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Chalk up one for Michael Savage

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 21, 2008
He is in trouble for stating that autism is the 'illness du'jour (?)' and 99% of the so called autistic kids are 'kids who haven't been told to cut the act.'
Of course, the mootards and duhtards were out demonstrating at WOR in NYC calling him ignorant, that their pwecius droppings are actually ill.
I have news for these assholes: a) your kid is just plain old-fashioned crazy b) you haven't kicked his ass (suba: you don't kick his ass because he is supposedly autistic, so the loaf just gets worse anyway) c) normal energetic little boy (suba: you can't be bothered with disciplining his little ass so you have him diagnosed.
don't forget that the screw y'alls get more $$$ for these so-called defectives. Just plain ill-mannered little bastards don't get anything, even a well-deserved boot in the butt.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 21, 2008
Totally agree. I doubt very highly that ALL of these so-called "autistic" kids are actually autistic.
Hooray for Mr.Savage! He took on a lot of rotten apples on that particular radio show; the welfare leeches, spineless 'parents' AND playing sick for benefits.

The response on several places is nothing short of mind blowing. Left- and right-wingers both are accusing him of everything from being racist (he attacked playing the minority card) to a CHYLD-H8R to being "too blunt on a sensative issue".

Heh. Looks like this hit uncomfortably close to home with a lot of people.
Anonymous User
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 21, 2008
He is 100% right, autism is the 90's ADD & ADHD. its used to mask bad parenting, it sucks for those who really have it, But i suspect most people who say thier "special kyd" has autism, is just an asshole, bad behaved kid. I am so fucken sick of hearing about autism, I just dont give a shit about it, FAKE FAKE FAKE
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 21, 2008
Hm. It seems that severe autism (hand-flapping, aversion to touch and meeting gazes, &c.) is a genuine disorder, though why it's supposedly so common now and wasn't when I was growing up in the 70s is a mystery to me.

But ADHD? Nonsense. It's just a combination of poor discipline (woe to the teacher that tries to enforce it!) and natural kid antsiness. Parents are too busy and stressed out to accomodate normal kidliness. So they medicate it.

And I think a lot of these types of disorders are Munchausen's syndrome by proxy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munchausen_syndrome_by_proxy). Bored with their lives, the mommies concoct the latest trendy "disorder" because that's the only distinction their dull little lives or those of their dull little children are ever likely to have. Pathetic.
Having a kid with autism today is like being in some sort of mommy sorority. Oh, they are such martyrs. "Autism Awareness" bumper stickers plastered all over their minivans, t-shirts with "My child has Autism" (check this out and try not to hurl: http://t-shirts.cafepress.com/item/my-child-has-autism-womens-vneck-tshirt/225091882), trendy "support groups" who hold meetings at Starbucks...on and on. I don't think they give a damn about the kid, it's all about garnering ATTENTION for themselves. They are some of the biggest attention whores on the planet. I saw a commercial for a TV program in which a Mom of an Autistic Child told a reporter that she would not take away her child's autism, even if it were possible. How's that for selfishness??
Anonymous User
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 21, 2008
Ketchup Wrote:
> Having a kid with autism today is like being in
> some sort of mommy sorority. Oh, they are such
> martyrs. "Autism Awareness" bumper stickers
> plastered all over their minivans, t-shirts with
> "My child has Autism" (check this out and try not
> to hurl:
> http://t-shirts.cafepress.com/item/my-child-has-au
> tism-womens-vneck-tshirt/225091882), trendy
> "support groups" who hold meetings at
> Starbucks...on and on. I don't think they give a
> damn about the kid, it's all about garnering
> ATTENTION for themselves. They are some of the
> biggest attention whores on the planet. I saw a
> commercial for a TV program in which a Mom of an
> Autistic Child told a reporter that she would not
> take away her child's autism, even if it were
> possible. How's that for selfishness??

That is up there with the deaf deliberately choosing for deaf kids.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 21, 2008
When did it become acceptable for parents to misappropriate all these congenital medical conditions?? What about the parents who have REALLY defective kids? Doesn't it piss them off that their child's serious condition is being downgraded by these idiots?

