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You are a bully if you don't like to see Facebook babby pictures! :rolleyes2

Posted by kookiecrisp 
I sometimes get addicted to the silly articles and lists from Buzzfeed, but my fun time was ruined by breeder idiocy.


How is it bullying if you hide ugly ass pictures of kids from Fartbook? When I had FB I used to hide posts from people who posted religious and political crap. I didn't tell them, and it just cleaned up my feed and made my day slightly better.

Oh, I love this post;

Geez people. I get that you think it's super cool and edgy to talk about how much you hate babies... My parents and family are on Facebook, and most of the kiddo stuff I post if for them. Your oh-no-not-another-baby-I'm-too-cool-for-this feelings are pretty irrelevant. Either hide them from your newsfeed or use that handy little unfriend feature. You look whiny. Get it together.

Fucking breeders try to be edgy by having moo blogs all the time, acting like they're the first and best moo in the pasture. Pahrunts look whiny by being offended at this, since they get Moo and Duh day, babby showers, tax breaks, WIC, and all the udder rubs in the world. Still, all that isn't enough. EVERYONE must worship the cult of babby.

Also, as someone who actually got bullied at school and still is trying to undo the effects, this rubs me the wrong way. Especially since the stupid loaf doesn't know their pictures have been hidden.
Everyone knows that cats are the best thing on facebook. Cats > babies every time.

And this woman is a cunt.
Wait...there are people who bother complaining to the baby-havers about the photos? I never bother with that. I just hide the picture, and if it's a perpetual problem I unsubscribe or unfriend as needed. It's their page; if they want to waste electrons by posting baby photos, that's their option. I just don't stick around to watch the results.

But here's the payoff: I asked a PNB friend what she thought of all this, and she hides those pictures in her feed too. OTHER PARENTS are hiding each others' photos. If other parents are sick of it, then I'm not mean, heartless, or self-centered. In the old days you were stuck on the couch looking at pictures in the album held by the beaming parent, and just walking off was harder back then. Nowadays, parents don't realize that at least 75 percent of the audience leaves the couch every single time. And that makes me laugh.
This is just one more reason why I don't have a Facebook account. It's ridiculous that most people feel the need to announce what they are doing every minute of the day on FB with their stupid status updates.

The BF has a FB account and I swear, some of his friends will update their status about the dumbest shit like, "Going to the gym.", then five minutes later they'll announce, "Doing lunges at the gym." Do people really think the world gives a rats ass about how their daily workout routine goes?

My feelings are the same for loaf/chyuld pictures. Oh, look, the miracle retard baby just crapped it's diaper for the billionth time, everyone! Dear breeders: NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!
Did that dumb bitch REALLY open up her article with a Kanye West quote? How can anyone take someone that stupid seriously? hitting over the head with a hammer
Mostly I just hide the updates, I'm fortunate to not have too many spammy breeders on my friends list. Hid a bunch a while back from one who recently hatched a new larvae, but hopefully the 'new' is wearing off, because she's letting up. Another one I outright unfriended because she announced her SIXTH pregnancy. SIX! Godfuckingdammit, she was in school to be a police officer, and this is the third time she's delayed graduating and getting a job because she and her husband can't bother with condoms.

People like the bitching comment moo are the same ones who complain about pet pictures on FB. "Stop posting pictures of your dog/cat/guinea pig every week, no one cares. Pathetic! You have a dog, we get it, big deal."

I always post pictures of my pets. People fucking love them, so there. What I don't do, however, is announce whenever one of them poops or vomits on the floor or if they had foreign objects in the turds.
So, it's bullying if we try to avoid the very things that make us want to swing into vulgarity? How would these bitches even know if we hide their brats with Unbabyme? Sheesh!

