Toadler want BLOOD
May 07, 2013
Unattended toadler grabs a syringe of blood and chows down. Why you would take toadler to a hospital and not have partner get a ride with someone or drop toadler with sitter is one thing - perhaps it was an emergency (although does not say). But why the fuck would you not monitor every movement in a hospital?? Those places are filled not only with sharp instruments and dangerous meds. but GERMS. Super, mega, flesh-eating germs. hitting over the head with a hammer
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 07, 2013
two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking

How much do you want to bet that in the event Toadley does contract something, that Moo will sue the hospital? ranting It does warm my :emoheart to see her getting ripped in the comments. thumbs upwink


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 07, 2013
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 07, 2013
Linky no worky! (at least for me)
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 07, 2013
Linky no worky! (at least for me)

It didn't work for me either.
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 07, 2013
Didn't there USED to be laws or rules against young brats visiting patients in hospitals?

Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 07, 2013
Toddlers are stupid by nature and will immediately grab things that are most likely to hurt them and either eat them or play with them - knives, scissors, marbles, small swallow-able objects, poisonous liquids, tacks, etc. And it kills me when they drink things like Drano and don't spit it out or vomit it up. Toadlers and loaves are exceptionally good at spitting up and puking up their milk and food, but they won't regurgitate toxic things.

Moo was in the same fucking room with the kid, so why was she not watching him? It's not like he could wander out of her field of vision in an exam room. Though I do question what hospital has a sharps container that is within reach of a toddler. I've never seen that before - just about every exam room I've been in had the used sharps box high up on the wall, most likely to prevent retarded children from sticking their piggy snot fingers in it and playing with the used syringes. How'd he get the blood out of the syringe if there was no needle on it? Don't they have some way to stay closed if the needle is gone to prevent leakage?

I seriously doubt any blood-borne illness will do much more damage to the kid. Is it just me, or does he already look like a retard? Maybe I'm just nuts in the head, but something doesn't sound right here. How does a toddler manage to get a hold of a needle-less used syringe from a sharps container (which the article itself says should be impossible to stick your hand down into), squirt the blood into his hand and then eat said blood while three adults are in the room probably no more than 2 feet away?

Also, I thought sharps boxes were for empty syringes that have been used to administer medication. Some might be full and some are empty. Why would a syringe full of blood be in there? Especially if it wasn't the blood lab? I've never seen a doctor, technician or nurse draw blood and then dump a full syringe in the sharps box.
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 07, 2013
Try this link

(You got that extra http:// in there again Alice grinning smiley)

(You can get these out while reading it too - when it comes up 'server not found' or 'bad page' or whatev - look in the URL box, if there's an excess http:// - delete so there's just one, press the GO button, and it goes. That's what I did here.)

Yes, I can relate because there were a herd of free ranging brats going bat shit nuts in the grocery store earlier. Several where screeching and wailing as if on fire! I got a wicked bad head ache from it - and headaches are rare for me. GAWD. Moos were pushing their carts along oblivious, one kid was in a completely different department - running around the bakery area - it's Cow was several aisles over. This was like a 2, 3 year old toddler. Fucks SAKE!

I could not WAIT to get home from the store and I took two aspirin and drank a bottle of MX Coke (made with real sugar, not HFCS.) Cleared it right up! Oh and the BLESSED SILENCE!

I really don't know how Cows can put up with their antics let alone shrieking. Maybe that's why they let them run loose? They just want to be AWAY from them?

In the comments - ALL are blaming the parents. Beautiful. And not only should you watch your kids in a hospital - you should watch them everywhere! Because anything can be dangerous when mis handled, or mis used. DUH.
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 07, 2013
Didn't there USED to be laws or rules against young brats visiting patients in hospitals?


Oh. My bad. Not an American hospital, but British.
Rules must be different across the pond.

Hey, if the kyd dies of a blood borne disease we could call him a Lil' VAMPIRE!
(Help me out, Snarky)drinking coffee


EDIT-Thanks for the link fix, ZZelda!Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhankyou
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 08, 2013
Linky no worky! (at least for me)

It didn't work for me either.

