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More encouragement for poor to breed

Posted by Techie 
More encouragement for poor to breed
July 19, 2008
Here is an article that shows that people are barely making it. They live off the Social Security and food stamps. Later in the article, a statement is made that if they have a kid, they would get more money.


When will the time come where people pull together and make something out of their lives. If they have it so hard, why not reduce liability? They may get extra food stamps for the kid, but they will be poorer, more will be spent then they earn.
I'll preface this by telling everyone that I'm fat.

Now I'm going to say this:

Those whales MUST be 400lbs each. I know how much food it takes to be 60lbs overweight. But to be that big, it takes about 4x as much as I can consume.

100 bux for 10 bags of groceries. See what they do, and what I see a lot of other welfare pigs do in the store, is that their carts are filled to the brim with the cheapest, grossest, sugariest shit you can imagine. And now they complain that they can only buy 7 or 8 bags now.

How about 4 bags of decent food and let your body feed off of the fat stores if it needs more?? But that's beyond the sense of the clever welfare mind.

And I hate NPR with a passion. They are anti-middle class, anti-working person and you better believe, anti-childfree. If you've ever heard any of their childfree segments, and they've done a couple, they always have the moos in there to shout down the childfree people.

A 400 lb whale needs to have a baybee, huh? You see, that's why welfare needs to be abolished altogether (except for the elderly and severely disabled) because people use it as a paycheck, and having babies isn't about being a good parent, it's about collecting another paycheck.

This woman is "too disabled" to work but fine for sitting at home in front of the tv and going grocery shopping. God I am sick to death of our SS disability system being used like this. I have seen people cheating that system as much as they cheat welfare, working jobs under the table or under someone elses name and social so they can keep collecting the benefits for being "disabled."

The only way this shit is ever going to end is a complete collapse of our financial system that totally cuts of all welfare. Unfortunately, if that does happen, the truly disabled and elderly will also suffer, hopefully some private orgs will pick up the tab for them, but I fear, that if this comes to pass that moos and brats will be the first served, not the severely disabled and elderly.
Re: More encouragement for poor to breed
July 19, 2008
So true NoWhiggers. Really sick and elders will probably suffer because of welfare queens. It is sad. I know the system will collapse any time now, but I hope the people who really need it do not loose it.
That article mentioned that they live pretty far out of town. Usually, that means tons of space around the home. What's preventing them from growing some of their food? Seriously, seeds and seedlings are incredibly cheap -- with ten or fifteen dollars of those food stamps, they could buy seeds/seedlings and have fresh healthy food throughout the season and (with a little effort toward canning and preserving) well into the rest of the year.

I understand that food is expensive, but you know... if you really need something, you find a way to get it. If you're not willing to put effort into (having food/living in a decent place/owning a vehicle), then you must not "need" it so badly, huh?
Sara Wrote:
> That article mentioned that they live pretty far
> out of town. Usually, that means tons of space
> around the home. What's preventing them from
> growing some of their food? Seriously, seeds and
> seedlings are incredibly cheap -- with ten or
> fifteen dollars of those food stamps, they could
> buy seeds/seedlings and have fresh healthy food
> throughout the season and (with a little effort
> toward canning and preserving) well into the rest
> of the year.
> I understand that food is expensive, but you
> know... if you really need something, you find a
> way to get it. If you're not willing to put
> effort into (having food/living in a decent
> place/owning a vehicle), then you must not "need"
> it so badly, huh?

Sara I have NEVAH seen the welfare breeders grow their own food. lol. Vegetables are probably a profane concept to those whales in the article anyhow.

And you are right, welfare does allow the money to go for vegetable gardening supplies, but breeders prefer Shrek Cereal, chips and frozen pizzas.

The only way you are going to change that is if welfare food money is supervised. In fact, food stamps should not exist at all. If we are going to have welfare food programs, there needs to be government stores that do nothing but dole out food, in the nutritional increments to keep people healthy so they can go back to work.

But THAT will NEVAH happen. Ever.
Anonymous User
Re: More encouragement for poor to breed
July 20, 2008
I know people who spend 5 to 6 times more money on groceries than the average person does. Then wonder why they are broke all the time.

Nothing against smokers, but single moos ALL smoke. If they did not waste money on cigarettes, maybe they would not have to beg on craig's list for free stuff all the time.
Re: More encouragement for poor to breed
July 20, 2008
Until the day when scientists invent a pizza/beer/cigarette tree, we won't see welfare types put in a garden. What! You mean you want hefferella to work outdoors in the hot sun planting, weeding, watering and harvesting her own food? Oh the humanity! Why it would cut into their daytime tv watching!
Here is an example of their food "cutbacks":

"The smaller food bills are mostly due to cutbacks on meat and increases in starches. They also no longer get ice cream and other extras."