Well, I am more than happy to unfriend anyone stupid enough to breed. Less irritation that way.
This goes to show you that moos have waaaay too much time on their hands if they’re bitching about people not wanting to see pics of their fugly ass loaves. I think she’s overexaggerating when she claims that people are complaining about her posting babby pics. What I think really happened is she overheard a coworker/friend/relative/whatever talking about how she/he hides babby pics, and in typical moo fashion she got butthurt because ZOMG how dare they not worship the holy sainted immaculately blessed golden sprog!
Wow..this article was quite a read. I was rolling on the floor in tears by the middle of it. Moo obviously has some serious issues!

moo moo moo mooooo
Like much of the Western-pop-culture-following world, I was very eager to see the first picture of baby North. Partly to confirm that two attractive people made an adorable baby, and partly because I just really love looking at pictures of other people’s babies.

And mainly because you're a nebby-nosed cunt who loves being in other peoples business. Maybe you've fucked up your brain so much that all you find attractive are pictures of other people's fuck trophies. I wonder if she has a shrine to all of her favorites...:goggle

more drivel
In fact, the only thing more exciting to me than a celebrity baby is the baby of a friend. If I had a choice, my Facebook feed would be solely pictures of people’s babies — with, perhaps, a few pets sprinkled in the mix. Fat cheeks, messy faces, big eyes, chubby hands reaching out — babies are surely the best part of Facebook.

Holy fucking shit. So there are those that actually dive head-first into these disgusting crib trolls? She sounds like she likes "da bebeeees" a bit too much. The visuals that came from reading this paragraph were horrifying. I had to get up and go for a walk after I read this shit. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck Maybe she should end up abducting all the fuck trophies in the world and then she can have them all for her own. The cow faces and dead, vacant eyes like there's nothing going on in there at all just staring up at her and screeching in unison day and night, weekday and weekend. She can take pictures of them all, squeezing their cheeks and slinging mud onto them, so that they all have messy faces. Feed them all dinosaur-shaped mcnuggets and cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She can even get surgery to increase the number of udders she has for her huge litter all hanging off her natural and surgically added udders, like dangling lesions for all the world to see! If this is what FriendFace actuallly consists of, I'm glad I'll never have to see it.

how dare you be mean to the baybbeeeees
And yet, there are amazingly wrongheaded humans out there who claim that infants are “annoying.”
The line seems split between people who find babies in general annoying and people who find the volume of pictures annoying.

This is no claim, retard. This is FACT. They are annoying and so much more. And no, you cunt, the line splits between people who don't want to see some mangled blob of flesh spewing gross bodily fluids like a full-on tard and those that have baybee fetishes, like yourself.

moomoo trying to do research
Some baby-picture haters try to get cute and mask their disdain with a question like this one sent to The New York Times Magazine’s Ethicist:

Now, I love babies and feel it’s acceptable to post a photo from a holiday gathering or a first picture of a newborn. But when this happens every day from a specific acquaintance, is it a violation of the baby’s privacy? The baby did not sign up for a Facebook account, does not understand the concept of Facebook and obviously was not asked permission to have its pictures on the site

Obviously this is ridiculous. (The Ethicist’s Chuck Klosterman concludes: “There’s no best case in which a newborn can comprehend the abstraction of privacy. The world’s smartest baby still doesn’t know anything.”)

Even though these sacks of flesh can't understand the basics of social issues (which all moos and duhs obviously can't either), no one wants to see that shit! The world's smartest shitstain doesn't know anything. They shouldn't even be on display, there's nothing there to see. I'd rather be surrounded by, and live in, darkness for the rest of my life than see these slobbering wastes of space for even a short amount of time.

Don't complain about my babbyyyyeee obsession
It’s OK not to like babies. It’s OK not to like baby pictures. But complaining about them being on Facebook is like complaining about a dog park being overrun with dogs.

Thank you for allowing me to not like babies. As a matter of fact, I wish there would be a baby rapture...jebus comes down and takes away all the screaming hooligans and makes all women and men sterile. smile rolling left righteyes2 This, while it would be the ultimate dream scenario, is just about as fucking impossible as relating SmackMyFace to a spawn park. That site, to my knowledge, was never advertised as a spawn showcase.
:flaming:bawlcutting a smiley with a chainsawfuckmob with pitchforks chasing anothermob:kill
Everyone knows that cats are the best thing on facebook. Cats > babies every time.

Abso-fucking-lutely! Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhankyou
This is just one more reason why I don't have a Facebook account. It's ridiculous that most people feel the need to announce what they are doing every minute of the day on FB with their stupid status updates.

