Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
Haircut wars

Moo - your kyd is NOT an extension of yourself, and much less is she there to fulfil your unmet need to have nicer hair than your sister. WHY on earth would you grow your brat's hair to waist length when she is not of an age to be able to take care of it herself?

This is definitely more about moo's need to have everyone comment on her kyd's wubberly long pwincess hair, and not about what's best for the kyd herself. the world 'fail' on flames
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
Small children aren't supposed to have such long hair since they can barely take care of it. Shoulder length if not shorter.
My friend's sister had neck length hair till she got on 5th grade.
But you know girls are supposed to have long feminine hair for boys to notice. They have to be taught early about that.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
Grrrrrrr.....this reminds me of my own childhood. My duh was obsessed with me having long hair as a little girl for some stupid reason. I was a six year old with hair down to my butt, and Duh wouldn't let me have it cut. (Oddly enough, this was the same man who bought me Matchbox cars as a kid because I loved them so much...) My moo was the one having to brush the damned snarls out of it every day (not only was it long, but it had natural curl). Moo finally got fed up, and cut my hair to having it just past shoulder length. Duh got all pissy, but Moo snapped, "You're not the one brushing the fucking snarls out of it, so back the hell off!" Duh pouted about it for a while, but he eventually got over it.


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
Whenever I see a really really little kid with extreme hair of any sort (waist-length, mohawk, dyed, so on), I always think, "Poor kid's parents think it's a fashion doll". No kid who's barely talking asks for a red mohawk, bleached tips, or anything like that.

At six they're starting to be aware of different ways people can look. Parents don't have to go along with the kid's hairstyle ideas, but this lady is projecting all her own issues with her own looks (vanity, insecurity, rivalry with her sister) on her daughter. From what she's written, snarls are a problem and it sounds like her kid is tender-headed. Pick your battles, lady. Work on your own issues without using your kid as a dress-up doll.

My own mom wouldn't let me grow out my hair until I could manage de-tangling on my own. Super-thick hair runs in the family on both sides. She didn't want to spend all day picking out snarls while I yelped (I was tender-headed, too). It wasn't about Mom projecting her issues on's that she was sick of taming my hair while I squirmed and screamed. Totally reasonable.
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
Moo felt she could never compete with her sister so now she projects it on to her own kid, really bad. Does she think her adult sister is going to be jealous of the little girl's pretty flowing hair? Eww.

Moo says something that I've heard before. I've had people bug me to grow my hair because it is full and thick. And I mean BUG. It wasn't my parents, they didn't care how I wore my hair. By the time I was a teen it became a problem, with friends and virtual strangers pressuring me to grow my hair long. The reasoning was that they wished they had my hair and if they did THEY would wear it long. WTF. For some people it's fetishism, which is just as bad.
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
The woman needs help. Can't wait until kid cuts her own hair or, even with long hair, ditches the "pink and sparkly" role moo wants for her and goes punk or goth or whatever is in when kid is 12.
Anonymous User
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
This is awful and moo is a lunatic! She needs to the let the poor kyd get a damn haircut! I actually feel bad for the little girl. Long, heavy, hair in hot weather sucks so much balls. I have to cut mine every spring and keep it short when it's hot. I've been that way since I was a kid. If an adult can be miserable with super long hair, a chyuld will surely be a thousand times more miserable.

And what was that garbage about her kyd not appreciating what she has? She's a little kyd, of course she's not going to give a shit about her hair yet! The kyd has plenty of time to care about the way she looks when she gets older, how about we don't screw up her self esteem just yet. Why can't these wacko-moos just let their kyds be kyds?
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
There will come a day when the kid goes to school and a boy either puts gum in that long hair or chops off a pony tail. The kid will thank him for it when that happens. She could also get sick of the drama and find a pair of scissors. What will moo do then???

Paranoia, paranoia, paranoia, paranoid. I'm not sick, but I'm not well. They're all out to get me they're all out to get me, so are you. So are you. (Sung to the tune of Frere Jaques.)
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
Like always, it's what MOO wants. All about the heifer bitch. The kid should have more say about how to wear her hair. It's not asking too much to just be able to wear it shorter, but then the selfish pig wouldn't get the attention SHE wants!

Parenting makes you a better person a self-centered asshole!

Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
Like always, it's what MOO wants. All about the heifer bitch. The kid should have more say about how to wear her hair. It's not asking too much to just be able to wear it shorter, but then the selfish pig wouldn't get the attention SHE wants!

