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Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 22, 2008
WAAAAAAH!!!!! My in-laws don't like my BAYBEE!!!!!!!


Read the story, it sounds incredibly one-sided from the stupid breeder cunt's point of view.

She probably inundates the poor people with pictures of the kid and constant jibber-jabber about it.
Re: Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 22, 2008
Um, Mommy, it's because they raised their own kids and are now enjoying themselves and don't find your stories of babypoop interesting. Good for them for not 'spending more time with their grandbaby' (i.e. providing a free babysitting service).
It’s as if she doesn’t really exist in their very structured, adult-oriented world.

Uh, that's because she DOESN'T. Their world is adult-oriented, meaning focused on and meant for adults. This idiot displays enough awareness to know that her in-laws like their lives structured and geared toward adults; why can't she extend that awareness a little and stop pushing her kid on people who clearly aren't interested?

I did like the reply, though.
Most new breeders are angry when their own parents are not gah-gah over the baby is because they have this belief how the grandparents are to be so overjoyed at being unpaid babysitters. In the past, it seemed that the grandparents did this as 60 years old was considered 'old' and the senior citizens were considered useless by society. 60 is now the New 40. Many seniors are thrilled at their older years enjoying company with other seniors or just doing the things they could not do when they were parents. People having children need to understand that the family is not there for their beck and call. So what if a parent or another relative is not that overjoyed with the new babies. Many parents have hoped their own adult children would choose a life sans kids. Cry me a river, New Moomie... :bawl
my god, this is what amazes me about breeders, NO ONE cares about their fuck trophys, most of the cooing and ahhhhing is just done because society expects it and people feel the parents are expecting it.

NO ONE CARES about your failed birth control, its nothing special, there are 7 billion people, having another one is not a miracle, its boring. people forget that babybeeess grow up to be idiot adults,

Think about how many adults you know are decent human beings? think about it!! I cant count on 1 finger how many people are just decent, smart people. babys just grow up to become idiots, like most adults are.
Good answers. It is amazing how much I hear (especially on Dr L) and reading elsewhere the numbers of these first time moos bitching and whining because people are not engaged in the worship of their loaf. If the parents on either side refuse to kow-tow, you would think the bottom dropped out of these bimbos world. (You have to understand: the brain goes out with the after-birth.)
Moo, they have their own life. Not all are interested, and to persist in peppering and flooding them with pictures of snotleigh may do more to drive them off. I really cannot fathom these women and the baby rabies.
If me or my sister (we are both hardcore CF) had kiiids, my mother wouldnt be interested at all, shes a great mom, but i think she can care less about grand-idiots
Re: Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 22, 2008
Astoundingly balanced reporting- seriously. Well thought out. I wish we could find a way to convey this to all the moos we are related to.
I would LOVE to hear the grandparents' side of the story. When moo says...

I have given them ample updated pictures of her and am always willing to fill them in on her new skills and developmental changes, but they don’t display her picture anywhere in their home and don’t seem to want to know what she is learning and experiencing.

...it probably translates to the fact that she is bombarding them with massive amounts of photos AND blathers on and on and ON abut her damn loaf. I'd bet they have a small photo or two on display, but because they haven't wallpapered their entire home with brat photos, moo is all hurt and offended. Who is the selfish one here? The entitlement just drips from every word.

I didn't read the entire response, but I found the very last line annoying:

Dr. Gail’s Bottom Line: First-time parents, when bumping up against unenthusiastic grandparents, should try to figure out if it’s fear of being “old” or difficulty relating to babies.

Why should they try to "figure it out"? Why can't they just ACCEPT the fact that not everyone is head-over-heels about crotchdroppings and get on with their own lives??

For crying out loud!
Re: Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 22, 2008
"I have given them ample updated pictures of her and am always willing to fill them in on her new skills and developmental changes, but they don’t display her picture anywhere in their home and don’t seem to want to know what she is learning and experiencing. It’s as if she doesn’t really exist in their very structured, adult-oriented world."