I thought I was the only one who felt like this!
Even if I hide them from my feed, most of my friends who have kyds usually have their kyd's picture as their own profile picture on Fuckbook. And the preggo ones have the scan picture. It's like they cease to exist once they get upduffed and that their identity merges with the kyd. You can always tell the ones who are going to be BNPs from whether they post the scan-blob-pictures and then have one as their profile picture. My PNB friends just quietly got on with being preggers and having the baby and guess what, they were too frickin busy with real life to post lots of scan/loaf/kyd pictures on Fuckbook. They don't feel the need to shove their baybee in everyone's faces because they actually get that probably nobody cares but them.

The BNPs on the other hand will spend more time posting pictures online of their baybees and their big happy famblees and trying to show what wonderful parunts they are to the world.....by spending all their time online and not with their kyds.
Even if I hide them from my feed, most of my friends who have kyds usually have their kyd's picture as their own profile picture on Fuckbook. And the preggo ones have the scan picture. It's like they cease to exist once they get upduffed and that their identity merges with the kyd. You can always tell the ones who are going to be BNPs from whether they post the scan-blob-pictures and then have one as their profile picture.

...and then when you log in from a new device at an unfamiliar IP FB will ask you to 'identify several of your friends for security reasons' and you're presented with several pictures of a faceless blob and asked which of your friends it is. What about "none of the above, some idiot I need to defriend is using a loaf in place of her/his own photo?"
LOL I already disliked a fashion page because it kept posting babies pictures and asking if it wasn't cute. It's like being a woman = mother or mother to be. At first they were like once a week, then everyday. Dropped it, added another one. This one is starting to do the same shit. I want to see outfits not babies!!! I'd understand if it was fashion for men, women and children. But no! It's just for women.
I'm lucky. Most of my friends are still in school. Thank God they're aiming high.
One of them was a mother recently but she only has 1 picture of her son.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
All I have to say is thank the Gods for Google Chrome's unbaby app.

But seriously, I'm glad that moo said we can dislike babies.

Thank you, oh-so superior moomie for allowing us evil childfree people to at least hate to see our friends go from being ambitious people with dreams to travel and make something out of themselves into placenta-brained shells of their former selves thanks to their "littul myrukul". Thank you, oh great moo for letting us hate the peaceful atmospehere of a restaurant get shattered by a screeching shitsack. We childfree heathens are so grateful!
One of my friends, former roommate, co- flight attendant-worker had her pic. of her 2 boys, as hers. One day she posted a pic of herself, and my comment was:" Nice, your kids are cute, but I have missed seeing you." Her boys look like hers, with delicate features, not ugly but not boyish at all. One of my cousins just became a grandma and floods FB with loaf pics. She knows my aversion to mini-humans, and I'd rather hide her posts than hurt her fellings. Another friend has a 6 and 4 yr.old boys. They are cute (from the distance) and she'll post pics once every couple months. No complaint. Plus she's a PNB. My other friends seem to be more into animals than babbies.thumbs upwink
You know, I'd been toying with the idea of starting an account on FB, wondering why I hadn't already done so.

I've been reminded. Stupid attention-whorey moo-mares.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

What's funny is that I was reminded about unbabyme by reading this post, and almost the first thing that turned up when I typed it into google to have a look, was this bitchy-ass moo blog post: http://www.modgblog.com/2012/08/24/dear-persons-who-installed-unbaby-me-on-facebook/

It's kind of old, so you guys may have already laughed at it, but asshurt moo, much? How do these retards even KNOW when someone's using the filter? People filter videos, photos, pages, etc. all the time on FB - including these stupid moos, no doubt - but nobody whines and bitches about that. What do they care?? It's not hurting anyone, often keeps the peace, and nobody has to know....Unless the poster is counting and taking note of every single comment coming in, or rather NOT coming in, of her ugly loaf.
Read the comments in that second article about all the "un-apps" people would like to have.

Actually, I'll just summarize them:

Moo lows because people want to avoid the things that seem to legitimately annoy them. Moo proceeds to then list all of the things that legitimately annoy her, that she would love to have an app to block (meaning, to do the EXACT SAME THING that she complained about others doing).

