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It's That Time Again For Your Assraping, Childfree Folks: Breeders Not Getting Enough Food Stamps

Posted by nowhiggers 

Well folks, looks like the breeders are suffering from high food prices, so it's time to take some off of your plate and give it to them, at gunpoint (IRS) of course.

Breeders with charcoal for their grill in their grocery basket can't afford the terrible prices of food now, to put on the grill, you know, steaks, chicken, ribs....

Now I am fat, not as fat as the breeder in this picture, but fat nonetheless. But hey, at least I pay for my own fat, huh! That moo looks like she could stand to lose a few months of food stamps and slim down a bit.

Anyone here who is still giving voluntarily to people charities needs to get a lobotomy.
I am so fucken sick of people who wont take responsabiltiy for thier own choices, breeders are to stupid to realize that having kids is a choice, a bad one, they shouldnt be rewarded for thier bad choices. why the fuck does this cunt need charcoal? they need to be more strick on what is allowed on welfare, most of idiot breeders spend thier own money on cigs and beer, and use food stamps for food, fuck them!!!

and you know this whore isnt done breeding. and you know this whore is a "single mawm. Single mawms love to cry "im a sinlge mawm" like we should feel sorry for them, HEY ASSHOLE BREEDER you chose to fuck the deadbeat and you chose to crap out a welfare baby, BED MADE LIE
Holy hell, she gets $281/month in food stamps and can't get by??? How many mouths to feed are we talking about, an entire football team? She even says that it runs out by mid-month. Who needs over five hundred dollars a month for food?
She probably buys all processed crap where you pay for the packaging. And I didn't know Kingsford Charcoal could be used as breakfast cereal!

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

I don't feel bad for the breeders, who are the ones making the bad choices, but I do feel sorry for their offspring. It's not the kids' fault that their parents are losers. (Although, unfortunately, a lot of the kids will grow up to be dumb breeders, cuz that's the only life they know. What a pathetic cycle...)

There are no easy solutions, because it doesn't seem right not to help out the kids who got stuck in bad situations. Too bad there's no way to help the kids but NOT their breeder parents!
poofy_puff Wrote:
And I didn't know Kingsford Charcoal could be used as breakfast cereal!

Kingsford Charcoal is used to cook filet mignon, a staple of the welfare diet. I see that moomie is at One Stop Food & Liquors, a great place to get another important part of the welfare diet: booze. Filet mignons, 40-ounce alcoholic beverages and the fuck of the moment makes for a great way for welfare hos to spend the cash we work for. angry smiley

If you have a shit machine under five years old (as Lynda Wheeler does), you can also get WIC; it is a big food handout program. http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/

I knew someone who got WIC at one time and she gave me all the milk, cereal, juice and peanut butter she didn't use.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Where I live, a wold told by one of the state workers that they could no longer use paper printed food coupons because recipients were selling them! They would exchange them for actual currency! Do do what, I ask, buy useless crap?

I was told that they now have a credit card like system that has so many points on it. That way, it's harder to sell.

I will vote Libertarian this time again. I have voted for a third party last 3 times as well. I am unable to cast a vote for any of the two parties that we currently have in USA. I am tired of seeing our tax dollars being spent without our input. We do not need welfare. We do not need food stamps. Our ancestors had harder times than any of today's welfare recipients ever imagined. They have never received any assistance from the government. They made it. I do not buy the idea that in today's society people would not make it without welfare. (Very sick and elders are exception, but we all understand that)
catmeow wrote--Kingsford Charcoal is used to cook filet mignon, a staple of the welfare diet. I see that moomie is at One Stop Food & Liquors, a great place to get another important part of the welfare diet: booze. Filet mignons, 40-ounce alcoholic beverages and the fuck of the moment makes for a great way for welfare hos to spend the cash we work for.

