too light of a word. They kind of look like the new face of fascism, only the brown shirts have been replaced by Talbots blouses and a huge-ass stroller is the new jack boots. Conform or die! Someone once said "I like kids...I DON'T like parents", and that sort of sums it up for me here.

> When I see that my mouth does fall open, it is so
> unbelievable that this is someone's adult life and
> they feel good about it--all the while the rest of
> the world has to do the daily grind, incl. their
> Wallets. I bet it even looks foreign to our
> parents because that doesn't really seem like
> parenting. Our SAHMs *did* stuff like housework
> etc., and didn't just walk around town playing and
> relaxing w/ coffees. I know moos have grunt work
> that I would never go out of my way to do, but
> that is pretty mindless busy work, then they do
> this mindless crap. Like I said read a book and
> let the kid pay on the carpet at home, or in the
> yard. Then future moos see that and drool for it
> w/ warm fuzzy hearts...subconsciously knowing that
> it will get them out of a job that they actually
> have to perform and DO something and get judged
> and critiqued at review time.

Not only do they do massive amounts of useless crap, they're the ones overscheduling themselves AND PAYING MONEY TO DO IT! It's not like they're just getting together at eachothers houses for free, they're paying the provider of the rainbow parachute. They're paying for the coffee, and they're paying for designer baby clothes AND ON TOP OF THAT they have the gall to claim they need their own social security benefits, mooohood pay and every entitlement package under the sun. OH...and the cherry on top, they're more than likely paying an undocumented immigrant a pittance to clean up their homes while they're out catting around town. Women who look like that do not DO (house)work.
> After one of those parachute classes, don't they
> realize they can just mentally stimulate their
> brats at home? blahhhh! sleeping Yet, this is such
> a cultural phenomenon, there's a frickin' article
> about it. Geez.
But you see...that would be work (which they don't do), AND FREE. Free stuff achieves nothing in the status department. And if you stick around the house, not only will you have to interact with the help, but you can not one-up the rest of the clique.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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