The first time I ran across the unbaby.me thing I was honestly ecstatic. And it was on another one of those moo blogs where all of them were bitching about how they couldn't fathom why everyone didn't want to see widdle pwecious taking his first shit in the potty, visually documenting the size/shape/color of the shit, etc. I almost thought I should send them a "thank you" for alerting me to that app, because without them I'd have never discovered it.
The first time I ran across the unbaby.me thing I was honestly ecstatic. And it was on another one of those moo blogs where all of them were bitching about how they couldn't fathom why everyone didn't want to see widdle pwecious taking his first shit in the potty, visually documenting the size/shape/color of the shit, etc. I almost thought I should send them a "thank you" for alerting me to that app, because without them I'd have never discovered it.

Hahaha - I'd never heard of it either, but you bet I'll go find it now!
Hah, I'm glad that now more of you found out about unbaby.me. This bovine's article seems to have backfired. :yeah
Are they babies of people who are in my life a lot now, such as siblings or close friends? Fine, I want to see them. I actually like seeing my nieces and nephews since I live far from home.

Someone I knew vaguely in HS or college? An occasional one is fine; most send the picture Christmas cards (may do that with the puggerazi this year) and that does not bother me at all. But don't photobomb the entire FB list of friends with your kids' every shit drop and "momentous" occasion.

I rarely unfriend except for the people who sent nothing but religious shit and game requests. No updates, hell, not even a kid pic. Just God-Squad stuff and Farmville shit.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
How is a person a bully if they don't want to see nasty loaf pics on fakebook? shrug

Aren't the breeders who are forcing everyone to see their loaf's dirty diapers, puke and other gross stuff in their feeds the real bullies here? They've basically hijacked fakebook and are forcing other people to look at this stuff, at the rate where UnBaby Me had to be created to save other people's sanity.

If mooos didn't abuse fakebook with endless loaf pics, UnBaby me wouldn't have to exist at all.
God, this "article" has so much bullshit in it it's difficult to make just one blanket comment, so here's my dissection: drinking coffee

Babies Are The Best Thing On Facebook This massive moo mindset is the root of the problem. shrug

It’s time to fight the bullies who would deny us the pleasure of looking at chubby cheeks. 1)Using the word bully is a ridiculous and unsuccessful attempt at making a mountain out of a mole hill, soliciting sympathy when none is needed since this is a majority opinion, and also to create and/or intensify the attitude of "us against them", which is preposterous. 2)No one is "denying" anyone else's "pleasure" to look at or post anything on Facebooger as the last time I checked most anything is allowed and those choosing to opt out of viewing whatever has no effect on anyone else's account or viewing choices., and 3)They can and do ooh and aah over "chubby cheeks" whenever they want online and in real life without interference, but the issue here seems to be they desire everyone else to hold and express the same interests, which is Moo-Like and illustrates a low mentality. WHY would anyone care what someone else chooses an interest in, or not? I don't give a rat's ass if they coo over babies 24-7-365, just don't expect everyone else possesses the same obsession.:bayybee

“There’s only one brand now, and that’s family.” There again, they have redefined yet another word. I don't disagree that "family" is a very important part of most everyone's life, but what these breeders fail to realize is "family" means a variety of things to different people. For example, I consider my husband, parents, sisters, grand mothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, inlaws, and several friends, as well as my cats, my "family". I find it offensive how breeders appear to think if that "family" doesn't include a self replicant then it's less important than their version.angry smiley

