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Over 4 Million Births in 2007

Posted by M4P 
Over 4 Million Births in 2007
July 19, 2008
Nothing like overpopulating the planet, and people wonder why our resources are being used up. Gah!!!


"WASHINGTON - More babies were born in the United States last year than ever before, according to preliminary data, but it's not another baby boom just yet.

About 4,315,000 children were born in 2007, about 15,000 more births than the peak time of the baby boom in 1957, said Stephanie Ventura, a demographer at the National Center for Health Statistics, which compiled the data from provisional birth certificate registrations at state health departments.

"According to our provisional data, we had the highest number of births ever reported in 2007," she said....."
Re: Over 4 Million Births in 2007
July 19, 2008
I have noticed that every time I looked, someone was having a kid. I was unable to figure out what is the drive behind all this, but I know it is not good economy that promotes that. We have not had good economy for years.
Re: Over 4 Million Births in 2007
July 19, 2008
The new baby boom is likely happening because it's trendy to have a baby right now. Popping out kids is glamorized everywhere, and there is no longer any stigma attached to having babies out of wedlock (in fact, it almost seems encouraged). I feel like people who have babies today are basically saying that things are fine enough in the world that they think it's OK to bring more people into it. Bitch, piss, and moan about gas prices, foreclosures, rampant corruption, religious feuding worldwide, cost of food, etc. etc. Unfortunately the worse things get, the more people will feel compelled to bring more humans into it, instead of fixing the problems we have HERE and NOW. You know, so that the kids will actually have a decent life to look forward to.

Let's say it again - and WE'RE the ones who are selfish!
Re: Over 4 Million Births in 2007
July 19, 2008
I agree, it's definitely the glamorizing of it that's led to the increase. Look at all the starlets and actresses parading their babyees like little trophies. They act like they're the ones doing the actual parenting but we all know it's the nanny who is. Yep, Ketchup, we're the selfish ones.
Re: Over 4 Million Births in 2007
July 19, 2008
It is strange how when things in the world get crappy, people move to pro-creation as an answer to problems. Poor countries are known for that. In poor countries, kids are born and no food is available to feed them. Still, no one seems to care that those newborns will starve. No one thinks twice that it makes even less food available for the rest.

I was taught differently - if you cannot feed them, do not breed them. Today, all rationality is no longer of any interest or concern. It is all about what feels good or what is trendy.

Hollywood is not a group of judges. Yet, majority of Americans feel that what Hollywood says is the law and that everyone must do. Well, if Hollywood is the law then I am a law breaker. I do not buy anything Hollywood has to offer, in fact I do not want it for free.

Breeding is not the only irresponsible thing that Hollywood does. Hollywood does drugs and other things to destroy their own bodies. It does not indicate that the rest of Americans have to repeat the same.
Out of the 4.3 million chyldren born in 2007, how many do you suppose are "anchor babies" born to illegal immigrants—or, for that matter, aliens here legally? The answer would be of great interest.
Re: Over 4 Million Births in 2007
July 19, 2008
k-man Wrote:
> Out of the 4.3 million chyldren born in 2007, how
> many do you suppose are "anchor babies" born to
> illegal immigrants—or, for that matter, aliens
> here legally? The answer would be of great
> interest.

Anchor babies are probably a large portion of it. The rest of the USA follows the trend.
Re: Over 4 Million Births in 2007
July 19, 2008
k-man Wrote:
> Out of the 4.3 million chyldren born in 2007, how
> many do you suppose are "anchor babies" born to
> illegal immigrants—or, for that matter, aliens
> here legally? The answer would be of great
> interest.

Yes, the turd werld has brought their "vibrant and diverse" culture to our lands. 10 brats and 5 families in a two room apt, etc. This makes the limousine liberals beam with joy and big goofy smiles. Believe me, I've see them do just that.

When the immigrants (the ones that came here legally) came through Ellis Island, they too did some overbreeding. Back then, there was Margaret Sanger and the Eugenics movement though, and women were taught to control their fertility, fight for birth control, etc.

Now mention eugenics and you'll hear gasps of horror and shrill screams of HITLER!!! Yes, Hitler had a eugenics program.

Fertility clinics ALSO have eugenics programs, in fact that is exactly what a fertility clinic is, a EUGENICS program. And they DO select the healthiest, strongest and in cases of fert clinic combined with sperm bank, they also select the WHITEST, BLONDEST and most intelligent, JUST LIKE HITLER DID. You won't see these goddamned liberals or breeders complaining about THAT though.

A decent, compassionate eugenics program is just what the world needs. Starting with a 30 year moratorium on breeding and mandatory sterilization of every human on the planet. Then at the end of that time, an equal number of the healthiest and most intelligent zygotes from each culture and race created in the testtube and implanted into the willing. No one can bitch about "racism" or anything else. No breeding allowed unless you get lucky and get to shit one out via the testtube program. People will need to find another hobby, other than shitting out brats. Maybe having dogs or some other pet to fulfil "maternal instincts" or whatever. But breeding by choice must end.
Nowhiggers, you seem to have a real attitude about "liberals." I consider myself one, and I don't care to be painted with a broad brush. Not every liberal believes in unlimited handouts for "illegals" or welfare moos. And not every liberal is an elitist, unless driving a 15-year old Civic makes me one. confused smiley My DH and I are so "elite" that he had to borrow money to run for public office.

Just something to think about...liberals aren't all richer than God!:smoke
Re: Over 4 Million Births in 2007
July 21, 2008
Hey I didn't say "all liberals" I said limousine liberals. Big diff. I'm quite liberal about most everything, but I lean towards the old school liberal, you know back in the 70s when feminism wasn't about shitting out brats, but about how NOT to shit out brats. lol.

The limousine liberal is the new liberal just like Faux News and Dumbya are the neo-cons or new conservatives. There isn't a whole lot of difference between the two, since they both share a similar goal to destroy the middle class.

I pick on NPR and limousine liberal more here on the boards only because I have to suffer that shit more often in real life with our fambly than I do any Faux News Dumbya Worship. Limo liberals have personally caused more grief in my life than any of the Dumbya people. That doesn't mean the Dumbyas are right, just means I have to be around them less.

Tell me about one fair segment on NPR about the childfree and I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Not to mention that with globalization haven taken off so massively, this depression will be very different from the last. The Dust Bowl mentality, the idea of leaving, the "when y'git work, write" tradition? Not gonna happen this time -- there will be nowhere to go to "git work." Nowhere to start new economy-stimulating initiatives. Nobody to work with to improve things. Just an entire country sucked down, and the rest of the world too worn out and on the brink (not to mention pissed off) to help.
Re: Over 4 Million Births in 2007
July 22, 2008
Breeders are in a hurry to push out person number 7 billion and get in the news.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Over 4 Million Births in 2007
July 22, 2008
My question is, where are all these people going to work? Do these breeding ass hats realize that with each generation, the quality of life gets exponentially lower and lower?

This is where good ol' Uncle Sam fucks up big. They breed and breed because they know in bad times, the government will be there with handouts for them. How much can you continue to TAKE from the taxapyers?

Mother Earth needs a break.
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