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Oboomer tells Americans: Stop eating too much, Driving SUV and cooling your house to 72, the turd werld don't like it

Posted by nowhiggers 
This thread is a cluster fuck. I don't know where to start.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm registered as an independent.

Both parties have problems and the childfree should be wary of BOTH parties.

On the one hand, we have the Repubs: kowtowing to the Religious Reich. Allowing pharmacists to refuse to dispense contraception to women due to their "religious beliefs." Doing their best to make abortion effectively illegal. Allowing hospitals to get away with not prescribing the morning after pill to rape victims.

Frankly, as a childfree woman (although I am sterilized) I find this chilling. If a woman can't make decisions about her own body, what the fuck does she have? And don't tell women not to fuck. As someone pointed out, fucking is part of human nature. It's a health issue, not a moral one. And are these any of these Religious Reich assholes suggesting that MEN forgo sex and Viagra? Of course not.

I am in total agreement that any sane person would look at these shithole Third World countries and wonder why the Hell we aren't giving them birth control. But you can blame the Repubs for that too. Ronald Reagan was the first to decree that we couldn't use federal funds to promote birth control or abotion in Turd World countries. Both Bushes continued these policies the minute they got in office. It takes a simple executive order and it's done. If we had done the sane thing, and used our foreign aid money to keep these people from reproducing, maybe we wouldn't be in the state we are now.

How fucking insane is that? Personally, I, someone who was raised Catholic, am appalled that we even welcome that asshole Pope into this country. He should be run out of here on a rail for all the misery, overpopulation and suffering his institution has caused in Latin America and the Turd World. And yet we give these pseudo-political institutions a tax exemption.

Democrats are generally better about not restricting women's rights, but they are abysmal when it comes to taking money away from hard working people and giving it to deadbeats and chyyyyld run. I am fiscally conservative and socially moderate, but I think both paries have gone absolutely whacko when it comes to the chee-ill-drun. We've got to stop trying to correct the results of poor planning when it comes to parunthood. I favor a two-pronged approach: doing everything you can with tax credits, etc to promote birth control, sterilization and abortion, and refusing to support people's poor decisions. If someone is stupid enough to sprog without having a decent job and insurance, it's not up to me to make it up to that kid by paying for that ridiculous CHIP crap. Laws shouldn't exist for the purpose of addressing every bad thing that could happen to AnyChild.

It galls me that Democrats consider me "rich" when I work my ass off and I've been in the labor force since I was 14. I've never stopped and, most importantly, I CHOSE not to have kids, and I've saved and invested wisely, yet these bastards can't stop picking my pockets.

And I will say that we can't afford to ignore Turd World countries simply because they threaten our way of life with their overbreeding, their starving people and their religious fanaticism. (Muslim extremists,anyone?) Like I said, we should have been giving them birth control 30 years ago.
feh wrote:

And there you go, you've answered your own question. First world people want to try, or are expected, to fix Africa/India/South America because we're the ones who broke it. Yes, not you and I personally, but such is the curse of the "sins of our fathers", so to speak. They had resources we wanted, and we went in and redrew the borders for our convenience, destroyed the social order, installed dictators, shat all over the place, and essentially have made it impossible for these people to live without us, or with us for that matter. The first world fucked up, and we feel bad about it, and are just doing more fuckery trying to fix it.

quick question Feh,

I'm just wondering something here off the top of my head.... Before the west ever arrived in the countries of Africa and South America, for example, The Africans were enslaving each other and in fact it was the African tribal leaders that sold their own people to the white man. In South America, the Maya and Aztec were slaughtering each other in human sacrificies as well as enslaving people from smaller tribes.

Now I'm just curious, what about the way that the African leaders and the Aztec and Mayan leaders did all of those evil things, is there something thier descendants owe the descendants of the people THEY enslaved and slaughtered? I mean, to be fair here, why is it that the WEST is the only ones required to "pay" for their sins, for their wrongs against people of those countries, but no one else is required to do so??

And how far back are we allowed to go receive reparations for things done to our ancestors? Like, what about the people who have christian ancestors from roman times that were thrown to the lions? Do they get a check and some free food? Isn't that affecting their lives now, what happened back then?

How come the descendents of those little tribes in SA can't collect a check and some free food from the mexican government now?

