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Lovely Article On Phoena's Site

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
Lovely Article On Phoena's Site
March 28, 2008
Phoena's site is up, so it seems. I found this article link by searching for the Dear Abby article. Most of her links still work.

This has always been my favorite article.

Read it and feel smug. It's Friday!

Anonymous User
Re: Lovely Article
March 28, 2008
I don't understand... What do people expect? Do people actually not think about the fact that the sweet little baby they dream of having is going to grow up? Do they not realize that children aren't house-plants -- that they have to eat, wear clothes and will have expenses?

I thought about those things at a very early age (even though, at the time, I still thought I'd *HAVE* to have kids), I learned the realities of parenting just by seeing parents -- how is that these grown people who are actually choosing to have kids act like they're so surprised when the realities hit them in the face?

Do people REALLY buy into that Kodak Moment BS? How is that possible? How can people be so blind to what life with kids is really like, when examples are all around them?
Re: Lovely Article On Phoena's Site
March 28, 2008
I totally agree Stephanie. Parents and breeders really baffle me when they express complete amazement that "raising kids is HARD". I always want to ask:
"Had you never spoken to other parents about this, even the ones who raised you?"
"Had you never seen a parent trying to deal with their child?"
"How could you have never thought that raising a human would cost money and time?"
"Have you never dealt with a child before?"
If there were a test folks had to take to have children, these would certainly be on it. If a person says no to any one of them, they should not be having children.

I don't have a dog because I know it's hard work to raise one, and I know I don't have the time or money for it. In spite of the fact that I'd really REALLY like one. I certainly would expect that a decent person would try to at least have some small idea what it might be like before they make a human.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: Lovely Article On Phoena's Site
March 28, 2008
I really think people are totally blind. Another possibility is that they conveniently 'misinterpret' or excuse incidents that they see by rationalizing them. An out of control brat most likely is because of incompetent parents. An out of control brat may also be nuckin' futz. Those of us look at this and think 'do I REALLY want to contend with this..
One of the worst incidents I EVER saw was a harried moo in a small convenience store with two toadlers. I have never seen such whiney, shitty brats before or since. personally, since she could only deal with one at a time, I have no idea how it could have been achieved. One child would take a bag of potato chips, candy, it didn't matter. The moo would try and take the bag away and the loaf would be holding on to it with all its strength, screaming the entire time. Once moo got the item away, the shrieking would increase in volume. As moo turned to deal with the other loaf (who did THE SAME DAMN EXACT THING) the original loaf would grab something else while moo went through the same exact routine with the other loaf. Back and forth it went. After the third go round with the little shits, I got tired of watching and left. Moo was close to tears. I would have asked the owner to be patient. Take one little shit out and put in car. Then take whatever item the other little shit would no doubt have swiped, return it to the shop owner, drive home, and belt the living daylights out of both little shits.
Then, take a chance, and leave the f****rs in the car. Back then, that wasn't such an issue.
However, the point was, I observed this and thought 'do I want this in my life'. Other people would rationalize, excuse, and fantasize 'well, MY baby will be different... '
Re: Lovely Article On Phoena's Site
March 29, 2008
Ha! This article is so dated. Hilarious, but dated. Were there really smoking lounges for students in high schools back in the 70's? And the part about the communes and their "kooky, far-out religions" - too funny!