If you have a shit machine under five years old (as Lynda Wheeler does), you can also get WIC; it is a big food handout program. [www.fns.usda.gov]----------------------

Oh yes, and this is why I have always believed that if these irresponsible sows are going to get welfare, they shouldn't be allowed to spend any taxpayer money at regular commercial establishments, the government should set up centrally located "welfare stores" what would carry the basics as provided by the government, like what our soldiers get to eat over in Iraq, that kind of thing. (And I highly doubt the soldiers get to have Kingsford Charcoal and a BBQ in the mess hall) And that's the ONLY place a welfare recipient should be getting their food. In addition, the meals should be planned by the government and the exact amount of food needed to prepare those meals for moo and xnumber of brats carefully doled out and nothing more.

Food stamps are another way that government artificially benefits corporations (what's new? eh?). If that moo in the picture had to pay for all of her own food without the help of food stamps, her cart would be full of bulk beans/rice hamburger, fruit, etc, but with the assistance of the government paying for all the fancy cuts of meat, she can afford to throw some of her own dollars at the grill w/Kingsford charcoal (no generic charcoal of course!). See how that works?

Anyone who says America is a free market nation needs a lobotomy, too.
guest Wrote:
> I don't feel bad for the breeders, who are the
> ones making the bad choices, but I do feel sorry
> for their offspring. It's not the kids' fault that
> their parents are losers. (Although,
> unfortunately, a lot of the kids will grow up to
> be dumb breeders, cuz that's the only life they
> know. What a pathetic cycle...)
> There are no easy solutions, because it doesn't
> seem right not to help out the kids who got stuck
> in bad situations. Too bad there's no way to help
> the kids but NOT their breeder parents!

That's correct, when welfare is doled out it is under the guise of "helping the child" "we can't let the child go hungry" -- yet in many of these chronic welfare households exactly that very thing happens.. the children are undernourished which of course raises the costs in medicaid. The current system is a no win situation.

The nanny state is an absentee nanny state. In order for a nanny state to work efficiently and for everyone being nannied to get proper nutrition the government would have to supervise the purchases and plan the meals. These sows cannot plan meals nor do they have any clue what nutrition is. They do this for the soldiers in Iraq. Every meal is a planned meal with the basics as provided by the government.

Last time I was at the supermarket there was a welfare moo in line in front of me, her cart was bursting at the seems with chips, shrek cereal, candy, frozen dinners and such. Now, it is my understanding that welfare also allows you to use the food stamps to buy seeds and other things related to growing your own vegetables, I have never in my life, in all my years, seen a person paying with food stamps that had any kind of seed or other vegetable growing accessories in their grocery carts. Why is this? Most of these goddamned sows live in fucking HOUSES paid for with section 8, and they got some dirt out back to grow vegetables!!

But why is it I've never seen a welfare ho growing her own food? And for urban welfare hoes, apartments do have patios and deck areas, you can't put out some pots and grow some tomatoes and squash in the summer? Oh I guess its too harrrrrrrdddddddddddddd.
In 1990 when I worked as a bagger for Safeway in Marin County, these young hippies would come from Stinson Beach with their food stamps. These fuckers would buy FUCKING LIVE MAIN LOBSTER!!!! Can you all FUCKING believe that??? angry smiley Even this one clerk I hated could agree with me how this was appalling of how we worked our asses off while these shitwads bought expensive lobster funded by the taxpayers. I wanted to this hitting over the head with a hammer to those that fucking CUNT and that piece of SHIT who was with her.
amethusos* Wrote:
> In 1990 when I worked as a bagger for Safeway in
> Marin County, these young hippies would come from
> Stinson Beach with their food stamps. These
> fuckers would buy FUCKING LIVE MAIN LOBSTER!!!!
> Can you all FUCKING believe that??? angry smiley Even this
> one clerk I hated could agree with me how this was
> appalling of how we worked our asses off while
> these shitwads bought expensive lobster funded by
> the taxpayers. I wanted to this hitting over the head with a hammer to those
> that fucking CUNT and that piece of SHIT who was
> with her.

Oh Ame, that reminds me of sometime back when I was reading those "hip mama" "attachement parenting" websites. The whores were always yammering about "not being able to buy soy milk and tofu for bratley who can't drink regular milk on their WIC cards."