Clearly, this "pay for the sins of the fathers" isn't really that at all, it's "let's take from people who have more than us just because we are entitled to it, we don't need to WORK for it." That is some welfarebreedersow logic there. Problem is, all of these shitholes use it.

One other question:

When are the reparations FINALLY paid? Here we are, about 50 years into "hep da turd werld" and NOTHING has been solved, MORE people than ever die of starvation, MORE people than ever are tortured and live miserable lives. How much money is enough? Billions? Trillions? We are already at the trillion point with this.

Did you ever stop to ask yourself, that maybe, just maybe, on a large social scale, these countries are like the individual welfare broodsows we are all always bitching about on here? The more welfare they get, the more they demand, the longer they stay on it, the more kids they have...

At some point Feh, and I don't know when that is, maybe you can tell me, don't we have to stop, pull out, and just let nature take it's course? At some point don't we have to put the breaks on welfare in this country, because the entire welfare system is now teetering on the brink due to the enormous demand for it? Or do we just let it collapse then, before people have the chance to retrain their minds to work and some self responsibility?

And finally, what about the childfree? We bear the burden of the taxes for all of this because we do not and never will receive the child tax credit and other benefits provided by the government for the breeders.
Why don't our breeders have some responsibility "paying for the sins of their white fathers in the third world" like we do?

Barak Obama won't even give us a little healthcare, Feh. No, from him its TAKE TAKE TAKE from the childfree. You don't like Ron Paul, but you cannot deny that his policies on this stuff is a hell of a lot more childfree friendly than any of these other clowns. Show me something different, read my post about his policies. On the liberal side, you have Kucunich and Gravel who both were willing to give the childfree some benefits. Why would a childfree person want to vote for someone like Oboomer, just to "get the republicans out." That is such a half assed way to do things, I am sorry.

back in the 60s and 70s when the liberals and feminists had not lost thier fucking minds yet or got on board with the placenta eaters, birth control AND abortion were a priority for third world nations with overpopulation problems.

Political correctness, hipmooism, etc has completely ruined any chance that the third world had to recover from what Feh says is the sins of our forefathers. Money is not going to solve this.
Ok, now I'm going to piss everyone off.

Bellflower sums it up well. We DO need to stop hiding behind some hypocritical morality and start not necessarily PROMOTING at this point (because I seriously don't think the U.S. is ready for it and would have a collective seizure and shit itself), but it should begin to LIGITIMIZE it, for lack of a better word. And that includes...here it comes....more money for public schools. Education.

I know that's a sore spot here, but hear me out. First off, I think public school teachers in the U.S. are THE most underpaid professionals given their responsibily, not to mention workload. I also think, that they are the only hope for the kids that are already here, the kids that we can't shove back up into the great cosmic breeder bladder from wence they came. So, let's educate them. Let's show young women that they aren't just breeding vessels. Let's show men that they're not just a wallet for said breeding vessel. Teach them to challenge the spoken and unspoken expectations, norms and life recipe. Let's also work to erase the false idealism around breeding. Take them on field trips so they can see first hand what the ugliness of the human footprint and how we're accellerating our own demise. Then, show them all the wonderful alternatives to the life script. Travelling, book writing, designing elaborate treehouses, raising baby penguins, writing plays, performing in plays, opening an art studio, building a palace for homeless cats, designing a silent leaf blower.

A few years back, a woman who I didn't know well but ran into frequently asked me what I did for a living. I told her, and she was really impressed (which surprised me). She then told me she was a high school teacher in a poor neighborhood, and would I please come speak to her class one day about my job. I couldn't figure out why she would even suggest such a thing, and she said "Because the girls need to see women having careers (I guess teaching doesn't count?), otherwise they'll just end up pregnant."

Sadly, I think it's the minds of the brats that we bitch about each day, the ones who are responsible for my current spike in blood pressure and resulting headache, that will ultimately decide whether New York and London are underwater in 100 years.