Parenting makes you a better person a self-centered asshole!


Ain't that the truth.
Anonymous User
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
There will come a day when the kid goes to school and a boy either puts gum in that long hair or chops off a pony tail. The kid will thank him for it when that happens. She could also get sick of the drama and find a pair of scissors. What will moo do then???

I think damn near every kid gives him or herself a self inflicted haircut at one point or another. It's just one of those things that is bound to happen. After all, according to breeders you can't watch a chyuld all of the rolling left righteyes2
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
A few years ago, I used to wish I could grow my hair out to hip-length. Then, I saw so many of my peers begin to cut their long hair. From what I gathered when I asked a few of them, they just got tired of dealing with it.

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
Anonymous User
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
You know what this reminds me of?

"Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine..."
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
My Dad was insistent on keeping mine long when I was younger, too smile rolling left righteyes2 Mom knew I wanted it short, so she started taking 3-4 inches off at a time and before he knew it, I had shoulder length hair and he couldn't figure out when it had happened. I hated having long hair when I was younger. I refused to brush it myself because it took so long, and Mom was SO bullish when she did it. No detangling, just started with a brush or comb at the roots and ripped all the way down the whole length.

I have it long again now (I've cut over a foot off of it at least twice) and lemme tell ya, this stuff is high maintenance and a real pain. So much conditioner, so many looooong, loose hairs coming out in the shower when I wash it, the hours drying time, getting caught in my seat belt, truck windows, etc. Gah. I like how it looks better this way though, so I put up with it. But it's my CHOICE. I'm not a 6 year old kid who just wants to run around and play and not worry about my hair being pretty.

And moo is doing this because her sister, the child's aunt has long hair? Why is she bringing her petty sibling vanity rivalry into her child's life?!
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
Just wait until she really starts school....and LICE show up in those "lovely locks". I bet that hair gets cut and quick after having to go through that with a nit comb. My mother was also one of these, and after having to battle the common childhood menace of bug hair 6 times in two years off it came. Nothing we did would keep the bloody pests away because idiot "parents" wouldn't take care of their offsprings pets.
Anonymous User
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
I had blonde, almost white hair when I was a little kid(still blonde just darker now) and my mom cut it short because it would get tangled and I would not sit still for her to work the knots out. I grew my hair very long as a teenager, chopped it into a blunt, banged bob in my early 20's(thanks to a failed attempt at being a red head which required bleaching to correct) and now I'm in the process of growing it very long again.
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 27, 2013
Go figure. A moo projecting her own insecurities onto her kids. If she can’t handle cutting her daughter’s hair to a reasonable length, then how will she handle it when Bratlina gets old enough to cut her own hair? What if Bratlina decides to shave her head? I’d imagine moo would need to be carted off to the nearest nuthouse and locked away for a very, very long time.
She reminds me of the moo who lost her shit when her adult son came home with a tattoo. I believe there’s a thread about it somewhere. Holyshit, that bitch was a whole lotta crazy.
Big shock, the moo who wrote this article (if you can call it that) is some sort of blogger. Do these cows not have a real job? Rhetorical question, I know.
Anonymous User
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 28, 2013
I will never understand these control freak parents. They just view their kids as property, not human beings with separate identities. It's creepy. My mom was the same way. She insisted that I have ridiculously long hair (down to my bum) until I was almost 8 years old, and it was so uncomfortable getting it brushed every morning that I would cry (quietly) and ask for a haircut. One time, mom got annoyed and smacked me on the leg-- really hard-- with the brush. It was one of those heavy old brushes, not just cheap plastic, and the pain travelled through my entire leg. Of course, it was only when she got tired of brushing it that I was allowed a haircut. My feelings and discomfort were never considered.
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 28, 2013
Go figure. A moo projecting her own insecurities onto her kids. If she can’t handle cutting her daughter’s hair to a reasonable length, then how will she handle it when Bratlina gets old enough to cut her own hair? What if Bratlina decides to shave her head? I’d imagine moo would need to be carted off to the nearest nuthouse and locked away for a very, very long time.
She reminds me of the moo who lost her shit when her adult son came home with a tattoo. I believe there’s a thread about it somewhere. Holyshit, that bitch was a whole lotta crazy.
Big shock, the moo who wrote this article (if you can call it that) is some sort of blogger. Do these cows not have a real job? Rhetorical question, I know.

