I read this last posting with interest, No not all women are stupid, but I do take exception to the fact that they inflict their badly behaved offspring on others.

The correct place for a mother to be is at home with her child for the first 5 formative years that is when they need to be trained social graces and how not to be a pain in the rear to the rest of society. These mothers who keep on working after proving the can get pregnant are unfair to the younger people just going into the workforce or I should say trying to get into the workforce.

These selfish women get pregnant go on maternity leave, put pressure on the people who employ them by forcing them to provide a person to do the work this pregnant one should have been doing as well as pay her for being at home, small firms cannot afford to pay out like this and eventually it could result in women of under a certain age will find it hard to get jobs. There are no jobs ever released for the young to take up and get training in because these selfish objects want they cake and eat it .

As for running on its toes, it means nothing, walking without falling over means its developed strong enough muscles to hold the little sod up.

Their kid is as special and unique as an asshole - everyone's got one.

Do you think child care centers or nannys teach these babies/toddlers social graces or do they simply keep them out of harm, feed, and change their dirty diapers? You bring up a valid point regarding a mother's place in that in those first 5 years she should be there to guide them. I wonder if any research is being done on the type of individual that is raised by a mother who works vs. a SAHMoo?

Thanks for the post.
No I do not think they are a substitue for a Mother, they pick up bad ways from others as well as not getting trained social manners.

There has been research done and it has been found that children of stay at home mothers are better behaved on the whole (there are always exceptions of course) but before 1960 when all this nonsense started about dumping children on whomsoever they can, there wasn't this dreadful state of affairs that we have present day.

Allbeit that some mothers have to work the majority are working for extra cars, clothes, holidays, which are not essentials, some mothers have to work to put food on the table and clothes for their children. I have every sympathy for those, but not the greedy lot that seem to be the majority. They do not care who is inconvenienced in the offices due to their demands for extra time off in school holidays and school plays, and so on.

I have to take acception to this. I was born to working parents and raised in day care centers, and never really had any of the behaviour problems we complain about here. I was a quiet kid who appreciated what I got, and respected others. At home AND at school I learned the value of sharing, kindness and cooperation.

The difference now days is that parents don't actually PARENT any more, nor do they want others (like day care providers and teachers) to do that job for them. Without any sort of guidance, kids are going to run wild, because they don't know better.
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