Sorry this idea is so underdeveloped. It's been a rough week. I really do have a headache.
OK, second paragraph--Promoting/ligitimizing--BIRTH CONTROL.

bell_flower Wrote:
> This thread is a cluster fuck. I don't know where
> to start.
> I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm registered
> as an independent.
> Both parties have problems and the childfree
> should be wary of BOTH parties.
> On the one hand, we have the Repubs: kowtowing to
> the Religious Reich. Allowing pharmacists to
> refuse to dispense contraception to women due to
> their "religious beliefs." Doing their best to
> make abortion effectively illegal. Allowing
> hospitals to get away with not prescribing the
> morning after pill to rape victims.
> Frankly, as a childfree woman (although I am
> sterilized) I find this chilling. If a woman
> can't make decisions about her own body, what the
> fuck does she have? And don't tell women not to
> fuck. As someone pointed out, fucking is part of
> human nature. It's a health issue, not a moral
> one. And are these any of these Religious Reich
> assholes suggesting that MEN forgo sex and Viagra?
> Of course not.
> I am in total agreement that any sane person would
> look at these shithole Third World countries and
> wonder why the Hell we aren't giving them birth
> control. But you can blame the Repubs for that
> too. Ronald Reagan was the first to decree that
> we couldn't use federal funds to promote birth
> control or abotion in Turd World countries. Both
> Bushes continued these policies the minute they
> got in office. It takes a simple executive order
> and it's done. If we had done the sane thing, and
> used our foreign aid money to keep these people
> from reproducing, maybe we wouldn't be in the
> state we are now.
> How fucking insane is that? Personally, I,
> someone who was raised Catholic, am appalled that
> we even welcome that asshole Pope into this
> country. He should be run out of here on a rail
> for all the misery, overpopulation and suffering
> his institution has caused in Latin America and
> the Turd World. And yet we give these
> pseudo-political institutions a tax exemption.
> Democrats are generally better about not
> restricting women's rights, but they are abysmal
> when it comes to taking money away from hard
> working people and giving it to deadbeats and
> chyyyyld run. I am fiscally conservative and
> socially moderate, but I think both paries have
> gone absolutely whacko when it comes to the
> chee-ill-drun. We've got to stop trying to
> correct the results of poor planning when it comes
> to parunthood. I favor a two-pronged approach:
> doing everything you can with tax credits, etc to
> promote birth control, sterilization and abortion,
> and refusing to support people's poor decisions.
> If someone is stupid enough to sprog without
> having a decent job and insurance, it's not up to
> me to make it up to that kid by paying for that
> ridiculous CHIP crap. Laws shouldn't exist for
> the purpose of addressing every bad thing that
> could happen to AnyChild.
> It galls me that Democrats consider me "rich" when
> I work my ass off and I've been in the labor force
> since I was 14. I've never stopped and, most
> importantly, I CHOSE not to have kids, and I've
> saved and invested wisely, yet these bastards
> can't stop picking my pockets.
> And I will say that we can't afford to ignore Turd
> World countries simply because they threaten our
> way of life with their overbreeding, their
> starving people and their religious fanaticism.
> (Muslim extremists,anyone?) Like I said, we
> should have been giving them birth control 30
> years ago.

Totally Thank you, bell_flower! I also hate that fucking asshole Pope. I am sick of people bowing to these religious assholes who also have a third world mentality and want to make the entire world so poor that they feel they MUST rely on religion.
I just watched a show talking about the hypocrite celebrities preaching global warming as they jet all over the world in their private jets burning fuel like crazy. They live the high life in their expensive homes & vacation homes etc. They have NO CLUE how the average person lives. SHUT THE HELL UP! Noone cares what you think anyway!
Vicki Wrote:
> I just watched a show talking about the hypocrite
> celebrities preaching global warming as they jet
> all over the world in their private jets burning
> fuel like crazy. They live the high life in their
> expensive homes & vacation homes etc. They have NO
> CLUE how the average person lives. SHUT THE HELL
> UP! Noone cares what you think anyway!