She doesn't. The grands have a life. They're probably bored silly with endless updates on tedious "new skills and developmental changes." Breeder is appalled! that they don't display her picture all over the house--well, geez. Maybe (just maybe!) breeder wasn't the prize child either and the grands are saying "thank god we're done with all that."

Seems like breeder is seeking validation for a child that she herself realizes is mediocre, boring, and not worth it. Pity that the grands can't validate her poor choice to have the kid.
Re: Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 22, 2008
Nice try Moocow, but better luck next time trying to get the public all whipped up into a frenzy of outrage on your behalf.

I'm sure she was hoping for at least one or two grains of sympathy from the columnist -- after all, she probably reckoned, millions of other Moos on the messageboards have been weeping into their mousepads for her and pounding their keyboards demanding that the wicked parents-in-law burn at the stake for not heaping the relentless praise and attention that all Moos deserve. But all she walked away with was an indifferent shrug and a suggestion that she should try to get over herself. Natch.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
It also occurred to me that perhaps Grandmoo especially is like how many CFs describe their own parents--CF wannabes. But back then, it was a different time, and women especially didn't have as many options. My own mom, who should be nominated for the PNB Queen of all time IMO, has told me point blank that if she had to to it over again, she would NOT have had kids. This is kind of strange because while this could be taken in a hurtful way, I as a CF can definitely see where she's coming from. She is also grateful that neither I nor my brother have had grandbrats. Even if we had bred, we both would know in no uncertain terms that she would NOT be a source of free, spontaneous babysitting.

Anyhoo, this cow needs to respect the grandparents' POV. After all, did she consult them when she insisted on breeding? No way in hell.
What a sense of entitlement these moos have! About the babysitting for free, my brother's one-time girlfriend oopsed him when they lived down our way. She was from another state a long distance away. She had claimed to be on the pill, so my brother took no precautions despite my warnings that maybe he should use a condom.

After getting a relatively decent job, she ran through several day-care services by finding some little fault with their service and refusing to pay them. So my Mom agreed to take care of the child, who was about 2 by this time. Bro's girlfriend believed—backed up by her wacky mother, who still had a 4-year-old in diapers—that Mom shouldn't expect any payment because as the grandmother, Mom should relish the opportunity "to get close to the baby". What kind of crap is that?

Mind you, this wasn't occasional weekend babysitting for a few hours, but 9 or more hours of day care every day, with Mom going to her house to take care of the child while the girlfriend was at work. Even my brother realized this wasn't right and paid Mom for all the time she was spending with the child. Oh, and the girlfriend undermined Mom's attempts to potty-train the child (remember her mother's 4-year-old? Well...).

The girlfriend finally left and moved back to her home state, where she married one of her high school boyfriends six months later. (She had been with my brother for 3 years and didn't want to marry him. Imagine that.) Her mother owned an apartment building and furnished her a free apartment, and presumably all the free daycare she wanted... And deep down, with all the whoring and barhopping she did when she was down here, I still wonder if that's really my bro's kid.
Re: Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 23, 2008
k-man Wrote:
> And deep down, with all the whoring and
> barhopping she did when she was down here, I still
> wonder if that's really my bro's kid.

I wonder how many men take these women at their word about the kid being theirs and anteing up the child support? More men need to demand DNA tests. My mate even admitted that he would not have asked his 1st wife if the child was his even though she made it clear that he was not the only one she had relations with. Thankfully, the woman did not want children and aborted. My belief is that this dame told her 'boyfriend' that he was the one who got her pregnant because he would pay for the abortion while the other f*ck buddies would tell her to p!ss off and not give her a dime for aborting or anything else. Slags tend to go "daddy shopping".
Also, both of my husband's ex-wives are god-awful people. Again, thank the gods the first one wanted to remain childfree, which does not mean a nicer person as she wanted her "cut" of $ during divorce despite not putting much into the assets, so she could be "beautiful" and have her open marriage. The second one wanted a baby to show off her having an 1/2 American child. Husband is snipped and refused to do a reversal. Life would be so different for him had either of these women had those babies. I know I could not be with a man who was at constant war with the ex-wife over visitation and wanting more $ for child support aka to buy herself clothing and salon visits. The kids and ex-wives affect more than just the fellow but everyone around him. I can see why many seniors move out of state for retirement as they want to finally enjoy life rather than deal with their homes being drop-off centers for the grandkids.
Re: Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 23, 2008
Krishna Wrote:
> I can see why many
> seniors move out of state for retirement as they
> want to finally enjoy life rather than deal with
> their homes being drop-off centers for the
> grandkids.

