Anonymous User
IUD vs Sterilization.
February 15, 2006
Ok I had a Dr. appt today for the old pap and pelvic and left with news that I found surprising so I thought I would share it with the rest of you.

I'll start from the beginning.
When I was 27, I told my OB/Gyn that I would like to get a tubal ligation and was told that because of my age and having no children, that she really frowned upon having it done. She told me she would give me a Mirena IUD, which she said was as close to sterlization as I could get without actually having it done. I said fine and have had my IUD for 3 years. It's worked just fine and as an added benefit, I don't have cramps and bloating anymore (Woohoo!).

So, I decided that at my exam today, I would bring up tubal ligation again, thinking that maybe just maybe 30 would be old enough for me to be taken seriously. My Dr. told me that yes she would do it, but the Mirena IUD actually has a lower failure rate than surgical sterilization. I must've looked at her like she was full of shit because she went into some detail of the studies during recent years of women with the Mirena IUD. (Plus the added benefits I've had dealing with my menstrual cycle). I told her that I would think about keeping it.

When I got home, I looked up the failure rates of birth control and sure enough, on the planned parenthood website it says the failure rate of the Mirena IUD is 0.1 and the failure rate of surgical sterilization is 0.5.

Just thought I would share my findings. Have any other women had good luck or are happy with an IUD?

Re: IUD vs Sterilization.
February 15, 2006
I do not use an IUD as I kind of fear them. I grew up a few years before you, and remember all sorts of horror stories about IUD's going awry. Fortunately, things seem to have changed, and I'm glad to have read your story as it almost makes me feel comfortable enough to pursue that birth control option now.
Re: IUD vs Sterilization.
February 15, 2006
Hmm, that sort of makes me want to consider an IUD over sterilization. But, isn't it true that women can't have IUDs put in until they have given birth because her uterus won't be large enough to hold the device (or something to that effect)?
Lady Cooper
Re: IUD vs Sterilization.
February 15, 2006
I heard that too, Cambion, but because the cervix is still nice and tight, it's hard to get stuff through it.
Re: IUD vs Sterilization.
February 16, 2006
I'd still rather have the tubal, just because I've been told so many times that I can't. Even if Mirena is more effective (and I'd like to see more data on that one), these goddamned doctors have to stop telling women what to do with their own bodies.
Re: IUD vs Sterilization.
February 16, 2006
I'm 39 and until June of 2004 I was on the pill. My fiancee is snipped (*YEAH!!!*) so I don't need to worry about B/C now. Prior to meeting him though, when I was married, I asked my Gyn several times about having a tubal done and she denied me every time. I always got, "You're too young, it's not our policy, you'll change your mind, bla bla bla..........." They are a totally "famblee-centric" practice so I'm not surprised.
Anonymous User
Re: IUD vs Sterilization.
February 16, 2006
Cambion Wrote:
> Hmm, that sort of makes me want to consider an IUD
> over sterilization. But, isn't it true that women
> can't have IUDs put in until they have given birth
> because her uterus won't be large enough to hold
> the device (or something to that effect)?

It is rare for a woman who has never given birth to have an IUD, but it was the compromise I made with my Dr. I was already angry with her for refusing to do a sterilization, so she suggested the IUD as a compromise. I felt better because I was damn near sterilized and she felt better because "I could always change my mind" Grrr.

Anyway, she told me the insertion would be a bit more painful because I had never given birth. It took her 3 tries to get it through my cervix! It hurt, but I figured 15 minutes of pain was a small price to pay for NO KIDS!
Re: IUD vs Sterilization.
February 16, 2006
Luckily I found an awesome OBGYN who didn't even blink when I told him I wanted my tubes tied. I am 34 years old and have known for as far back as I can remember I didn't want kids. I told the dr, he did his very brief thing about are you sure, I said yes, adn he said ok, then let's schedule it. I had my tubes tied almost two months ago and I am so freaking happy to never have to take the pill again! I think some male doctors, especially over female ones with kids, may be more willing to not give you so much crap about it!
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