These ladies certainly don't NEED ice cream. It's a good thing they're not getting these "extras" (probably junk anyway). Seriously, I can't believe our tax dollars are paying for these behaviors. What do you want to bet these two are diabetic too, and on Medicaid? (there is a high prevalence of diabetes among hispanic obese women) Taxpayers will be picking up the tab for their medications, dr visits, amputations, hospital stays, etc. Meanwhile, the gov't gives them free money to spend on junk food, which contributes to their poor health, which you and I get to pay for.

I also don't understand why there can't be some regulations about what can be bought foodwise with gov't handouts. What is the big deal about forcing people to spend a certain percentage of their food stamps on fruits and vegetables?
Or how about not allowing convenience foods? I think that would go a long, long way toward motivating people to get off of food stamps (OH NOES! I can't buy frozen pizza and Easy Mac with these!) and making the food stamps last longer. It's a hell of a lot cheaper to buy a package of chicken breasts and a bag of rice ($6, maybe, and you can make two or three meals with it) than it is to buy a boxed "chicken and rice" dinner ($3 or $4 for ONE meal). Ditto cutting/cooking fresh veggies and fruit instead of buying "fruit snacks" or whatever, ditto buying baking supplies instead of pre-made breads and baked goods... I mean, seriously.

But wait! That would mean people would have to put effort and thought into their food preparation! Shit, we can't have that -- welfare is supposed to make things EASY! Blah.
casseyrod Wrote:
> I know people who spend 5 to 6 times more money on
> groceries than the average person does. Then
> wonder why they are broke all the time.
> Nothing against smokers, but single moos ALL
> smoke. If they did not waste money on cigarettes,
> maybe they would not have to beg on craig's list
> for free stuff all the time.

Ah yes, and also the first thing you hear breeders whine about in regards to health insurance being extended to everyone are those awful people who don't have insurance now (the singles and childfrees) that smoke.

Well guess what breeders, having babies is also a CHOICE that drives up the costs of health insurance. Either we should all get insurance no matter our choices or none of us should get it, including your brats.

And you are right cassey, all the single moos seem to smoke from what I have seen. They are spending their welfare money on ciggs I have seen it in the store myself. A moo goes shopping with a friend, friend buys carton of cigs and moo buys food in the same amount for friend. Happens all the fucking time.

This is why food stamps in particular need to be monitored beyond the BS "you can't buy liquor, you can't buy ciggs BLAH BLAH BLAH" they are buying liquor and ciggs with it!

And what the damn conservatives don't understand is that privatization is not the solution to public welfare programs. You can't give the moos food stamps and then turn them loose in a grocery store and expect the private store owners to monitor it. If you are going to have a welfare program then have a fucking welfare program and have the welfare agency monitor the moos top to bottom. Instead of food stamps, sacks of vegetables, rice, flour, beans, meats, milk etc. Wow imagine the savings to tax payers. What the goddamned government, and this includes the liberals and conservatives, problem is, none of them are very good stewards of the taxpayer money.
Ketchup Wrote:
> Here is an example of their food "cutbacks":
> "The smaller food bills are mostly due to cutbacks
> on meat and increases in starches. They also no
> longer get ice cream and other extras."
> These ladies certainly don't NEED ice cream. It's
> a good thing they're not getting these "extras"
> (probably junk anyway). Seriously, I can't believe
> our tax dollars are paying for these behaviors.
> What do you want to bet these two are diabetic
> too, and on Medicaid? (there is a high prevalence
> of diabetes among hispanic obese women) Taxpayers
> will be picking up the tab for their medications,
> dr visits, amputations, hospital stays, etc.
> Meanwhile, the gov't gives them free money to
> spend on junk food, which contributes to their
> poor health, which you and I get to pay for.
> I also don't understand why there can't be some
> regulations about what can be bought foodwise with
> gov't handouts. What is the big deal about forcing
> people to spend a certain percentage of their food
> stamps on fruits and vegetables?

I love how at the end of the NPR article, the NPR brains-falling-out-of-the-head liberals say: "Oh now they mostly live on noodles and pastas" and the "increase in starches" -- oh please give me a fucking break. Another case of this idiotic limousine liberal slant on everything at NPR. Bottom line, the got fat BEFORE their food stamps would buy less food. For all of the 20 years or so this woman was on food stamps and food was a lot cheaper, she and her brats were eating sugar and starches!!! LMAO!!! They did not grow that big overnight when all of a sudden the eeeevvvil W Bush wouldnt raise food stamp allowances to coincide with higher food prices. LMAO!!!!!!!!!

