965 Woman plans on oopsing her husband 2 more times
February 13, 2006
Great. Once again I am sick to my stomach over the antics of a breeder. This hellbeast gives women a bad name.

Has she given any thought to the question of whether or not her wallet/sperm bank can afford another 2 kids? Or, much less, the fact that he "didn't even want kids". So what if "he is a brilliant dad and dotes on his kids"? Doesn't mean he wants 2 more to have to dote on. Poor schmuck probably had no idea what he was getting in to.

I thought that marriage was based on communication and trust; taking the partner's feelings into account when making big decisions; all that stuff that adults are supposed to do. Guess this breeder whore didn't get that memo.
i am tempted to email this guy, and tell him what she is saying. on the boards..
Why don't you? You'd be doing the poor schmuck a favor.
The poor schmuck obviously needs to take responsibility for his own contraceptive needs and wrap it before he goes in, or, even better, get it snipped.
Oh yes, PLEASE tell this poor man what this breederific cunt bag is doing. Yes, he needs to take responsibility for his own actions but unfortunately, the chances of that happening are slim to none. And the rest of us will pay for it anyway with another brat to put up with out in public. Shit, give me his email address and I'll tell him!
If I would have known how to contact this man, I would have damn well done so by now. I went back to the forum to see how people responded to this bint - there were Moos on there supporting her for her past oopses! Then they flamed the people who told her she was being a bitch for sabotaging her birth control. According to the Royal Moo, her husband "doesn't mind" his 2 kids or the thought of having more of them. Pfff...yeah, I'll bet he doesn't. The dumb cow was fucking around without protection a couple of weeks following the birth of her 1-month-old, and the husband doesn't object. Then again, this is all according to her line of bullshit.

Sadly, tough...I think this Moo may have already carried out her wishes, because I spotted another topic in the same forum from the same woman asking where she could purchase a triple-loaf stroller. I shall return here later with more info because I'm an evil child-hating troll o.o
I just wanna slap the shit out of women who think and act this way, especially those heifers at Baby Center. They think there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with oopsing their significant other or husband at all, but it's sooooo wrong if their man doesn't want to squirt out their seed to provide them with another trinket as a result of fucking!

Does anybody remember that one stupid bitch from Baby Center who was going around posting instructions on how she scooped the semen from her man's condom, somehow got it into a turkey baster and proceeded to squirt the semen inside herself in her desperate attempt to have a baby? WTF?!! Do these stupid cunts know no harm? I just don't get it. If the need to have a baby is that strong, why don't they go out and adopt a few needy babies or do some foster care for infants for a while, get it out of their systems and leave it be. It's obvious that all these idiots wnat are babies, not children, so that when one is out of diapers and is no longer dependent upon her, she wants another baby by any means necessary. Then, when they're running around from exhaustion, they forget that it's becuase they have 12 KIDS TO TAKE CARE OF, and boyfriend or hubby are no where to be found! DUMB-ASSES!
What this cow has exhibited is total disrespect for the person who is supposed to be the most important person in her life. She has really betrayed him. Now the guy holds culpability when it comes down to it. If he doesn't want kids, he needs to wrap it up or do something PERMANENT.
I returned to the health forum sometime after I got home...here's the spawn of the recent flames and mooing:

The dumb breeder made sure to state clearly that oopsing her husband twice saved their marriage "ultimately"...yeah, I'll bet it did. Apparently, her husband is the irresponsible one in the marriage because he thought he got her pregnant on the pill from pre-ejaculate, when she had quit her damn birth control without telling him. Yep, that sounds so immature of him - how dare he make pre-ejaculate.

In the eyes of the Moo, it's okay for her to shit out 1 or 2 more loaves because her husband has a great job to provide for them- because we all know, as long as you have money, that's the only incentive you need to shit out more hellions.

This reply from another member made me want to spit bullets...this stupid bint is encouraging the Moo to oops her husband a third time. She tells Moomie what reasons from her husband wouldn't be good reasons to not oops him again:

"If its something stupid like he doesnt feel ready, or like he can cope yet he feels too young, then if I were you i'd trick him again till you get all 4!"

What a fucking bitch. I sure hope she's not married or with anyone if that's the way she thinks. My irritation is beyond words right now with these fucktard cows.
Nour Wrote:
> What this cow has exhibited is total disrespect
> for the person who is supposed to be the most
> important person in her life. She has really
> betrayed him. Now the guy holds culpability when
> it comes down to it. If he doesn't want kids, he
> needs to wrap it up or do something PERMANENT.

Yes, I believe he is responsible, too, especially if he knows he doesn't want anymore; however, he is trusting this dumb bitch so much to the point where he wouldn't think she would oops him. DUHHHHH!!! I guess he doesn't understand the phrase, "PROTECT YOURSELF FIRST AT ALL COSTS."
Hey Cambion, Is there anyone on that board that is telling the moo that it's not a good idea?
Re: 965 Woman plans on oopsing her husband 2 more times
February 14, 2006
if it saved the marriage, why is she oopsing him again.. to save the marriage.. again.. kids should be brought into this world with love, not money or saving the marriage it should be a decision both make.

as soon as this man finds out this he is going to resent the kids, resent her, and whats the betting he will try to leave or even start hitting her for her betrayal.
Yes, Nour - there were some people on the forum trying to tell Moo that her idea was bad. I think about half of the replies were from people saying it's good, while the others were saying it was bad.

I found out, also, that the member who I plucked the quote from (about what reasons to oops the guy would have been good) was a 17-year-old girl in pig. Figured that only a Moo or a Moo-to-be would support oopsing - pff, perhaps she oopsed her own boyfriend (which may explain why she's single and on her way down the path of Moo-dom).
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