Sing it Vicki! I couldn't agree more. But of course, as they see it, they're 'spreading the word', so it's OK wink! ....NOT!!! Mr. T: I pitty tha foold
str8six Wrote:
> Vicki Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I just watched a show talking about the
> hypocrite
> > celebrities preaching global warming as they
> jet
> > all over the world in their private jets
> burning
> > fuel like crazy. They live the high life in
> their
> > expensive homes & vacation homes etc. They have
> NO
> > CLUE how the average person lives. SHUT THE
> > UP! Noone cares what you think anyway!
> Sing it Vicki! I couldn't agree more. But of
> course, as they see it, they're 'spreading the
> word', so it's OK wink! ....NOT!!! Mr. T: I pitty tha foold

Exactly!!! 'Brangelina' have been reported to buying a $60,000,000 home yet they scream for others to help the third world and to be more generous. Let Angelina Jolie or her ignorant live-in, Brad the Pitts, live on what many of us work so hard to earn. If they still are able to give away most of the same that they give now and still live while not complaining, I may listen to these Elite Libs. All these people do are 'buy' causes. If it ain't popular, they are not buyin'. Let's see them do some good in our own country by helping battered women's shelters who badly need funding, assisting the homeless to stay off the streets, or actually adopting some of the US' foster kids rather than buy their overseas human accessories.
Celebutards are the biggest hypocrites around. I'd like to see some of them "downsize" and become more "green" like they are screaming for everyone else to do. And stop breeding!
Vicki Wrote:
> I just watched a show talking about the hypocrite
> celebrities preaching global warming as they jet
> all over the world in their private jets burning
> fuel like crazy. They live the high life in their
> expensive homes & vacation homes etc. They have NO
> CLUE how the average person lives. SHUT THE HELL
> UP! Noone cares what you think anyway!

Unfortunately, many people worship Al Gore, believe and do everything he says. They care very much what he thinks. You can replace Gore's name with other elitist hypocrites and it would still apply.

A while ago, I remember a show that outlined how big Gore's "carbon imprint" is. It's a hell of a lot bigger than the average person's. He and Tipper are certainly not CF, but have four kids; anyone who breeds like that has no business telling us how many resources to use.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
catmeow Wrote:
> Vicki Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I just watched a show talking about the
> hypocrite
> > celebrities preaching global warming as they
> jet
> > all over the world in their private jets
> burning
> > fuel like crazy. They live the high life in
> their
> > expensive homes & vacation homes etc. They have
> NO
> > CLUE how the average person lives. SHUT THE
> > UP! Noone cares what you think anyway!
> Unfortunately, many people worship Al Gore,
> believe and do everything he says. They care very
> much what he thinks. You can replace Gore's name
> with other elitist hypocrites and it would still
> apply.
> A while ago, I remember a show that outlined how
> big Gore's "carbon imprint" is. It's a hell of a
> lot bigger than the average person's. He
> and Tipper are certainly not CF, but have four
> kids; anyone who breeds like that has no business
> telling us how many resources to use.

I'd say way more people worship celebutards than Al Gore. Al Gore is boring, old, ugly and unfashionable. Al Gore uses big words and concepts. Al Gore is never photographed in fabulous Hollywood clubs. Al Gore never goes on $134,000 shopping sprees. People don't buy tiny dogs, massive purses, blue berries, AppleBottom jeans, fur coats, diamond studded teeth or hair extentions because of Al Gore.

Al Gore is just a blabity-blah ex-vice-president who people feel sorry for because he got fucked out of his chance at presidency, so they listen, nod their heads in agreement and...well...that's about it as far as I can tell.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Feh Wrote:
> catmeow Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Vicki Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I just watched a show talking about the
> > hypocrite
> > > celebrities preaching global warming as they
> > jet
> > > all over the world in their private jets
> > burning
> > > fuel like crazy. They live the high life in
> > their
> > > expensive homes & vacation homes etc. They
> have
> > NO
> > > CLUE how the average person lives. SHUT THE
> > HELL
> > > UP! Noone cares what you think anyway!
> >
> > Unfortunately, many people worship Al Gore,
> > believe and do everything he says. They care
> very
> > much what he thinks. You can replace Gore's
> name
> > with other elitist hypocrites and it would
> still
> > apply.
> >
> > A while ago, I remember a show that outlined
> how
> > big Gore's "carbon imprint" is. It's a hell of
> a
> > lot bigger than the average person's.
> He
> > and Tipper are certainly not CF, but have four
> > kids; anyone who breeds like that has no
> business
> > telling us how many resources to use.
> I'd say way more people worship celebutards than
> Al Gore. Al Gore is boring, old, ugly and
> unfashionable. Al Gore uses big words and
> concepts. Al Gore is never photographed in
> fabulous Hollywood clubs. Al Gore never goes on
> $134,000 shopping sprees. People don't buy tiny
> dogs, massive purses, blue berries, AppleBottom
> jeans, fur coats, diamond studded teeth or hair
> extentions because of Al Gore.
> Al Gore is just a blabity-blah ex-vice-president
> who people feel sorry for because he got fucked
> out of his chance at presidency, so they listen,
> nod their heads in agreement and...well...that's
> about it as far as I can tell.

