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2636 SAHMs and Social Security

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
2636 SAHMs and Social Security
March 18, 2008
This is a subject that chaps my ass to no end. Why do they think they should be entitled to SS for the years they are not working? What are they paying into SS that they should be getting back when they retire? It is my firm belief that what you pay in, you get back.

Heads up Moos: No, it's NOT unfair. You're not paying in for those years so no, you shouldn't be earning any SS credit. Pure and simple. Doing TMIJITW doesn't count. Get over it.

Those fuckers already get every perk, benefit, and tax break under the sun. How fucking greedy can you get?
I absolutely agree with you, KFLL. Hell, I've already accepted that I probably won't get a dime of SS when I retire (I'm 28). Why should these selfish assholes expect to collect for the years they aren't paying into the system? They're no better than the illegals who are already sucking the system dry.
Re: 2636 SAHMs and Social Security
March 18, 2008
So lemme get this straight...
I've been working, and paying - I mean having REMOVED WITHOUT MY CONSENT - about 10% of my income into social security with the (false) promise that I will be getting that back in my old age so I don't have to work...as much. And lets just say, barring any unforseen circumstances, I will be working for at least 55 years of my freaking life.

Then you've got a SAHM, who has been doing little or nothing to actually raise her children to be decent, productive human beings, thusly creating more of a drain on society as a whole. And who MIGHT (if she was unlucky) have spent 10 years of her life working in a job and paying into the system...yet people think she's entitled to benefits paid into by actual working people, many of whom have children of their own who they have managed to raise, and this helps to fix Social Security how?

What a steaming pile of fetid bullshit. Fuck. Them. All.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: 2636 SAHMs and Social Security
March 18, 2008
Oh comon, we need those kydz to pay for YOUR Soc Sec don'tcha know...

Sorry I've been drinking.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: 2636 SAHMs and Social Security
March 19, 2008
This article is complete crap. To collect social security you have to work 40 quarters (10 years) in order to be eligible. They then take your highest earnings during your working life and basis your monthly payment on that figure. Any idiot can work for 10 years after the kids are raised to qualify. If not, thats why married people get a higher payment than singles. Also you get half of the payment after your husband dies, they will not be denied SS if they had a working spouse.
Anonymous User
Re: 2636 SAHMs and Social Security
March 19, 2008
The whole SS issue is another one of those deals that proves the longer you let an issue go unchecked the more fucked up it gets. Now it's impossible to fix. I'm in my early 30's. I am pretty sure that I'm not going to be able to collect SS when it is "my time" to do so, and I've been paying into it since I was 18 years old. Now the gubmint will manage to give all that money away to someone else, so I'm screwed. Here's what I learned from the lesson, the system is broken so the last thing I'm going to do is have a kid so he or she can be screwed in the same way. What do the moos learn? "Hey, there's more free money out there somewhere, give me it. For the sake of the childruuun". Christ, almighty.
Anonymous User
Re: 2636 SAHMs and Social Security
March 19, 2008
Given the moral state of the children we will be lucky if we do not have some variation of the scenario in 'Logans Run'.
Maybe we won't be exterminating people at age 30, but I can jolly well see this batch of sprogs having no problem with executing anyone age 70 or over.
Re: 2636 SAHMs and Social Security
March 19, 2008
Logan's Run was a great flick. Farrah Fawcett was really something.
Anonymous User
Re: 2636 SAHMs and Social Security
March 19, 2008
Keep in mind that SS is not an insurance program; it is a welfare check and intergenerational Ponzi scheme.

I never expect to get a dime back, either. I just wish I could opt out and forgo "contributing" another cent to this coercive wealth transfer boondoggle.
Re: 2636 SAHMs and Social Security
March 21, 2008
eric Wrote:
> Keep in mind that SS is not an insurance program;
> it is a welfare check and intergenerational Ponzi
> scheme.
> I never expect to get a dime back, either. I just
> wish I could opt out and forgo "contributing"
> another cent to this coercive wealth transfer
> boondoggle.

I too wish there was a way I could opt-out. But it is not currently legal. In case of self-employment, the self-employee has to pay double of what a worker would. It is because the employer is required to pay into Social Security as well through payroll taxes.
Re: 2636 SAHMs and Social Security
March 28, 2008
This is one tax that has no income limit either.

No one who has not paid into the system should be allowed to receive any funds from it. That includes SAHM's, illegals and people who have never held a job and contributed.
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