Our limo liberal in-laws have always sneered at my weight issues (and I've never been as big as those women), "white people have too much food" .. but by golly, you'll never hear them say one goddamned word about the fat hispanics or blacks. It's always the excuse of "well, the poor minority diet is all starches and pastas that's why they get so big." NPR is just like this. Look sometime for some of their "fat american" articles and segments, and you'll see a bunch of fat white southerners featured, but the "truly needy and truly poor" are almost always nowadays fat hispanic famblies, hell, they've even started to exclude the black people, who are no longer the limo liberal "favorite pets." I've never met a klansman that's more racist than the limo liberals (and we've got a couple of those kkk types in my family), and that is my personal observation.
"I love how at the end of the NPR article, the NPR brains-falling-out-of-the-head liberals say: "Oh now they mostly live on noodles and pastas" and the "increase in starches" -- oh please give me a fucking break."

Nowhiggers - my thoughts exactly. The article acts like they are going to STARVE TO DEATH from protein malnutrition because they can't afford to buy as much meat as they want to. GMAFB! They were probably eating too much meat in the first place. I doubt they are really going without.

And what's the deal with the 19 year old? Can't she walk to the grocery store? How about buy a cheap bike? They are acting like freaking shut ins because they don't have a car? Whatever. Husband and I don't own a car, and we walk to the grocery store in 90 degree heat almost every day. It's good for you! And it's FREE! Damn what is wrong with people???
Re: More encouragement for poor to breed
July 20, 2008
Those two heifers look like they could live off their blubber for at least the rest of this year.

If the fucking limo libs care about these lazy bums as much as they claim to, they should each take in and support at least one of these wastes of life and the famooly spawn. I see plenty of shit like this in my area and it pisses me off to no end that I am forced to chip in to provide their support.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: More encouragement for poor to breed
July 20, 2008
catmeow Wrote:
> Techie, this is for you:
> http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/aboutwic/

I want to vomit! This is sick! How about some food and nutrition for my relative who got badly injured at work!

> Years ago, I had two relatives getting WIC. You
> get more stuff than you can use; and they gave me
> the milk, peanut butter, cereal and other food
> they got way too much of.

Our tax dollars goes to that and we have no say so! They are wasting our money! States claim their budgets fall short, but they are wasting every penny!

> At this point, it may not a bad idea for people to
> buy their own medical care. As an alternative,
> maybe insurance can cover the basics; you pay for
> avoidable/unnecessary shit like IVF, repugnancy
> and well-baby care. I'm not sure of what an exact
> plan would be, but I know that something needs to
> be changed.

No medical or dental insurance is available for many people. It's simply not offered! If you are over 45 - good luck, they will not insure you! Laws only protect breeders and not responsible elders! We can choose not to breed but we cannot not age!
Re: More encouragement for poor to breed
July 20, 2008
Techie, as I said, I'm not sure of what the exact answer would be. All I know for sure is that the present system sucks.

If you buy insurance on your own now, you pay more as you get older no matter how healthy you are. My retired aunt pays way too much for her supplemental insurance, which covers what Medicare doesn't. Although she's much older than the typical welfare moo getting free insurance, she's much more active and weighs nowhere close to 400 pounds (like the two in the NPR article).

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
I've been obese all my life, so I tend to live and let live when it comes to people with weight problems. But I'm active and walk and move around. Since I take care of my disabled (and not overweight) mother full-time, I have to be able to.

Well, live and let live with one exception: just about every time I go into Wal-Mart or any other large supermarket, I'll see moos heavier than me using the store's electric carts to shop for junk food. The basket on the front will be crammed full of chips, candy, sugary sodas, cookies, etc., as a 400-pound pasty-faced, multiple-chinned wench shops for even more goodies for herself and her kyds to plop down with in front of the TV. That frosts me, especially when I cannot get one of the electric carts for my mother because they're all in use by such people. Good grief!
Anonymous User
Re: More encouragement for poor to breed
July 21, 2008
Sara Wrote:
> That article mentioned that they live pretty far
> out of town. Usually, that means tons of space
> around the home. What's preventing them from
> growing some of their food? Seriously, seeds and
> seedlings are incredibly cheap -- with ten or
> fifteen dollars of those food stamps, they could
> buy seeds/seedlings and have fresh healthy food
> throughout the season and (with a little effort
> toward canning and preserving) well into the rest
> of the year.
> I understand that food is expensive, but you
> know... if you really need something, you find a
> way to get it. If you're not willing to put
> effort into (having food/living in a decent
> place/owning a vehicle), then you must not "need"
> it so badly, huh?

Because it is a four letter word: W.O.R.K.
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