As I first said, you can replace Gore's name with the name of any other elitist hypocrite and it would still apply.

Here are a few examples:

(1) Unfortunately, many people worship Angelina Jolie, believe and do everything she says. They care very much what she thinks.

(2) Unfortunately, many people worship Madonna, believe and do everything she says. They care very much what she thinks.

(3) Unfortunately, many people worship Bono, believe and do everything he says. They care very much what he thinks.

It's very sad, but true. There are too many people who do what celebrities do because they have no minds of their own.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
nowhiggers Wrote:
> quick question Feh,
Lies!! This isn't a quick question at all! (I'm just hassling you in a good natured way)

> I'm just wondering something here off the top of
> my head.... Before the west ever arrived in the
> countries of Africa and South America, for
> example, The Africans were enslaving each other
> and in fact it was the African tribal leaders that
> sold their own people to the white man. In South
> America, the Maya and Aztec were slaughtering each
> other in human sacrificies as well as enslaving
> people from smaller tribes.
Psst...White people enslaved each other, indentured servitude is just a niced up phrase for it. I don't know why people feel the need to do that. A constant through time seems to be that lots of people, given the opportunity, would gladly use their own foot to crush the skull of another to get ahead in life, and will generally use the excuses of empire, religion, business or just,"we're better than those people". "There's always a face, and always a boot stepping on it", to mis-quote 1984. I can't speak to human sacrifice, as far as I know that was for religious purposes, and I don't understand religion.

> Now I'm just curious, what about the way that the
> African leaders and the Aztec and Mayan leaders
> did all of those evil things, is there something
> thier descendants owe the descendants of the
> people THEY enslaved and slaughtered? I mean, to
> be fair here, why is it that the WEST is the only
> ones required to "pay" for their sins, for their
> wrongs against people of those countries, but no
> one else is required to do so??
Why do I have to answer for humanity? It's obvious to me that that's the way the world is, I'm not saying it's right, but that's how it is. People don't care about enslavement until a "superior" culture foists it upon the "lesser" culture. Yes, yes (insert brown people here) enslaved and killed each other...on their own lands, amongst themselves. However, when a bunch of (insert white folks here) shows up, and says "This place you've lived for 1000's of years, well that's ours now. Oh and we get to forcibly move you to the shittiest land, and we get to take your children for "reassimilation",and we're going to make it illegal for anyone to teach you things. Did we mention the starvation? Because we're not going to feed you while we march you across the country. Oh, and these drugs, they're real good, and we're going to hop you up on them for a few years and then take them away...but only from you." Well, I guess those are the lines that people now days might have a problem with.

> And how far back are we allowed to go receive
> reparations for things done to our ancestors?
> Like, what about the people who have christian
> ancestors from roman times that were thrown to the
> lions? Do they get a check and some free food?
> Isn't that affecting their lives now, what
> happened back then?
I don't believe in reparations. Simple money doesn't cut the mustard when entire populations/cultures have been manipulated beyond recognition. Nor do I believe Xtians deserve ANY sympathy considering their behavior since the Romans. I mean, seriously, in the US? Where 99% of the people in government state how much more Xtian they are than the next guy? Where the more bible thumpy you are, the more votes you get? Seriously, THEY HAVE ALL THE POWER!! How do you think we've managed to fuck things up so terrifically in the first place? Because xtians insist that their doctrine influence every decision they make. The only thing that would give them more power would be if they could give up their false sense of oppression and use their guns forcibly to do whatever nonsense they really want.
> How come the descendents of those little tribes in
> SA can't collect a check and some free food from
> the mexican government now?
They can. Anyone can request anything from anyone at any time. Will it happen? I doubt it. Here's the kicker....you also have the power to request anything you want from anyone at any time. Go nuts with that.
> Clearly, this "pay for the sins of the fathers"
> isn't really that at all, it's "let's take from
> people who have more than us just because we are
> entitled to it, we don't need to WORK for it."
> That is some welfarebreedersow logic there.
> Problem is, all of these shitholes use it.
You say this like the uber-rich don't expect anything from us, WRONG. They DEMAND that WE pay ALL the taxes so THEY don't have to PAY DICK. Corporations DEMAND that they shouldn't have to pay taxes so they can provide the VALUABLE SERVICE of low wage, worthless jobs. CEO's demand GIANT SALARIES because only they can maximize profits by moving all our shitty jobs overseas so the stock holders can make an extra fucking penny. The WEALTHY have the ability to have their demands met because they're the ones who pay for the $2500 per plate fundraisers where they get to talk directly to the candidates and let them know that they can elicit dozens of thousands of more dollars in donations if only they got a little something-something out of it.