I think you're thinking of this thread. smiling smiley
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 28, 2013
There will come a day when the kid goes to school and a boy either puts gum in that long hair or chops off a pony tail. The kid will thank him for it when that happens. She could also get sick of the drama and find a pair of scissors. What will moo do then???

Ah, shades of third grade. My mother sent me to school wearing sausage curls a la Shirley Temple every damn day. One day I'd had it with my curls getting pulled, so I took my craft scissors and cut them all off. Then, of course, I got scared at what my folks would say, so I took scotch tape and tried taping all the curls back on.

It was an interesting evening in my natal home that night.

My poor mom. She wanted to have Shirley Temple for a daughter. Instead, she got Calamity Jane.
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 28, 2013
I don't understand this controling behavior. My mother let me have long hair because I chose it. It was my head. She also made sure I knew that I would have to put up with her brushing it and braiding it for school (french braids during school days to keep it orderly) if I wanted it long. I did eventually cut it around 5th grade but it was all my own choice. I thank my mother for being supportive over every choice I've ever made for myself.

My father on the other hand was always trying to put in his two cents on my appearance. I had no self esteem thanks to his belittling me for having the audacity to grow into a female with curves into of the boyish figure he though women should have.
Anonymous User
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 28, 2013
My parents also had the long hair thing going on when I was a child. Thinking back on it, it was definitely a control thing. My mother was convinced that I wouldn't be able to take care of my own damn hair and insisted on washing and blow drying my waist length hair until I was 14 years old. Yup, up to that age I had never even washed my own hair. That was the year I had my first real haircut at a salon and I had my hair cut in shoulder length layers. Drama ensued - my father even told me that I was never to ask him for anything ever again, just because I chose to cut my hair.

It has left me with an enduring love of very long hair though. I've grown my hair out several times the past 20 years and it's now the longest it has ever been - tail bone length.
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 28, 2013
... and Mom was SO bullish when she did it. No detangling, just started with a brush or comb at the roots and ripped all the way down the whole length.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have the answer. I swear some of these poor girls with long hair must have chronic whiplash from having their hair brushed the same way Shiny's mom did. Tip to mothers: your child's head should not act like it's on a rubber band under tension.

Makes me appreciate my mother though. As soon as I said I wanted my hair cut, she booked the appointment. She figured I could do whatever I wanted with my hair, so long as I understood that I had to live with the decision and maintain it.
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 28, 2013
My hair was a control issue until I was sixteen and a sophomore in high school. As a kid I would grow it out but my idiot step father wouldn't let me have detangler, conditioner, the correct hairbrush, or anything else that would help me maintain it. They just cut it short when it became hopelessly tangled. When I was sixteen I wanted my first dye job and my moo honestly tried to sabotage it. That stopped when my step sister called her out on it.

The point I'm trying to make here is that a LOT of moos have to be the alpha bitch of the pack and they try to do that by controlling the looks of their daughters. It's disgusting to see this in action.

Paranoia, paranoia, paranoia, paranoid. I'm not sick, but I'm not well. They're all out to get me they're all out to get me, so are you. So are you. (Sung to the tune of Frere Jaques.)
Re: Moo won't let Bratlina cut hair:td
August 28, 2013
Go figure. A moo projecting her own insecurities onto her kids. If she can’t handle cutting her daughter’s hair to a reasonable length, then how will she handle it when Bratlina gets old enough to cut her own hair? What if Bratlina decides to shave her head? I’d imagine moo would need to be carted off to the nearest nuthouse and locked away for a very, very long time.
She reminds me of the moo who lost her shit when her adult son came home with a tattoo. I believe there’s a thread about it somewhere. Holyshit, that bitch was a whole lotta crazy.
Big shock, the moo who wrote this article (if you can call it that) is some sort of blogger. Do these cows not have a real job? Rhetorical question, I know.

I think you're thinking of this thread. smiling smiley

Yup, that’s the thread I was talking about. Wow. I cannot figure out why moos are so obsessed with what their kids do with their bodies. Princess wants a haircut? Let her have a fucking haircut. It’s not going to kill you. I’m a person with super thick hair myself and as much as I would like to have it long, I can’t. It’s too much to take care of and it takes forever to brush the knots out. My hair is also super wavy and even if I brush it ten times over it always looks messy. So sometimes I have to chop some of it off.
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