First of all, packaged tofu and soymilk is WAY more expensive than the government approved milks and cheeses on the WIC program. Second, if the whores *really* needed soymilk and tofu for indigobratley, they could go and purchase bulk dried soybeans, sprout them up and use a blender to make the soymilk FRESH, and also to make tofu, FRESH. Talk about delicious, nutritious and CHEAP, there is nothing in this world like fresh soymilk and tofu that you make yourself. I'm not on welfare and I buy the beans bulk and do this myself at home!!! Why can't they!!!

But you know, this all requires *WORK* in the kitchen, something the whores have little understanding of. No, what they want is to open a package and not have to contribute any labor to their food needs.

Hip Welfare Moos and Urban Welfare Moos are all cut from the same cloth. If it's not Lobster, then it's steaks from the Stop and Shop. You can't win with an absentee nanny state. These whores need to be nannied on what to do and what to prepare and how to live from start to finish, otherwise the welfare money is just a black hole.
She can feed her brood well on 280 a month. Seriously, it can be done. NO pop, drink tap water. Buy frozen vegies instead of chips and snacks. Learn how to make your own bread. I am tired of seeing welfare reciepietns live better than me, have more toys, (electronics), cable TV ect. and whine that well they DESERVE to have treats tooooo. Whine Whine Whine. Crap I don't even have cable TV if whe can't afford groceries ditch the damn cell phone, calbe tv and those NOT NECESSARY perks and feed the kids!!!! Geez that is unbridled entitlement. Charcoal???? I don't grill cause its not in my budget, but my tax dollars will go to her so she can have a perk and then whine that her food stamps aren't enough?? MSBN is doing a diservice by giving this crap credibility. Do an article on how people need to take responsisbility to live within their means rather than give them whining room!!! No sympathy for the noo in the article at all.

PS I'm having trouble with posting here...
I don't grill because I hate the smell. Another thing is the expense of getting the charcoal, gas for a grill, and all of the things that go with barbeque. I have a cell but would not have Direct TV or 'Net access if I lived alone. The library has all the free computer use I need and the chairs are rarely full, which means extended time when there is no wait time.
Honestly, I only see upper middle class people planting their own gardens. I never see the poor doing this. Most of the breeders I see shopping in Wal Mart are buying tons of junk food - especially potato chips, snack crackers, ice cream, packaged processed cookies, hot dogs, spam, cheez whiz etc. You never see a single fruit or vegetable in their shopping cart.

But honestly, I hate shopping at Wal Mart because every time I go there 1) they don't have a good selection of produce, they cater primarily to junk food junkies and 2) its pandemonium with lots of screaming, crying children running all over the place. You see a lot less of this when you shop at nicer grocery stores - sorry but its just the truth.
Why is she shopping at a convenience store? They are notorious for having overpriced groceries because of the convenience. Doesn't Chicago have Aldis? Stupid people, stupid choices, but all want to pick my wallet. As for food shelves, I remember a while back, a (probably SAHM) self appointed spokespearson for the food shelves from a wealthy suburb, chided people who donated stuff like generic labels and pasta and sauce to the food shelves because the people who frequent the food shelves deserved the name brands and shouldn't have to eat pasta. What the ****? No donations from me after that.

K-man are you from the nanny, butler state?
Geanie Wrote:
> Why is she shopping at a convenience store? They
> are notorious for having overpriced groceries
> because of the convenience. Doesn't Chicago have
> Aldis? Stupid people, stupid choices, but all
> want to pick my wallet. As for food shelves, I
> remember a while back, a (probably SAHM) self
> appointed spokespearson for the food shelves from
> a wealthy suburb, chided people who donated stuff
> like generic labels and pasta and sauce to the
> food shelves because the people who frequent the
> food shelves deserved the name brands and
> shouldn't have to eat pasta. What the ****? No
> donations from me after that.
> K-man are you from the nanny, butler state?

Often in urban areas there are very few food shopping choices, except for "convenience." Large supermarkets can't stay in business due to the theft, margins on groceries in the grocery business are razor thin. I attribute this directly to the way the welfare system is set up as an absentee nanny system since disproportionate numbers of people in poor urban areas are on welfare. Call that "racist" or whatever you want, the bottom line is that the less educated people are, the more children they tend to have, which isn't a skin color issue at all, it's a cultural issue. They grow up believing that they are owed a hand out, and a hand out without supervision. And that's what they get, an absentee nanny what that gives them everything they want.

