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Oboomer with 8pt lead over McSame

Posted by nowhiggers 
Oboomer with 8pt lead over McSame
May 21, 2008

Supposedly the Ron Paul people are planning some big showing at the repug convention too, Paul has not dropped out of the race. Oh god can you imagine if something really weird happens and we would end up with Ron Paul as the repug nominee? Oh dear god in heaven.... Oboomer would lose so HARD if that were to happen.

McSame don't have a chance in hell against Oboomer. I think people are so frustrated with the 'pugs of the past 8 years.. the only real hope they have is to put Paul on the repug ticket to beat Oboomer.

I'll be writing in Daffy Duck or Ted Nugent on my ballot this year if it's a contest between McSame and Oboomer. grinning smiley
Re: Oboomer with 8pt lead over McSame
May 21, 2008
Ron Paul would not beat anyone. He is the most insane. That said, I guess he might shoot any opposing candidates, were he to find himself in such a situation.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: Oboomer with 8pt lead over McSame
May 21, 2008
no matter what happens..
Re: Oboomer with 8pt lead over McSame
May 21, 2008
Feh Wrote:
> Ron Paul would not beat anyone. He is the most
> insane. That said, I guess he might shoot any
> opposing candidates, were he to find himself in
> such a situation.

Why is Ron Paul insane? He's on the side of the liberals when it comes to a lot of the issues:

1. Pulling us out of the war entirely (Oboomer and McSame have both said the war is going to continue under them, and Oboomer voted for this fucking war) Ron Paul is the most anti-war candidate there is next to Kucunich and Gravel (and if one of them were the democrat nominees this year, I'd be voting democrat)

2. Ron Paul would end the drug war and all other "vice" enforcement. Liberals used to be about personal freedom, 30 years ago. But nowadays, they are just as good as the religious right when it comes to vice enforcement.

3. States rights when it comes to issues like the right to die in Oregon and Medical Marijuana in California

And as for being on the side of the childfree, Ron Paul has that shit in the bag, my friend Feh grinning smiley :

1. Aid to the turd world, GONE

2. Aid to the welfare cunts popping out brats for the dole, GONE

3. Special rights and benefits for the breeders, GONE

Alright so you may not agree with his abortion stance. I don't either, but he's also not proposing a federal ban on abortion, he would roll back Roe vs. Wade to the state level and allow the states to decide. Eventually, whether any of us like it or not, that's a much preferred scenario to what the religious right wants. The liberal states get to stay as liberal as they want and the bible bonking states can bible bonk if that's what they want.

Sure Feh, I'd love a liberal system with healthcare for all of us, but do you really see that happening in Amerikkka? We are the only western nation in the world that kicks the childfree to the curb like trash when it comes to all that. At least under Paul, although there would be no universal health insurance, the breeders and brats wouldn't get anything either, and hey, if almost 50% of my income did not go to taxes I could afford to get some healthcare on my own!
Re: Oboomer with 8pt lead over McSame
May 21, 2008
No matter who wins this Presidency, we're fucked. Right in the ass. Fucked. And with no Vaseline.
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