Do any single one of you seriously believe that your $20-$50-$100 donation to any candidate will make anything better for you personally? It won't, you won't get to talk to the candidate and say "I have no health insurance, I pay too much for everything, can you maybe put in the budget for a new project that my company can take on?" but you can bet for damn sure that their millionaire supporter gets to. Seriously, you are complaining about people with nothing getting a penny, when the people who have EVERYTHING refuse to do one iota to make anything better for ANYONE, ourselves included.
> At some point Feh, and I don't know when that is,
> maybe you can tell me, don't we have to stop, pull
> out, and just let nature take it's course?
To requote myself, "I KNOW it's fucked, I KNOW we're throwing money down the shitter, I KNOW it's going to just get much, much worse. At the same time, I personally would just much rather have that penny of my taxes that is allocated for overseas spending go to something moderately useful, than to actively hurt someone else in a war." As I've said, it is a given FACT that some percentage of our money is going to be sent over seas, even if Ron Paul becomes our glorious leader, we will still have to have some sort of foreign policy. I've accepted that fact and my only desire is that that money will be spent in the best way possible that causes the least harm. I've given up on the line of thought that my personal wishes will be granted by any external entity, Ron Paul included, it is unrealistic and therefore not worth my time.

> And finally, what about the childfree? We bear the
> burden of the taxes for all of this because we do
> not and never will receive the child tax credit
> and other benefits provided by the government for
> the breeders.
> Why don't our breeders have some responsibility
> "paying for the sins of their white fathers in the
> third world" like we do?
And what of the wealthy who pay a smaller percentage of their income in taxes than the rest of us? Shouldn't they, who benefit so greatly from OUR WORK, be expected to pay at least 1/3 of their income in taxes, like the rest of us?

> You don't like Ron Paul, but
> you cannot deny that his policies on this stuff is
> a hell of a lot more childfree friendly than any
> of these other clowns. Show me something
> different, read my post about his policies. On the
> liberal side, you have Kucunich and Gravel who
> both were willing to give the childfree some
> benefits. Why would a childfree person want to
> vote for someone like Oboomer, just to "get the
> republicans out." That is such a half assed way to
> do things, I am sorry.
Exqueese me? When have I ever said anything that should make anyone think I approve of this fuckery? At this point in time, the only thing people in power are going to listen to, beyond money, is major property damage. Votes don't count. That said, guess what? The majority of votes aren't going to go to Ron Paul because for most people, he doesn't exist. Kucinich and Gravel AREN'T running any more...AND I haven't told ANYONE how to vote.

So what if I've come to the conclusion that in pretty much every instance in recorded history, it's the shitty way people tend to treat each other when they think they are better and more deserving that has made every thing worse for everyone. What skin is it off your nose?
Feh Wrote:

> Psst...White people enslaved each other,
> indentured servitude is just a niced up phrase for
> it. I don't know why people feel the need to do
> that. A constant through time seems to be that
> lots of people, given the opportunity, would
> gladly use their own foot to crush the skull of
> another to get ahead in life, and will generally
> use the excuses of empire, religion, business or
> just,"we're better than those people". "There's
> always a face, and always a boot stepping on it",
> to mis-quote 1984. I can't speak to human
> sacrifice, as far as I know that was for religious
> purposes, and I don't understand religion.

You got it. The Romans were known for having slaves. I worked with a man with Russian background and told me of the indentured servants.