I seem to have had link curse this past 24 hrs.. :satan
This time it's not the http but a link that goes to a search page. Please try this one.

Opps. just read on down. Thanks again Zzelda; would have sworn I'd tested it after posting.confused smiley And I sent it from work - no drinking there! :drkbddy
Anonymous User
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 08, 2013
Is it me or does that moo not look 22? Looks like she knows more about syringes than her kyd.
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 08, 2013
Is it me or does that moo not look 22? Looks like she knows more about syringes than her kyd.

My first thought was that moo looked like something from faces of meth. It's nice to know that wasn't just me.
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 08, 2013
Linky no worky! (at least for me)

It didn't work for me either.

I seem to have had link curse this past 24 hrs.. :satan
This time it's not the http but a link that goes to a search page. Please try this one.

Opps. just read on down. Thanks again Zzelda; would have sworn I'd tested it after posting.confused smiley And I sent it from work - no drinking there! :drkbddy

OT cause I wanna gripe about puters! I have several different systems going here. I studied Eng. at school and I've had everything from FORTRAN to C++. Which nearly drove me INSANE! And the biggest issue was - oh I understood it fine, but colons, semi colons, etc - work as 'operators' - and I have bad eyesight and would often miss those. Just can't see those little things.

So I'd be working on these things practically beating my head against the wall thinking - why won't this compile? I did it all *right*! I know I did! - but - I had missed one little period or semi colon. GAWD did that drive me nuts!!!

And, if memory serves, I was only made to take this class as a pre req for Maple software - which - for the love of Christ - if I'm just going to *use* it - why the fuck do I need to know how to program it??? You don't. You don't need that. angry smiley

You probably don't even need advanced multi variate calculus either - for it. But yeah. That too. grinning smiley They love to torture you.

Yes I have Maple and I can program it and write it all as math equations, input it all that way. grinning smiley

I have that on my 'work system' (PC or IBM based, plus various proprietary software), I have another old PC which I and friends put Unix on (Many THANKS! again to all the Fine Folk here at BF who helped me with that! smiling smiley ), and then I have my Mac laptop for 'fun' sites like this.

The Mac is the easiest to use. But, I am always switching back and forth between all this, they all have their particulars. And now my eyesight is really bad.

Maybe I need some toddler blood? Might rejuvenate me! grinning smiley

You know, come to think of it, I think I just notice net things like here - because I'm on the neighbor's wifi (they let me, the work systems are 'closed' - no wifi.) So it can be slow (dense urban area), and while I wait if things are slow to load - I just look at the URLs and such. No great feat of genius - just slow wifi LOL.

Word to the wise - that C++ ~ oooooh Lawd. You might wanna steer clear of that! I think it ruint my brains! grinning smiley Goddamn semi colons!!!

I will guess too - OK - speaking of Docs and Hospitals - they have all sorts of puter apps too now, that they use. I will be that THEY aren't made to take C!

Or how about these assholes and their vaginal wand probes? Do they have to know how to program those? I bet NOT!

Hey - that could maybe be a counter attack against these Anti types - you can't use those unless you can *program* it all!

Yes! I like this idea!

Well I got a good med related idea out of my rant after all!
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 08, 2013
@Zzelda Shuuuuush, we going toadler hunting. :spin

I love the rant I'm not a natural with computers but do have a logical mind. I get SO frustrated when I do something wrong and no one can tell me what it was (not like here). We have an IT dept., I am real goodabout taking screen captures and writing down warnings/messages. Still, I'm always getting "I've never seen it do THAT before." By now it is just sort of yeah, ok. I'll shut it down and reboot. :smn
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 08, 2013
I've seen dumbass parents pick the kid up and are so unaware of their surroundings they put the kid in the perfect position to reach into the needle box - and then get verbally abusive when you stop the kid. That is until you tell them the last needle in there came from an IV drug user.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Toadler want BLOOD
May 08, 2013
Snark Shark

Lil' Nosferatu!

and OH MY! they BOTH look OF THE DERP.

Yup...momma looks like a methhead, but at least the sprog isn't sparkly!


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
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