Many urban areas now have places they call "community gardens" and such, but this kind of activity requires brain power and willingness to donate labor in return for food. Bottom line here is like the white middle class "hip moo" who whines for her packaged soy milk and tofu on
the WIC program, the urban moo of color gots to have her convenience meals and meat for the grill on her food stamps. I have lived in urban areas and I can tell you, the people that work the community gardens are 99% NOT welfare recipients!!! They are urban people who work a job and come home and go out to the garden and put in a couple of hours after work!!! They are also people who don't have a gaggle of brats they cannot afford to take care of. So you tell me... what is wrong with this picture?
Geanie, you asked if I was from the nanny, butler state. I assume you mean Minnesota, which I mentioned in my post above. Thank heaven, no. That state's attempt to limit the foods that food stamp recipients could buy was mentioned in one of the daily papers I get where I live, which is some distance southeast and close to the East Coast.
Geanie Wrote:
As for food shelves, I
> remember a while back, a (probably SAHM) self
> appointed spokespearson for the food shelves from
> a wealthy suburb, chided people who donated stuff
> like generic labels and pasta and sauce to the
> food shelves because the people who frequent the
> food shelves deserved the name brands and
> shouldn't have to eat pasta. What the ****? No
> donations from me after that.

Because the rich love them the poor breeders and hate the middle class working people who open their wallets to purchase items for the poor breeders.

My partners liberal family is just like this, wealthy and have that stupid smile on their faces whenever the illegal aliens are running around with 10 brats loading a new plasma tv in their cars, oh but GOD FORBID that we should have anything new or anything we want, the snarl they get on their faces because we don't shop at the Goodwill and give the rest of our money away as a donation to the breeders, or "donate" our time to Habitat for Moomanity is etched in my mind everytime I have to deal with them. Their eyes start crossing when they come to our home and see an new computer or something else "we shouldn't have because of all the poor people in the world."

I remember one time being told by one of them when we were going through hard times, "well you are 40 years old, what do you need anyhow?" Jesus H. Christ, I have had enough interactions with the rich over the years, inlcuding that horrible incident over 20 years ago when my restaurant colleague was put in the public hospital and died from a botched surgery while his rich family gave a million dollars to some glorified asinine babysitting program for welfare whores to know that an awful lot many of the rich actually are, and how the welfare system that is in place actually props up their lifestyles.

I hope someday I will be rich, that is my dream, to be rich and help the animals and childfree. You guys here at bratfree will be the first on my list for charity if you want something. :-D
Nowhiggers, I hate limousine liberals like your partner's family and it is messed up how you must deal with them. The rich fucking LOVE illegals so they can pay Yessica $3/hourly to watch their babies who are pushed in expensive prams and dressed in designer Baybee Wear as well as pay so little for housework. Horrors at the thought of the upper-crust wifelet to clean the house! Notice how the rich libs will not even think of having these fuckers live in THEIR neighbourhoods.

I may seem harsh to many but that is why I really do not like the rich. Dating a millionaire for a very short time confirmed all of my stereotypes. Do you know the guy actually said, "Some of my best friends are those who make less than $30,000 a year," when I talked to him re: my not being comfortable with the socio-economic differences between us. Gag me! I tried to remain friends after making amends after an argument but he still wanted to slum it by fucking wage-slave pussy while hiding that from the friends who make MORE than 30K. I was not buying into that one again!

That is bull-fucking-shit when the wealthy like Madona, A. Jolie, and the likes scream how we "have so much while there are poor people in the world". Fuck angry flipping off them! If I want to buy a new outfit, I will. Let the rich put their $$$ where their mouths are other than buying third world infants to act as if they are so socially conscious. Please...I've worked my ass off all of my life and I am not about to just hand over what little bit I have managed to save.

