978 Sprogga Palooza!!
February 16, 2006
What a brat. Your poor uncle, the man's a saint for allowing such a hellion into his life to totally destroy it. He should get out now while he's still sane and while he still has some friends. No wonder people tell him to leave the hell spawn at home when he visits. I would have no parts of that shit. Too bad your uncle can't tell his son to clean up his own mess and responsibility for his fuck trophies.

Your poor mom, right after surgery too. She must have been on some good pain meds to "take the edge off" otherwise, her head might have exploded. She was obviously trying to make the best of the situation and enjoy the visit with her brother.

I also see my own mom dealing with my 2 and 1 year old nephews' crap differently than she dealt with my brother and me. I don't get it. I hate kids and hate hyperactive ones even more.
Re: 978 Sprogga Palooza!!
February 16, 2006
Kids are allowed to get away with so much shit anymore that it's probably overwhelming to family members who would beat the brats' asses - they probably don't know where to even begin.

Damn, I wouldn't have hesitated to smack that child across the head and beat his ass until it glowed in the dark. I feel so bad for your uncle - I think a gift basket of tranquilizers to use on his little hellion would be a very pleasing gesture.
Re: 978 Sprogga Palooza!!
February 16, 2006
Pounding tables and climbing onto furniture? From what you have described this 11-year-old acts like a three-year-old.
Thank the stars I am bratfree.
Re: 978 Sprogga Palooza!!
February 16, 2006
What a spoiled asshole! DH has a nephew just like the monster you've described, and we told his parents that Hellboy is no longer welcome at our home or events, for exactly the reasons you presented, here. I really feel for you and your mom. That poor lady shouldn't have had to put up with that kid right after surgery. Please, if you ever get the opportunity to slug the brat, give him a good one for me, too! :-)
Re: 978 Sprogga Palooza!!
February 17, 2006
What a horrible brat and I agree with whoever said he was acting like a 3yo. That kid needs a date with your uncles belt.

I don't cut these hyperactive/add kids any slack myself. I was a hyperactive child and my family made me behave myself. Sure, I was more figity that the average child but I never would have pulled what this brat did, especially at 11 year old. Like the orginal poster I was also a kid in the 70's and if I pulled that kind of shit in somebodys house who had nice furniture my mom or grandmother would have lit my ass up. No, I wasn't beaten as a child by any means, I was only spanked three times but I remembered those spankings and heeded adults warnings.
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