February 28, 2006
There are a few children who have this dreadful condition but there are nowhere near as many as are claimed. The get their kids hooked on tranquillisers unnecessarily.

As far as I am concerned they use the tag ADHD to cover up the fact they have no control over their offspring and in my view its an excuse for naughty children.

When we were naughty we got chastised, not beaten, smacked on the hand or leg to distract rather than hurt. It did us no harm. None of my schoolfriends ever had ADHD nor were there thug children around like today.

Lady Cooper
Re: ~ ADHD
February 28, 2006
The only real cases of ADD and ADHD I've seen are from people who appear to be severely disabled. A kid that's hyper from sugar and TV is not it. That's just being a bad parent.
Anonymous User
Re: ~ ADHD
March 01, 2006
Also understand that a lot of people get money whenever a child is adhd or whatever damned initials they get.
Mostly the school districts grubbing for more money are the recipeients of this 'largesse'. The more adh, whatever, the more taxpayer money they get, so it is to their benefit to have tons of adh. Not necessarily normally energetic kids being zonked out on drugs.
Re: ~ ADHD
March 01, 2006
All kids needs something to do. Something constructive, some focus, exercise to wear the little fucker out, decent diet, guidance and structure will only benefit a child. Pahrunts cannot expect to feed their kids shit food and sit them in front of a TV and have that child turn out to be anything other than a product of it's environment. Pahrunts in my neighborhood are nothing but breeders. Moo sits home all day with 5 kids of various ages. Sends the older ones out to play just to get them out of her hair, doesn't give a rat's furry ass what they are out doing, thus, no structure or discipline. Younger ones are too young to be sent out so to get them out of her hair, she sits them in front of Barney, Elmo or whoever the fuck is interesting that day, and let's the TV babysit them. When duhddy gets home, it's, "Here! I've dealt with them all day, now it's your turn." A former close friend of mine pulls this shit with her hubby and she wonders why her marriage is in shambles.
Re: ~ ADHD
March 01, 2006
Sorry, one more thing..... Few parents seem to know the concept of having 1 child and doing a really good job raising that one child. If more kids were only-children, it might mean more parent time with that child and the child would have to learn to be resourceful and creative to occupy itself instead of having a sibling at the ready. Might also improve social skills, something urgently needed by today's kids.
Re: ~ ADHD
March 02, 2006
I had a friend whose kid was diagnosed with ADHD, and the school system wasn't going to allow him in school unless he was on meds for it. Yes, he had a hard time staying on task, sitting quietly for hours on end, keeping his mouth shut, but for chrissakes he was 6! Every 6 year old I've ever run across has those "problems" because they're kids and have high energy and curiousity levels. If you give them something challenging to do, and take the time to help them stay on task then it isn't a problem that needs to be medicated away.

Teachers don't want to actually teach, parents don't want to actually parent...so I guess it's true...kids are mere fashion accessories now, and that's really really sad.
Re: ~ ADHD
March 02, 2006
i bet most of the adhd, and add kids are male.

Re: ~ ADHD
March 02, 2006
Amen!!! I've never understood why people have lots of kids. (And they're terrible with ALL of them, whether it's 2-4-6, etc.)

Why can't they just enjoy one child and ensure that child has a good life, loving, attentive parents? Is it because they believe they need a spare (or two or three or four) in case the first one croaks? I don't get it.

Even when I thought I might want kids (and at this point in my life, that's not going to happen) I never wanted more than one kid.

What's wrong with these moronic breeders? The instructions on condoms to much for them? What is it?

And if that's too difficult to deal with, get permanent sterilization (for both partners, that way they can't blame faulty surgical techniques).

I'm so glad I'm CF. Breeders are idiots.
mercurior 1
Re: ~ ADHD
March 03, 2006
i bet all of us cf have had this at one point,

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is also sometimes called ADD for Attention Deficit Disorder. They are pretty much the same thing, though ADHD is the official name. Children with ADHD sometimes have a hard time paying attention, sitting still, or thinking about what they say or do before blurting something out or behaving in a certain way. It is believed that approximately 3%-7% of school-age children have ADHD. The ratio of boys to girls is 3 boys for every 1 girl diagnosed. Not every child who has ADHD is hyper. Some children only have trouble paying attention and staying organized. Children with ADHD are more likely "space out" and do not tune into what is going on around them. Or they focus so much on one thing that they cannot pay attention to anything else.

There are three different subtypes of ADHD:

Children who are primarily inattentive.
Children whose main problem is impulsivity-hyperactivity
Children who have both inattention and impulsivity-hyperactivity problems to a significant degree (the combined subtype).

Signs of inattention include:
Becoming easily distracted by irrelevant sights and sounds
Failing to pay attention to details and making careless mistakes
Rarely following instructions carefully and completely
Losing or forgetting things like toys, or pencils, books, and tools needed for a task
Social withdrawl
Anxiety and depression

Signs of hyperactivity and impulsivity are:
Often fidgeting with hands or feet
Squirming in seat
Running, climbing, or leaving a seat, in situations where sitting or quiet behavior is expected
Impulse inhibition
Rejection by peers
Conduct disorders
Re: ~ ADHD
March 03, 2006
Boys are the majority with this so called condition but girls have made it an attractive thing for the boys to have because if they have the particular tablet which is used in this treatment in their possession the girls want to buy it as a slimming aid. Big money to be made on the medication for ADHD for the more enterprising of the patients.
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