Rant 950 - Breederific workplace
February 08, 2006
The horrror....THE HORROR.
I would imagine that if my workplace turned into a den of baby rabid, loaf dropping, bingoing nutjobs I would be faced with three choices:
A. Leave
B. Stay, and use my mental healthcare benefits to their fullest extent.
C. Stay and eventually go on a shooting rampage.

mercurior 1
Re: Rant 950 - Breederific workplace
February 08, 2006
i used to work in an all woman workplace apart from me that is, and they had a pregnant chair, whoever sat on it got pregnant, so being there was a man.. i was immune.. so everyone made sure i got that one seat.. (i couldnt complain as both my bosses were women)
Heh. Thanks for taking one for the team.
I walked into our lunch room the other day and the topic for discussion was "potty training". One gal has an 18 month old and was asking for advice from the older ladies. I, of course, threw in my 2 cents worth about my breederiffic friend who put up a calander for her precious daughter to make sure she got stars and the prize of a cat if she got potty trained. I think she was 4. I just told them I didn't get it, and it seemed like a thing to just get done.. not one to make a huge fuss over. I was told I got Chereios as a reward when I went, and I turned out ok. I'm sure this poor bastard walks into conversations like that all the time.
Re: Rant 950 - Breederific workplace
February 10, 2006
My experience with potty training has been very simple. For each of my 6 cats, I simply picked them up and put them in the potty and from then on, they knew where to go. Of course with today's genetically mutated children and breeder's lack of good pahrunting skills, it really does prove that cats are smarter than the little shit-loaves. It seems kids are being potty trained later and later these days.
Anonymous User
Re: Rant 950 - Breederific workplace
February 10, 2006
The *prize of a cat* for taking a dump in the toilet? DOG, does this ever piss me off, using an animal like this! How much you wanna bet that the poor kitty will end up abandoned because it is TOOOOOO HAAAARD for the Breedersons to take care of it.

And what the fuck is up with breeders talking about potty traning, as well as other nasty stuff that comes out of loaves, in the fucking LUNCHROOM? How can people talk about piss and shit WHILE THEY ARE EATING? Fucking gross.

But they'd likely start mooing and lowing and going *eeeeeuuuuuuwww* if I were there and started talking about the mound of cat gack that I cleaned up that morning.

I've always liked it better when I worked with mostly men. Men usually don't talk about piss, shit, and other loaf crap.
Re: Rant 950 - Breederific workplace
February 13, 2006
I just realized something..... in my post when I talk about putting my cats in the "potty" I was talking about their litterboxes. That's the term I use for them. And they are so smart, they know what I am talking about. Unlike kids.
Re: Rant 950 - Breederific workplace
February 13, 2006
Cats even "flush" their potties. They scoop the litter over their poop. Kids don't remember to do that. They almost always leave a floater for the next poor schlub that comes along...
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