> I don't believe in reparations. Simple money
> doesn't cut the mustard when entire
> populations/cultures have been manipulated beyond
> recognition. Nor do I believe Xtians deserve ANY
> sympathy considering their behavior since the
> Romans. I mean, seriously, in the US? Where 99%
> of the people in government state how much more
> Xtian they are than the next guy? Where the more
> bible thumpy you are, the more votes you get?
> Seriously, THEY HAVE ALL THE POWER!! How do you
> think we've managed to fuck things up so
> terrifically in the first place? Because xtians
> insist that their doctrine influence every
> decision they make.

Ain't that the truth! In this country, a person is considered not to be patriotic if s/he is not a Christian or just does not believe in any sort of deity. I am tired of Christians feeling it is their right to decide what prescriptions women are allowed to have and to keep abortion on the front burner with the threats of it being gone...or 'going to the States to make it fair' according to some government leaders. Let something like Viagra, IVF, or treatment for heart disease become a hotbed issue where there things could be considered criminal or left to each state to ban it or keep it. All hell would break loose re: people and their right to whatever medical care they choose.

> You say this like the uber-rich don't expect
> anything from us, WRONG. They DEMAND that WE pay
> ALL the taxes so THEY don't have to PAY DICK.
> Corporations DEMAND that they shouldn't have to
> pay taxes so they can provide the VALUABLE SERVICE
> of low wage, worthless jobs. CEO's demand GIANT
> SALARIES because only they can maximize profits by
> moving all our shitty jobs overseas so the stock
> holders can make an extra fucking penny. The
> WEALTHY have the ability to have their demands met
> because they're the ones who pay for the $2500 per
> plate fundraisers where they get to talk directly
> to the candidates and let them know that they can
> elicit dozens of thousands of more dollars in
> donations if only they got a little
> something-something out of it.

Can we both say "American Airlines"??? I remember that shit of the CEO of the airline collecting millions of dollars in a bonus. That was AFTER American Airlines employees took pay cuts due to the airline being in $$$ trouble. That CEO fucker got his bonus for 'saving the airline'. The greedy bastard ought to have been shot and the result be paralysis. Death is too good for that fucking crotch.

> Do any single one of you seriously believe that
> your $20-$50-$100 donation to any candidate will
> make anything better for you personally? It
> won't, you won't get to talk to the candidate and
> say "I have no health insurance, I pay too much
> for everything, can you maybe put in the budget
> for a new project that my company can take on?"
> but you can bet for damn sure that their
> millionaire supporter gets to. Seriously, you are
> complaining about people with nothing getting a
> penny, when the people who have EVERYTHING refuse
> to do one iota to make anything better for ANYONE,
> ourselves included.

A childfree friend of mine who does not have much and is paying off some hospital bills that her workman's comp did not cover was telling me of how she may send her Stimulus cheque for Hillary's campaign. I do not care who the lady votes for but I did mention that SHE needed her tax rebate far more than this multi-millionaire who has made more money in one year than my friend, who works in a call center, has made in her entire work life. Gas prices have escalated. My friend is fortunate to live on her parents' property in a small house but is behind on her portion of the electric bill. A lot has been pushed back after getting hurt at work yet she wanted to give $$$ to HILLARY???
ame: I wonder if Hillary would be compassionate enough to give it back?! LOL!!...but I doubt it :spin
It's always the people with money that are screaming to others how THEY need to make a lesser "carbon footprint" than everyone else. And it's these moneyed people that have all the kids too. Their belief system seems to go something like this:

"I can afford to have 6 kids, a 5,000 square foot house, and 2 gas guzzling SUV's, so I have every right to use whatever resources I need and can afford to use to support my lifestyle."

Typical breeder logic.
"I read it somewhere before in the past and it rings true today: Buy green, but BUY nonetheless."

Never stop shopping...its the only thing that keeps us afloat.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Fuck them. I ain't giving my goddammed money to anyone!

I invested mine grinning smiley
I don't remember what I spent mine on, so I must have spent it correctly.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Americans do have to stop giving everyone else handouts now and sort out their own chronic financial messes. Problem is, the US government loves giving handouts because it means that the other country OWES them something. It keeps their dirty little fingers in everybody else's pies. The aid, the donations, the contributions, the subsidies, they all come at a price and nothing is for free.

Don't you wish next time another country comes begging, you could tell them "go get your own f**king economy"? It'll never happen though.
What I hate is people saying Americans owe the rest of the world something. Why???
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