Those wise words come from Kanye West. West’s visit to Kris Jenner’s talk show aired Friday, and after he transitioned into a full-blown Kardashian, he debuted the first public picture of his 2-month-old daughter with Kim Kardashian: North West.Like much of the Western-pop-culture-following world, I was very eager to see the first picture of baby North. Partly to confirm that two attractive people made an adorable baby, and partly because I just really love looking at pictures of other people’s babies. In fact, the only thing more exciting to me than a celebrity baby is the baby of a friend. If I had a choice, my Facebook feed would be solely pictures of people’s babies — with, perhaps, a few pets sprinkled in the mix. Fat cheeks, messy faces, big eyes, chubby hands reaching out — babies are surely the best part of Facebook. And yet, there are amazingly wrongheaded humans out there who claim that infants are “annoying.” Facebooger is a social media and like ALL social interactions it is RUDE to inundate the people present with a bombardment of self, which is exactly what babies are, and expect constant pats on the back, adoration, and to basically hog each and every conversation and/or steer every interaction back to them and THEIR interests. It's bullshit when they say they enjoy seeing OTHER babies because that is a woefully thinly veiled attempt to pretend they like interaction, when in fact it's just a conduit to showcase THEIR self replicants. That anyone enjoys keeping up with celebrity babies and lives of the famous to the extent these people do is a clear sign of low intellect as well.

The claim "wrong headed humans" (an insult right off the bat)find infants annoying is bullshit for the most part because we are speaking of pictures, not a howler in a restaurant. It isn't the picture of the infant most of us find "annoying", rather it's the NUMBER of pictures and the constant posting from breeders of, "ME ME ME! Look at me and MY creation!" that is offensive to most, NOT infants in general. That's a variation of the Bingo that all childfree hate children in an effort to demean and discredit the childfree lifestyle choice and everything said or thought by the unchilded in general. "As a parent", they feel more deeply, their suffering is greater, their joy is beyond ours, they deserve special concessions and privileges in all facets of life, they are immortal, and their very lives are more worthy in every way than anyone else's.

It is this attitude I find the most offensive of all and this infant picture bullshit is just an extension of their overall breeder mindset. RARE is the breeder who considers looking at other peoples' kid pictures as anything other than an obligatory short social bridge to cross which affords them the opportunity to blabber and post incessantly about their self replicants.

The line seems split between people who find babies in general annoying and people who find the volume of pictures annoying.“Baby pictures, by and large, creep me out,” my friend Rashid told me. “Real-life babies creep me out too. They’re just gross and fat and defenseless and GROSS. And bald. I’d prefer to see pictures of toddlers. Or, you know, whatever age they are when they start having personalities.”Meanwhile, my friend Fee wrote, “People take it too far. Is a daily photo of your child really necessary? NO, not under any circumstance!”Unbaby.me is a Google Chrome extension that uses keywords to replace pictures of babies on Facebook and Twitter with pictures of dogs, or bacon, or other “awesome stuff.” I tried it out, and it sort of worked — a picture of a cute baby on Facebook was replaced by a picture of mini horses, but most of the other baby pictures in my feed were unaffected.
When I emailed the creator of the extension to ask what prompted its development, I received a one-line response: “Just annoyed by the growing trend.”The Unbaby.me extension at work. If the baby pictures in her feed remains unaffected, then WHY does she even care if anyone else uses the feature? Again, they want EVERYONE to be mesmerized by them and their self replicants, which is as ridiculous as it is annoying.eye rolling smiley

Some baby-picture haters try to get cute and mask their disdain with a question like this one sent to The New York Times Magazine’s Ethicist:Now, I love babies and feel it’s acceptable to post a photo from a holiday gathering or a first picture of a newborn. But when this happens every day from a specific acquaintance, is it a violation of the baby’s privacy? The baby did not sign up for a Facebook account, does not understand the concept of Facebook and obviously was not asked permission to have its pictures on the site Obviously this is ridiculous. (The Ethicist’s Chuck Klosterman concludes: “There’s no best case in which a newborn can comprehend the abstraction of privacy. The world’s smartest baby still doesn’t know anything.”) Using this logic, it's okay to post personal information about their kid too since he has no concept of safety. Oh wait, they do that too and constantly place their own children at risk from online predators!angrily flogging with a whip

It’s OK not to like babies. It’s OK not to like baby pictures. But complaining about them being on Facebook is like complaining about a dog park being overrun with dogs. Oh, thanks for the permission being granted to not like baby pictures or anything else, for that matter! The dog park analogy is a bit thin too because 1)Dog parks are inviting and used only by a specific crowd of people with one common interest whereas Facebooger is a social media outlet with millions of members with varying interests., and 2)When people go to a dog park it is with specific expectations that many dogs will likely be present and unavoidable, but when people sign onto Facebooger they are likely to do so with different and varying expectations in mind that may NOT include being bombarded with countless baby images.shrug