Casseyrod, I hear you re: Wal-Mart. I try only to go during the week when it is not so busy. Weekends are hell at Wally World. You said it: screaming & out-of-control children and nasty breeders. One Saturday, one little brat was lying down in the fucking aisle screaming and he was about 8! Yes, the Publix is a hell of a lot nicer. I also hate Habitat for Moomanity. Back in 1996, I was actually asked to give up a Saturday off of work to swing a hammer for HoM. Don't even get me started as I want to eat dinner. No...I did not go!
Geanie, thanks for reminding me about Aldi. I have fond memories of that place, because when I was a poor student living in a dumpy Midwestern city, they had awesome food (imported pizzas, wine, candy, other goodies) that even I could afford from time to time. I found it hilarious because on the one hand they had all of this fine imported stuff, but on the other they were like a supermarket for poor white trash on food stamps. More times than I could count, I'd find myself standing in line with my $5 purchase of pizza and wine, while some welfare mawm would have two entire shopping carts full of CRAP that food stamps were paying for.

As I've mentioned before, I am a dietitian and I often work with families. You wouldn't believe how many parents think that Gatorade and Sunny Delight are juice!!
Ketchup Wrote:
> As I've mentioned before, I am a dietitian and I
> often work with families. You wouldn't believe how
> many parents think that Gatorade and Sunny Delight
> are juice!!

Do they also think Plutonium is a vitamin??? :spin
Well, I like to do volunteer work, but there is no freaking way I am working for Habitat for Humanity ! For one thing, I have a bad back and am not going to be lifting or moving stuff, or swinging a hammer around - they can just forget about it. The Habitat for Humanity (Moomanity) people are very good at guilting people into doing volunteer work for them.

At my friends' former employer, they required all employees to do certain number of hours of volunteer work, it was during company time of course, and they were paid for those days they did volunteer work. She got suckered into doing the Habitat for Moomanity stuff too and was not happy about it.

And I am quite sure Moomanity does not provide housing to indigent senior citizens or childless individuals - I'd bet my bottom dollar on that.
Oh - and I actually wrote to a charity one time called Dress for Success to ask them if they only provide clothing to moos, and will their organization help women who don't have kids?

The reason I asked is because I have some business clothing I would like to donate - but will NOT donate it to an organization that only provides for moos and no one else.

The people at Dress for Success wrote back and assured me they do provide the clothing to any woman who is in financial need. However, I wonder if they are telling the truth about this?

I will give them the benefit of the doubt, but I've heard sooooo many stories about needy, CF women who tried to get stuff from charities and were rudely turned down.
casseyrod Wrote:
> Oh - and I actually wrote to a charity one time
> called Dress for Success to ask them if they only
> provide clothing to moos, and will their
> organization help women who don't have kids?
> The reason I asked is because I have some business
> clothing I would like to donate - but will NOT
> donate it to an organization that only provides
> for moos and no one else.
> The people at Dress for Success wrote back and
> assured me they do provide the clothing to any
> woman who is in financial need. However, I wonder
> if they are telling the truth about this?
> I will give them the benefit of the doubt, but
> I've heard sooooo many stories about needy, CF
> women who tried to get stuff from charities and
> were rudely turned down.

Cassey, in every instance of charity I know of, that will service people without kids, this includes the salvation army, breeders and brats get bigger portions, better service, better stuff and are served first.

This goes for every free clinic I had to use when I was poor too. Each and every one of them had a sign in the window about children being served first in the clinic and that adults would need to wait.

Why breeders would take brats to the free clinic I dont know, unless they were illegals and the child was born in mexico or wherever and could not get on medicaid. Brats born in the states can all get medicaid and dont have to get care at free clinics.

It was rare that I saw any children in the free clinic, to be frank, sometimes never... but yet they still shove that sign in your face.
I think clinics should help first those who are in greater need. For example, if an adult is bleeding to death but the child has a case of sniffles, they would be wrong to not assist the adult first.

I went to a Primacare Clinic one time because I had a severe case of food poisoning and at that point was vomiting blood. I was also the first person to show up at the clinic that morning. Well, an elderly woman came in complaining about not feeling well and they actually tried to help her ahead of me !! I made a big scene about it and they finally did take me in ahead of her. But I didn't appreciate them deciding who they would help first based simply on age.
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