Back in the 70s, subnormal kids were simply known as 'retards' and 'palsies'. **Sorry if it offends anyone who has a mentally-retarded relative or friend! I have a niece who is truly mentally retarded and it's a very difficult life she leads which normal people just cannot begin to appreciate.** But the past being the past, that's how people termed it, remember? I don't agree with the degrading terminology, but I do agree with its simplicity... kids either WERE or they WERENT. Period. As a result, no parent would be so stupid and shallow as to compete for the accolade of having a 'retard' for a son or a 'palsy' for a daughter.

What has the world come to when parents prefer to pretend their child is damaged?

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Y'know, there was this classmate of mine back in the 70s and 80s, whose behaviour could best be described as "unpredictable". My mother said he was "hyper". Some days he was good, some days he was the worst guy on the planet.

For grade 10, his parents sent him off to private school. He was gone until Christmas, then whined to come home. The parents okayed this, on two conditions:

1. He follows their orders.
2. No more $&@*ing SUGAR.

The result of this was no more problem, except he graduated a year behind schedule due to the mid-year move.

Hear that, breeders? Lucky Charms are magically horrendous!
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 21, 2008
Amethyst Wrote:

> What has the world come to when parents prefer to
> pretend their child is damaged?

Hey ame nice to see you around again.

Dear, it's an additional paycheck to them. All of these breeders with supposed "autistics" are all getting a payday from the taxpayers. All of them.

It just goes to show there ain't much parenting going on out there, it's all about the paycheck for being a shitty breeder.
aussie lassie
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 22, 2008
i used to work with disabled people and all the autistic kids (even the ones considered just MILDLY autistic) were CLEARLY different from 'normal' kids. and from the criteria it takes to diagnose i find its surprising that so many kids actually 'qualify' as autistic. working with disabled kids is one of the reasons im CF.. because that shit sucks. seriously. everyone else with normal kids can just go get fucked and quit their bitching.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 22, 2008
I listen to Michael Savage sometimes. He deserves an award for this, not firing! http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/general/view/2008_07_22_Savage_attack_on_autism:_Some_call_for_firing_of_radio_talk_show_host/srvc=home&position=3

Take a look at the comments after the article. smiling smiley

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 22, 2008
It's trendy for breeders to have autistic or ADD brats because they get tax-free SSI checks. If they didn't get those checks, there would be far fewer such diagnoses.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 22, 2008
nowhiggers Wrote:

> Dear, it's an additional paycheck to them. All of
> these breeders with supposed "autistics" are all
> getting a payday from the taxpayers. All of them.

WHAT?! Oh for f*ck's sake. I had no idea -- here in the UK they handle serious disability differently and, although many permanent conditions do get what they call 'tax credits', autism is NOT a paycheck. I do think the worse ones get free bus passes, though. Which is hilariously misguided -- what kind of person do you LEAST want sitting down next to you on the bus? Yes, someone who licks the windows.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Oops! I posted on this before I saw this thread.

I completely agree with Savage on this one.

How is it that 1 out of 10 kids (or whatever ridiculous figure they've come up with) is either autistic or has ADD/ADHD nowadays? Sometimes a brat is just a brat!

I agree with a previous poster. I would think that parents of truly disabled/autistic children would be furious about all of the faulty diagnoses today!
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 22, 2008
I listened to Savage yesterday when he opened his show to be invaded by the moommies. It was disgusting, a vile parade of "buuuuttttt myyyy chhhuiillddddddd!"

Savage took it up the ass and then turned around and started talking about the "degenerate liberal child haters at Media Matters" (the "liberal" org that started the rampage about his comments) and how the homos and liberals that hate kids BLAH BLAH BLAH, lol. He did stand by his statements that there is overdiagnosing going on but he never brought up anything about all the moos getting welfare for the fake diagnosed brats that are just brats not "autistic." He's not much of a conservative if he doesn't rail on that for a while, but I digress...

Anyhow, he turned it into the thing where it's all the "liberals" fault not his. lol.

It was pretty funny.

He's got breeders coming after him with torches now. He's a real threat to that extra check from the gubmit they get for those brats. Yet he still sits there and panders to them. He's no conservative, just a big hot air balloon.

And he sounded like Jerry Falwell yesterday railing on the homos and liberals and invoking GAWD in this whole thing.

