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2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008
Yea, right. Ya know, they put this shit out there and these stupid women believe it. Then they go on job interviews and really *DO* think they're qualified for positions that they clearly are not. They "settle" for lower positions for which they feel they are over qualified and expect in 6 months to be promoted and making 6 figures. Not so, dumbasses.

Do these women actually believe that playground logic works in the adult world? At work, in a corporate environment? It's so namby-pamby for gawd's sake. I can spot playground logic a mile away and I just laugh at it.

The few times I've checked out a moo blog via a link here, seeing what they write and all the moos who write in supporting of blogging moo, if these women have the equivalent of an MBA via moo hood, we're all fucked.
Anonymous User
Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008
these women live in a fantasy world. They have to tell themselves this just to get through the day, Deep down they have to know they wasted their lives being a slave to their cunt nuggets and that they are NOTHING special, and they realize their kids arent special and most likely below average and boring.
Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008
Retaining mothers will have Shari's business tanking out soon. All of these "MBA's" will have to leave early for soccer practice and have every excuse down to a tee when calling out. Pretty soon, Shari is going to be frantic trying to keep the work up while the MoomBA's expect to still get paid while doing their household and child 'management' instead of coming to work. Hork! Shari's life will be a storm just like her last name.

Anyone hiring a mother usually finds she is the worst employee. Moo expects everyone else to be 'team players' while she is to come and go as she pleases. At an answering service I worked, the moos always left early leaving me and the newhires with the call loads being so deep. It was rich when one moo wanted to leave during 'check-out', when the offices send their lines over to the service starting at 4'ish. One redneck moo who always left early was screaming how the other moo better NOT leave during check-out.

It is rich when the moos turn on each other on the job. grinning smiley
Anonymous User
Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008
Don't you hatters know that moos are worth half a billion dollars a year? It makes perfect sense that they think they're all MBAs in training.

I'll tell that to DW, who actually has an MBA. From a university, even.

hitting over the head with a hammer
Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008
Good. I'm so glad I sat through Statisitics and Poly-Sci for this shit to become a viable concept.
Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008

None of the moos in my office are capable of finding their own asses let alone managing a complex business with the financial, human and physical resources necessary to keep it a growing, viable entity.

Lazy bitches have to be nearly kicked in the ass to produce anything more than excuses and the only thing they manage to do is constantly require supervision.

Somebody ought to smack the creator of that idea upside the head a few dozen million times with a good, solid cluebat.
Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008
I've thought about this and the whole deal is nothing but a shrewd marketing concept and big money maker. This chick KNOWS that the mommies are going to be salivating over this shit and will sign up for it.

It's the only thing I can think of that would explain this horse shit because anyone that would actually present this stuff and believe it is insane.
Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008
With that sort of thinking, popping a zit this morning just made me a dermatologist.

I'm rich! I'm rich!

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008
Feh Wrote:
> With that sort of thinking, popping a zit this
> morning just made me a dermatologist.
> I'm rich! I'm rich!

This reminds of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry dates the dermatologist..."Pimple Popper MD!"

Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008
I just cut myself, so I washed the area and put a band-aid on myself. I also made me some lunch.

That makes me a fucking doctor and a gourmet chef!

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 22, 2008
Seriously, when did all these people become so pathetic that they need validation to take a crap? Having a basic level of functionality does not make you wonderful or praiseworthy. Experience as a SAHM mom qualifies you to be - uh, a SAHM, and fuck all else.

I worked long and hard for my qualifications and career, and you think you could do it because you can pay your bills online? I'm dying laughing.
Anonymous User
Re: 2705 Moo Hood the New MBA LOL
May 23, 2008
I saw a bumper sticker today that said "you haven't worked a full time job until you are a MOM".

This is insulting on so many levels.

Of course, it is insulting to virtually everyone who isn't a mother.

But its also insulting to fathers, as if their contribution is meaningless. (No wonder so many men these days are just saying "no" to marriage).

It is insulting to moms who work outside the home.

SAHMS really do think they are the only ones whose work has any value in society. Its sickening. And then they wonder why so many people hate them. And wonder why employers won't hire them. And wonder why their husbands leave them for another woman or in some cases, just to get the hell away from them.
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