2668 Gluten Free Mooooooooooooo
April 10, 2008
Nauseating, at best. Miss Gluten Free Moo would probably be eating Stouffer's mac n cheese if it weren't to her being married to a chef. What a snot ass.

Just another person with a once-interesting life who's brain has turned into a placenta.

"........I started making my own butter with my KitchenAid several months ago, and I LOVE it. I wish I had a source for fresh milk/cream (alas, all our local dairies are on the other side of the city, hours from where I live), but even with storebought pasteurized cream it is so much better than "store butter."

After reading the snotty prelude to this comment just above, I have a suggestion where she can get all the dairy she wants, but I think it would be just a little off color if I were to post it.
Re: 2668 Gluten Free Mooooooooooooo
April 10, 2008
I agree with Guest. It is well within reason for a reader to request that this woman maintain the focus of her blog (food). This is a woman who has her own book, so she obviously has a career. She also, apparently, has a lot of people that read her blog and like her recipes. It's in her own best interest not to lose her readers by prattling on about the "Little Bean."

If she values her career and her professional image at all she'll stop with all the baby babble right quick.
Re: 2668 Gluten Free Mooooooooooooo
April 10, 2008
I just looked up her blog and browsed around on the front page, and wow. I was getting annoyed just skimming her most recent prose...not every goddamn thing has to be a "spiritual" (read: pretentious and over-important) experience. Did she always write like that, even before catching pregnant? I happen to be married to a chef as well, and I like to think that neither of us is that snotty about food, or anything for that matter. And her constant references to her "little bean"? They made me want to vomit.
I can't wait for All Natural Breast Milk Butter! You know it's coming.
I hear you cfhistorian. Her pretentiousness comes through in her writing. I guess a lot of people dig her blog, but she's just so snotty. And yeah, garbanzo beans are delicious, but not something to get mystical about. Yeesh.
When someone here originally posted about this chick getting pregnant, I checked out the blog and noticed a recipe for beans that included adding THREE CUPS of olive oil, folks. HORK.
Re: 2668 Gluten Free Mooooooooooooo
April 10, 2008
I read the "Surrender" post. Reading it made me realize that being pregnant would really suck.

I know that wasn't her intent. She wants to convey that it's a mystical experience, but I just had visions of a big, slow-moving, lumbering Moo. And the whole "life is slowing down" thing? I'm not saying I don't like to rest or nap. But the thought of having a parasite growing inside me, sapping my energy and turning me into some placid, bovine being makes me feel claustrophobic. It would annoy me mightily.

I think I'll go kiss my tubal ligation scar now.

And yes, she sounds really pretentious. Did anyone see her response to the comment, emphasis mine?

"I have a feeling I won't be writing about our child all the time, BECAUSE WE WANT TO PROTECT LITTLE BEAN'S PRIVACY."

Is she for real? This chick runs a rinky dink food blog, right? Does she think she's Jennifer Lopez or something?

She makes it sound as if she believes the papparazzi plans to chase down her loaf after it's born in an attempt to snap its picture.

Sounds like someone needs to get over herself.
Re: 2668 Gluten Free Mooooooooooooo
April 11, 2008
MoJo Wrote:
> I can't wait for All Natural Breast Milk Butter!
> You know it's coming.

And how about breast milk cheese, breast milk cream sauce, breast milk shakes, breast milk ice cream, and breast milk soup?

Yum, yum!XD
Re: 2668 Gluten Free Mooooooooooooo
April 11, 2008
Well, perhaps with all her money, fame and new-found mystical mother enlightenment she has gained through her own brilliancy, perhaps she'll use that fame and money to help welfare leaches by donating some of her Ben Franklins to them.

She is quite full of herself isn't she?
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