Oh, god, this is so true- if you have a newsletter I would like to subscribe to it.
Re: Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 23, 2008
I've got 2 long time friends from home, both with young kids, one considerably younger than me, the other my age, neither work. These women have shoved their husbands out of their lives to the point where their mothers may as well move in because they spend every waking moment with the mothers and the kids. The mothers don't work either.

It's to the point where the one's husband doesn't even come home until it's time to go to bed because MIL is there constantly. My friend and her mother go on vacations together - her, mom and the 2 kids. And in this situation, you've got my friend's father who is also left out of the picture.

The other husband, horror of horrors - actually ASKED his MIL to leave - nicely - one evening - so he could spend time with his family. My friend and her mother will have dinner out without regard for husband. He comes home from work to wife, MIL and the kids in the family room and everyone has eaten. It's a shame because he really wants to be part of this family and adores his boys but he's being shoved aside. This MIL is widowed with too much time on her hands and all the money in the world. She buys my friend all her clothes, jewelry, and a $50k SUV. Hubby can't compete with that. Being made look bad by his own MIL.

Both mothers are overbearing and pushy to the point where they are actually interfering in the marriages. It's as if to say "You don't need your husband, mommy is here." All these 2 men are is walking wallets for these chicks. Totally disgusting.

What is it with women these days that need their mothers around 24/7?
I remember seeing something, somewhere.. one of other boards (not necessarily childfree) but this grandmoo was whining because TWO daughters in law were limiting contact with the new grandbabies, the sons were avoiding contact.
Turns out grandmoo had a whole little nursery set up, complete with cribs, etc, the total works. I have a feeling why the new mothers were avoiding grandmoo: grandmoo rabies.
It's amazing what one can figure out when you read between the lines.
Many Grandparents feel they have already raised children, and now want to enjoy their "golden years". They no longer wish to be burdened with catering to kids. Even being required to display grandchildren's pictures everywhere can feel like just another burden to them.

We know a couple who dote on their only child (a boy) and they do get upset if we don't constantly ask about him. I had to re-do my wedding album, because my husband said the parents would get offended if they saw the album and there were not enough pictures of the boy in there. I was infuriated, but we'd just gotten married, and I didn't want to start out married life with a big fight. So I re-did the album to include more pictures of the brat.

Parents these days expect to see their child's picture plastered everywhere.
Re: Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 24, 2008
Re: Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 24, 2008
I often get a creepy feeling when I see an over-50 granny, dressed too young for her age, cheerfully pushing the borrowed grand-kid around in the pram and trying to make grinning eye contact with strangers she passes.

I instinctively think it's a very sad attempt to try to be mistaken for the kid's mommy.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Once, before 9/11, I was at a crowded gate and near me was this grandmoo who kept kissing the baybee. Like every 5 minutes, she felt the need to kiss that thing. It was gross
Re: Grandparents don't care much for babyee LOL
July 24, 2008
Matush Wrote:
> Once, before 9/11, I was at a crowded gate and
> near me was this grandmoo who kept kissing the
> baybee. Like every 5 minutes, she felt the need
> to kiss that thing. It was gross

I find the smell of babies repulsive.
I used to work with a woman who let her son and daughter-in-law move in with her so she could help out with the two grandbrats (born about 15 mos. apart). She did the whole dressing too young for her age thing and would joke about how the youngest was calling her mama. She loved for people to think they were her kids. Her own two kids turned out so miserably I guess she wanted a re-do!
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