There are, of course, legitimate reasons to hate being inundated with babies every time you log on to Facebook — for people with fertility issues, or those who have lost a child, it can be particularly painful. But with some selective blocking and disconnecting, that can be mitigated. So NOW there are reasons deemed "legitimate" by breeders for not wanting to constantly view images of their kids? Palease. I'd toss that bullshit into the same trash bin with the, "legitimate rape" theorists. Who do they think they are to tell ME which of my feelings are "legitimate" and which ones are unacceptable? Anyone for any reason has the right to "opt out" of loaf pics or anything else and a person doesn't have to have one of their "legitimate" reasons to do so either! :headbrick

And largely speaking, the anti-baby-picture brigade seems to be most frequently motivated by a peculiar narcissism. The hater often assumes his or her own reactions matter far more than they actually do. Were I a parent, I believe I’d find it hard to care whether the college roommate I haven’t spoken to in years thinks my baby pictures are annoying. I doubt I’d count the number of “likes” on each picture and stress about whether the colleague from three jobs ago thinks the baby is cute. I’d be past that — rather, I’d be thinking about the family I’ve created, the friends and family members who love and care for me and my children, who cheer us on as we figure out this adventure. PRECISELY and breeders need to adhere to this philosophy!bouncing and laughing

One young couple, Jameil and Rashan, who I’ve known via the internet for years — in fact, they met through their respective (now-defunct) blogs back in the mid-aughts — is now expecting their first child. One of the attendant anxieties of having a new baby is their Facebook picture strategy.“I want to have a teeny bit of sense,” Jameil said. “Maybe not post 15 pics of the same outfit the same day. But no pics isn’t an option. We know too many people solely or chiefly online.” (Her husband, Rashan, added: “Tons of pictures. If they don’t like it they can get over it.”)
Getting over it — or getting past it — seems to be a theme among some new parents. “I like seeing pics of my friends’ kids, but I think I’m biased as a new father,” said my friend Tom. He and his wife Julie welcomed their first child, Zeke, last month. “I can’t actually imagine that others would find it annoying, especially since you can scroll past those posts in a fraction of a second.” Of COURSE they are "biased"! The moment the stick turns up two lines they are biased!eye rolling smiley

Tom’s pictures of Zeke are currently one of the best parts of my Facebook feed: Riiight, which liking Zeke pics gives her the all day movie ticket to display HER self replicant ongoing photo album of loaf. Do these people think no one can see beyond their obvious lies perpetuated by self interest?confused smiley

The Great Baby Photo Divide is obviously just a new manifestation of people finding dumb reasons to be annoyed with one another. And despite the fact that it’s taking place on a social media platform, it is certainly not a sign of “the way we live now.” It is, however, an opportunity to eschew the kind of my-way-or-the-highway thinking that so often freights our personal lives.The divide is an opportunity to be kind. I wouldn't refer to this horse shit as a "divide", rather it's much more simplistic than that; Breeders post way too many fucking loaf pictures that few people really want to see, unless like I have mentioned they have ulterior motives, and no one should be chastised for opting out of the minute by minute update of the photo array of the loaf review. Breeders can swap self replicant pics all day long for all I care, but just don't demand that everyone else participate AND do so joyfully.shrug

At the very least, just keep scrolling past the babies until you find the picture of a cat or fancy brunch or whatever it is that makes your heart sing. For the battle is already lost. As my friend Jamilah, another new parent who calls herself a Facebook photo “oversharer” noted, “Naima has gotten thousands of likes, so I reckon I’m not the only one who’s into it.” I'd imagine "Naima" has received "likes" from all the same breeders of the loaf pics that THIS woman clicked out a "like" for! This statement just reinforces my belief that breeders are "liking" other breeders' loaf pics for the express purpose of the socially acceptable opportunity to continue posting pics of their self replicants! It's the epitome of, "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine!" and is TOTAL horse shit.:BS

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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