961 Life of a Real Woman?
February 13, 2006
PUUUULLEEEEAASE. A "real woman?" Uh huh. That's some definition of what a real woman is. Scary thing about this chick is that she actually has animals in her care. Somebody better get those puppies away from her that she is fostering because she is clearly not fit to take care of them. Her kind should stick with ruining the lives of shit-loaves.
CF Uter
Re: 961 Life of a Real Woman?
February 13, 2006
I don't get her gripes. Granted, I don't want to do the kiddies stuff and be bothered w/ it, but let's all count that as her "job".

1) She gets up later than I do;

2) She actually sits down and eats breakfast, I certainly don't have time for that unless i get up at 4 AM, shit, 50% of the time I eat lunch over a garbage can or in an elevator;

3) She obviously doesn't have to "dress" for work, so she doesn't have that hassle;

4) It is her problem if she lets her brat make the rules, if she wanted to keep fishing, she should of, especially since they really weren't there that long, plus, fishing sounds like recreation to me, another thing I don't have on "work" days, unless this is the only way they catch their food for the family which I highly doubt;

5) Eye brow wax, another thing I don't have time for especially on a "work" day; sounds like recreation or luxury again;

6) She shouldn't of gotten a bunch of puppies if she didn't want to deal w/ it, ditto for the brats;

7) dinner w/ friends at 6:15? Once again, I'm still at work, and this would be a rare thing on a "work" night because of that fact, and she has no commute.

8) life is so hard for her she has time for blog; Squeezing in some CF board reading is all I allow myself, and today I do it because it is a State Holiday.

Someone else provides her w/ money, food and a roof over her head. What is her problem again????

Re: 961 Life of a Real Woman?
February 13, 2006

I was about to say some of the same things CF Uter did. This breeder doesn't get up until almost 8:45 a.m., after neglecting her puppies and her daughter (by feeding her sugar-laden, processed junk like Pop Tarts and making her watch TV instead of making her a healthy breakfast and INTERACTING with her). And Breeder implies that 8:45 a.m. is still too early.

Guess what time my alarm went off this morning? 5:45 a.m. - just like it does every weekday morning unless I'm lucky enough to have a day off. At 7:30 a.m., while Breeder's lazy ass is still in bed, I'm at work. And, like CF Uter, I don't have the luxury of having an eyebrow wax on a weekday morning on the spur of the moment. I have to schedule haircuts and other grooming in the evenings or on weekends, around my work schedule.

I also don't go out and drink beer with my friends every evening (not that I want to; it's more fun for me to stay home with my DH and cook dinner together). After 10-11 hours being away from home at work, I spend at least part of my evenings doing laundry and housework, with DH's help. That way, our house never looks completely messy and dirty.

This breeder chick is a housewife - I hate the term "stay-at-home mom" because that implies sitting on lazy asses all day - yet on this day, she doesn't do a lick of housework except a poor job of cleaning up after the puppies.

And I agree with what's been said - if this dumb chick didn't want to clean up after pets, or be bothered by puppies wanting to go outside in the morning or kitties climbing on her bed, then why did she get them in the first place?!! I want to strangle her for her attitude. My DH and I have two cats, and our daily chores include cleaning out their litter boxes and sweeping up scattered litter (they're enthusiastic diggers). And one of our cats has digestive problems, so I frequently come home and have to get out the carpet cleaner to clean up cat vomit. But we love our kitties so much that we don't mind these jobs at all - just as someone who really loves his or her children doesn't find the unappealing jobs with childcare like changing diapers.

I feel sorry for this breeder's daughter. It sounds as if her mom is neglecting her. Hopefully, she's grow up and not copy Breeder's bad habits and attitude toward child care - or maybe she'll become CF.
Re: 961 Life of a Real Woman?
February 13, 2006
Wow. When getting your eyebrows waxed and having a few beers are the highlights of your existence, you know it's time to give it up and sit in your shuttered garage with the car engine running.
Re: 961 Life of a Real Woman?
February 14, 2006
I woman, hear my ovaries roar!

Jebus crisp, what a bag of crap. That is not the life of a "real" anything. She lives far better and lazier than most women, men or pets I know.
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