I grew up in the 80's, and this article made me think of one thing that used to make me think "Why the hell do people want kids??" I used to watch the Cosby Show, and Bill Cosby had some line about how parents got their revenge on their kids when their kids had kids, or something like that. I used to think, if having kids sucks so bad, why do people do it and encourage other to do it too? He sure made breeding look like a barrel of sunshine.
Anonymous User
Re: Lovely Article On Phoena's Site
March 29, 2008
As I've written and said in the past, many breeders want BAYBEES, and are not prepared to help guide a baybee into childhood, teenager and adulthood. Many folks who want a brat see movies and commercials and think that is what parunthood is going to be - all Johnson and Johnson baby bath, baby wipes and Pull-Ups commercials. WRONG! WRONG! LOL They just don't know! LOL
I liked the part about the $61.00 grocery bill proving that grocery prices are 'out of sight'. It's bad now-and between the use of corn for ethanol AND the fuel costs making it more expensive to truck products , it's going to get a lot worse.
Re: Lovely Article On Phoena's Site
March 30, 2008
Ketchup Wrote:
> Ha! This article is so dated. Hilarious, but
> dated. Were there really smoking lounges for
> students in high schools back in the 70's? And the
> part about the communes and their "kooky, far-out
> religions" - too funny!

I started high school in 1978. There were smoking :smoke areas outside for the students to cut down on doing so in the bathrooms. That got outlawed by the time I was in Grade 11 due to moos screaming how the chilluns should not smoke. As if being banned from school smoking stopped us...
Re: Lovely Article On Phoena's Site
March 30, 2008
VLM Wrote:
> As I've written and said in the past, many
> breeders want BAYBEES, and are not prepared to
> help guide a baybee into childhood, teenager and
> adulthood. Many folks who want a brat see movies
> and commercials and think that is what parunthood
> is going to be - all Johnson and Johnson baby
> bath, baby wipes and Pull-Ups commercials. WRONG!
> WRONG! LOL They just don't know! LOL

Exactly! Parents are often angry when that BABY grows into a mean-mouthed toddler and then into a hellion of a teenager. I do not know why ANYONE would think the infant years would be so wonderful. The commercials for newborn care is nothing but a fantasy. No one talks how nasty it is to change shit cloths and to deal with a throwing-up child all night long. Parenthood is not a Kodak Moment. One woman did admit to me how she would not have had her son even though she has a nice husband and the boy is good. An ex-friend admitted to how she resented her little mistake she birthed at 17 when the kid was still a baby...but saw the light how it was not the little baybee's fault. I am sure she still feels that way but knows she cannot voice it due to disapproval from those who want to keep the propaganda going...
Re: Lovely Article On Phoena's Site
March 30, 2008
dayla Wrote:
> I liked the part about the $61.00 grocery bill
> proving that grocery prices are 'out of sight'.
> It's bad now-and between the use of corn for
> ethanol AND the fuel costs making it more
> expensive to truck products , it's going to get a
> lot worse.

Shit...it is already getting worse. Anyone bringing a child into this world is a fucking sadist. Why would someone want to subject another human being to what we deal with: jobs being outsourced & being forced to take work with lower pay, no other careers coming around to help people make $$$ even if the workers have gone to college price gouging, more crime, etc???
I agree with amethusos. How can anyone blithely bring another being into this increasingly fucked-up world with a clear conscience? It's so damned selfish!
Anonymous User
Re: Lovely Article On Phoena's Site
March 30, 2008
Because their child might be the one to stop all crime, rid everyone of poverty, end world hunger, discover a 100% clean & renewable energy source and cure all diseases!
Anonymous User
Re: Lovely Article On Phoena's Site
March 30, 2008
amethusos* Wrote:
> dayla Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I liked the part about the $61.00 grocery bill
> > proving that grocery prices are 'out of sight'.
> > It's bad now-and between the use of corn for
> > ethanol AND the fuel costs making it more
> > expensive to truck products , it's going to get
> a
> > lot worse.

> Shit...it is already getting worse. Anyone
> bringing a child into this world is a fucking
> sadist. Why would someone want to subject another
> human being to what we deal with: jobs being
> outsourced & being forced to take work with lower
> pay, no other careers coming around to help people
> make $$$ even if the workers have gone to college
> price gouging, more crime, etc???

OK? This article is from the 70s. Things are horrific. I agree that anyone choosing gto hvae a child in this day and age are gluttons for punishment. And the child who didn't ask to be here could grow to become extremely hateful, resentful and/or rebellious towards his or her parents when they see the world sucks.
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