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926 Entitlemoo Shopping Experience

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
926 Entitlemoo Shopping Experience
February 02, 2006
Precisely WHY I do not own any type of retail or service business. I'd get one of these sows in my establishment, tossing around their entitlement attitudes, and I'd send them on their merry way with a message to go get fucked and not come back here again. I have no patience for shit like that. Moos like this one should stay home in her pink stretch pants and curlers, shop via the TV or internet, while eating Ho-Ho's and Spaghetti-O's, where they can be surrounded by their screeching brats and not have to leave the safety of their little coccoon, because they clearly do not know how to behave once in public.
Re: 926 Entitlemoo Shopping Experience
February 04, 2006
What's real fun is dealing with dumb moos who bring in their young (i.e. preschool/kindergarden) sporgs into a ladies clothing shop at 8PM and wonder why they act up. And when they ask to be on our mailing list and I type in a town I know is at least an hour away, I want to scream "Why the fuck did you take your screaming snot machine out this late at night? Be a parent and leave his/her ass with daddee!" Heaven forbid they don't have a little fuck-throphy with them in tow so they can show that they are doing TMIJITW!
Is it just me, or is every moo single now days? At the shopping meccas, I always see gaggles of mooms with herds of loaves and not a dad in sight. In fact, just about everywhere I go is overrun with unaccompanied mooms and loaves. Not like I think every moom should be attached to a duhd, but surely once in a while duhd would join the family out in public, right? I mean, my parents very often went out together with me in tow, and they weren't even really that into eachother.
Re: 926 Entitlemoo Shopping Experience
February 07, 2006
The reason I suspect that the duds aren't with the moos out shopping is because the duhs actually work while the moo is being a "SAHM" even though she's never at home.
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