I still love it that he got the moos so fucking upset and threatens their gubmint paycheck scam. LMAO! But that's the only thing I can find to like about him. Why doesn't he become a tv evangelist or co-host with pat fartbotson?
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 22, 2008
Nowhiggers, it makes me sick when any talk show host panders to breeders.

I used to listen to a local talker, but hardly do anymore because he kisses the ass of every moo who calls his show. This is a guy who is pushing 60, has dogs and no kids--someone who could have been a good spokesperson for CF people, but he's obviously childless.

Breeder kiss-asses suck!

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 25, 2008
Dr. Savage wrote books on healing children. He also is exposing an extremely corrupt system of "medical care" and he has to be extreme in order to wake up the apathetic and to educate the ignorant.

Love your children, don't eat them, err... heat them...I mean hate them. Otherwise, don't have them.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 25, 2008
One woman was whining because a DJ slammed kids with Down's Syndrome and got pissed off because this person said DS kyds do not belong in school. I agree with the DJ--al these defectives need to be in special education in separae schools. Spayshul sproggen do not need to be in regular school...they ruin the leaarning experience and lower the bar for everyone else. Mainstreaming is BULLSHIT!
^^^ Cannot agree enough. At my alma mater, the staff had the common sense to know 'special' students NEEDED to be tucked away from normal students. I had the misfortune of seeing a few of the kids in the class going to/from something...and dear Lord they were freaky!!! Drooling, moaning gibberish, walking like a zombie. Yuck-o.

Children that are truly special (meaning confirmed so by a qualified doctor or specialist) need focused attention in an environment closed from distractions as much as physically possible. Short-bus kids in general and ones with 'facial differences' in particular (a nice way to say you're a creepy-looking mutant*) will only get tormented by their peers in a regular class and make learning a Herculean task for everyone. Why this simple fact can't get through the heads of educators is beyond me.

*mutant = mutated (damaged) DNA, which causes the Frankenstein faces.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 25, 2008
I wonder if sometimes educators don't go with whatever latest fad happens to be in vogue. These days, it's breeders feeling that they have the right to inflict their offspring on everyone,wanted or not,appropriate or not. I suspect that mainstreaming has much more to do with making Moo and Duh feel better about their special needs child than what is best for the kid.

I'm robably missing something here, but if I had a special needs child, I'd prefer that he or she be in an invironment where they can learn and feel comfortable. But yanno how it is--this stuff really is all about the paruhnts.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 25, 2008
Most parents are bitter as hell that they've got a special needs kid. I think they just like to passively lash out:

1. they want the kid in regular school to make everybody else put up and suffer with what they have to endure

2. they want the kid to just blend in so nobody notices that they've produced a damaged loaf

3. the special needs schools certainly aren't good enough for their kid
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 25, 2008
I heard the end of his show last night, and he said that 99.9% of his sponsors and stations stayed with him. grinning smiley

Taking away the handouts to breeders who have a "special" brat would cure these "diseases" fast!

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 25, 2008
MerlynHerne Wrote:
> I wonder if sometimes educators don't go with
> whatever latest fad happens to be in vogue. These
> days, it's breeders feeling that they have the
> right to inflict their offspring on
> everyone,wanted or not,appropriate or not. I
> suspect that mainstreaming has much more to do
> with making Moo and Duh feel better about their
> special needs child than what is best for the kid.
> I'm robably missing something here, but if I had a
> special needs child, I'd prefer that he or she be
> in an invironment where they can learn and feel
> comfortable. But yanno how it is--this stuff
> really is all about the paruhnts.

I teach elementary music and I can tell you that (at least in my schools) it is definitely NOT the teachers. Its the parents of the speds putting the pressure on the administrators, who then turn around and tell the teachers what we HAVE to do. There are a few teachers who think that mainstreaming is great, but most of us think it is complete shit.
Re: Chalk up one for Michael Savage
July 25, 2008
Mainstreaming - heh!

If mainstreaming is such a cool idea, why stop the experience at school? Let's mainstream them into professional positions!

Anyone wanna board American Airlines flight 504 to Atlanta with Captain Gigglesnort at the helm? How about your surgery to repair that slipped disc, would you mind if Doctor Shittypants took over after a grownup made the incisions? And as for your anniversary dinner at Chateau le Bleu, you already know The Chef's Special.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
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