rant 1036
March 07, 2006
The sad part is, a lot of the time that technique does create the attention they want. Just not from us.

A few years ago, myself and two other women were riding our motorcycles from Gettysburg to Detroit. It was the end of June and a very hot day. We stopped in to a rest area for lunch off of the Ohio Turnpike and was met with a situation like that.

I went into the building first and went right to the restroom where a kid was in there fighting with her mother that she didnt' want to go to the bathroom. I hurried out and my friend was was walking in as I was walking out and heard blood currdling screaming and did an about face and muttered, I can wait till THAT stops.

Then, as we are eating a bit later there is a lady doing that following her kid around looking for attention thing. We think it was the same kid as the restroom. Well, the building had a dome in it so the toddling and noise making brat was echoing thoughout the building. As she wondered by us nasty looking biker chicks, I looked at her and snarled "Not everyone thinks thats cute!" She muttered some excuse about how she just learned that abnoxious screatch she was doing, applolgized and went an sat down. My co-riders thanked me.
Re: rant 1036
March 07, 2006
I cannot stand this either. The handler walks around, grinning like a jack-ass, imagining that everyone is insanely jealous of her shit-loaf. Riiiiight..........
Re: rant 1036
March 07, 2006
That reminds me of when I went to a party at a local brewery with my now-husband a couple of years ago and my ex-boyfriend spotted me and kept pushing his newly hatched loaf's stroller up and down the aisle by our table. When I wouldn't pay attention to it and him, he decided to just come right up to us, not introduce himself to my date or anything, just start cooing about ISN'T SHE JUST BYOOTIFUL!!! Then he got this superior attitude like why didn't I say hi to him (I don't know, maybe because you're an asshole?). Then he kept baby stalking me when I would go to the restroom. Stupid asshole breeder.
Re: rant 1036
March 07, 2006
That's OK GreenGrass, bet we can all guess where you ex-boyfriend is now. Probably miserably married with a few more shitloaves and wishing he never was stupid enough to fuck without protection in the first place. Living well is the best revenge!
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