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Bono (#923)

Posted by Nour 
Bono (#923)
February 02, 2006
This guy pisses me off, too. Along with others of his ilk--Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. I would support giving them money FOR CONDOMS AND CONTRACEPTIVES AND TO EDUCATE THEM HOW TO USE THEM.

Meanwhile, Bono and his band members live it up in the South of France and fly to concerts in their private jet.
Re: Bono (#923)
February 03, 2006
And to be honest, when I saw that picture of Pres Bush and Bono on that website, the Pres' face said it all. I don't really think he takes a whole lot of stock in what asshole Bono has to say. Who the fuck is he, anyway? And Brad Armpitt and his psycho? Nothing but a pair of useless, bleeding hearts who do that shit to appeal to the American public. Unfortunately, most Americans are too stupid to realize this and they buy right into it.
Re: Bono (#923)
February 03, 2006
These "humanitarian" celebs drive me nuts. Even if they're sincere, they're still raking in a bundle, off of the publicity for their causes. Bono's super-rich, and I think it takes a lot of nerve for him to be telling the working class that they aren't giving enough. Asshole.
mercurior 1
Re: Bono (#923)
February 03, 2006
sting and his friends with the rainforest, if they all put some of their own money in , they could buy the freeking rainforest.

bono and geldof are all selfish mccartney more so, the mccartney school of music he put 1 million the government £50 million. but its his name.

they could easily double or triple our donations and still have plenty left.. talk bout hypocrits.
Re: Bono (#923)
February 03, 2006
Armpitt is sickening. He'd still be with that other one if she would breed. He doesn't care who, as long they'll take the big shit for him.
Re: Bono (#923)
February 03, 2006
That sickens me, Denise. You said it well, though.

Re: Bono (#923)
February 06, 2006
You are so right about this arrogant bastard. He and his wife have bred FOUR of their own brats. Number of poverty stricken children adopted? ZERO of course.
Re: Bono (#923)
February 06, 2006
Goddamnit!! I spent HOURS in college writing letters for Amnesty International, attending meetings, VOTING, all for him. And now that asshole goes and meets with our Ape-In-Cheif, EATS with him and DOESN'T punch is smirking face? Not once?!! He doesn't even take his ONE BIG CHANCE to bite the head that sack of shit wrapped in skin that sits in OUR White House and shit down it's neck?!!!! God damn you Bono, god damn your mullet, god damn my gullible hormones and god damn your causes. You are dead to me now.

I will imprision the very last person on earth in my own basement.
Re: Bono (#923)
February 06, 2006
I would respect preachy celebrities like Bono only if they made huge contributions of birth control. I don't give to any of those causes willingly because all they do is breed, breed, breed!

Sir Paul also has at least four sperm sculptures. He could easily give £50 million to a birth control fund, too.
mercurior 1
Re: Bono (#923)
February 07, 2006
ah but they cant do that they need to spread their genius(debatable) genes. the rich get richer and the poorer give more, who has the most awareness. the rich in their ivory towers if anyone has seen these celebrity reality tv shows knows they have no idea of the realities of life. it makes me want to go and grab them and show them real life.
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