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Breeders, keep your fucking hands off my dishwasher/laundry soap packets angry smiley Merged with "Laundry Pod Drama"

Posted by bell_flower 
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
They do sort of look like candy. What I'm wondering is is why parents of small kids buy them, then. I use liquid detergent from a giant, unattractive bottle - why don't these oh-so-concerned parents do, too? I guess they would do anything for their kids!!! except, you know, unscrew a top and measure out liquid detergent - that's too much fucking hassle, apparently. We don't have to change the tubs or make the tops harder to get into - we could just expect parents to not keep poison that looks like candy around their damn kids.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
We keep these on the wire shelf over our washer and dryer. We keep them in what basically looks like a fish bowl with the Tide label clearly on the side. We keep the laundry room door shut and we clearly have no kids. Only total idiot parents would allow this to happen.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
What that laundry pod really needed was a little drizzle of Sunlight Dish Detergent, for that lemon-lye hint of flavor.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
*sheesh* Once one of my pupsters learned how to paw open the door to the bottom cabinets, everything under the sink went into the laundry room on a top shelf. Wasn't rocket science to figure out.

I bet if those parents took their kids to visit relatives and friends and found their houses not-childproofed, they'd pitch a big hairy bitch. Yet, they are so lackadaisical about their own dangers?
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
“All I wanted to do is take the pain away from her,” Zoe's mom said.
Well, you could have prevented the pain in the first place by putting the laundry detergent in a chuyld-proof cabinet or a high shelf, but I guess you didn't care about your PWECIOUS BABBY enough to do that, you stupid cow!

Just another example of the breeder attitude that the world must cater to their chyldrun, because in their little fantasy world it is unreasonable to think that part of the responsibility of parenting is preventing one's crotchfruit from getting into dangerous situations. Just wait, one of these breeders is going to sue a detergent company because the detergent packets "looked too much like candy." :Violin

But seriously, how could anyone, even a toadler, think that a detergent pod looks anything like a blueberry? Sounds like one seriously stupid kid.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
This is largely in part due to parent negligence, but also brings to light one of the reasons I don't want and SHOULD NEVER have childrun. They are. So. Goddamn. Stupid. What fucktard would swallow something whole without chewing or tasting it? (besides Shauna). And then there are the dumbass kids who chew up these things and go back for another one, or drink the bleachwater out of the mopping bucket and poison themselves really badly, instead of stopping after the first sip because it tastes like chemical shit. I have such a low tolerance for stupidity, even if it is normal for an age group.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
Laundry Pod Drama = Great Band Name!

Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
Also - They might just be softening us up for some other pods ~

Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
OK stupid kids...

This is a blueberry

This is not

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Anonymous User
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
Or why don't the parents just teach the kids early on what's bad? I remember my mom telling me what chemicals were bad (all the cleaning stuff, laundry detergent, bleach, etc) and I was maybe five years old and looked at those things and was like NO CHEMICALS ARE BAD THEY ARE ALL POISON and I was one paranoid little five year old. Cause my mom drilled into my head that chemicals are bad and eat it = you will be dead. Do parents not bother with this anymore? Cause damn.

Also kids drinking bleach baffles me. I got a lungful of bleach by accident the other day (emptying catheter on client, didn't know she had put bleach in the bucket earlier...urine hits bleach = DOOM FUMES) and it was fucking AWFUL. And I also have no sense of smell, so damn if it's that bad for me it's gotta be 10000x worse for those who can smell it.

And seriously keep stuff out of reach. How is that hard? I do it because cats. I like to think I'm a good catmom!
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
Basically parunts can't tell widdle pweshus that it will kill them because they'd have to explain death to them and that would be soooo mean. Can't use the word death to a kid anymore. Seriously. Heard a grandmother complaining about this a couple months ago. she was talking to a group of us and said "I told my daughter to just tell her son that if he drank that stuff (some chemical) that he would die and then he'd leave it alone." Daughter then told grandmother that to say that to a chyld would be abuse.

Well, that's abuse, but not telling them and having them think it's candy is not? Am I missing something here?
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 11, 2014
When I was a kid, all the bad stuff went into one unlocked easily accessible cupboard.
We were told not to touch, so we didn't.

I was so conditioned to not go into that cupboard that when I was much older and had to open that cupboard to get out cleaning supplies, I still flinched from doing so.

Exactly how stupid are those kids?
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
In my day it was the fear of bleach in a lemonade bottle. Why you would take a bottle of bleach and decant it into another bottle of an equal size is a bit beyond me, but I digress.

It was never a problem for me as if I wanted something, I'd be all radical and just ask if I may have some lemonade and show the bottle.

perhaps if these breeders actually stopped blogging about about being a parent and actually BE a parent this would die out.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
Don't children today have a sense of smell and taste? I recall when I was about 2-3 years of age and my mother was dying some curtains purple and she "only looked away for a minute". When I saw the container of "Koolaid" sitting on the floor I dipped my cup into it. Then, I smelled it and when there was no smell I tasted it, just a tad to my tongue. I absolutely recall thinking it was nasty and I sat it down on the floor and pattered off to find something else to get into. So, while I "get" it LOOKS like candy, don't they realize rather quickly it is NOT? We're talking about kids old enough to read in some cases just guzzling down what amounts to caustic acid simply because it's packaged in a colorful container .:drool

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
I use baking soda and vinegar for laundry and cleaning, no kid would be into that. I guess I'd be a safer parunt than your typical poison pod convenience moo. Aren't they afraid of exposing their kids to chemicals anyway? Those things look like toilet cakes. Cakes. Cupcakes, yumm.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
I wonder how many of these are PNAs? I mean seriously. I knew from a very young age that if it's in a locked cabinet or NOT in the pantry, it's not food or drink. Are the kids today really that fucking stupid? My DOGS even know not to eat laundry pods. Yes, we tested them, they sniffed it, looked at it, gave us the look of "WTF is this shit?! It's not a treat!" and then walked off. It's kinda sad when an animal with a brain the size of an avocado is smarter than a child. They won't even eat our pills if we accidentally drop one.

What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine

"I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put them in my vibrator"
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
What happened to Mr. Yuck stickers???
Remember those? They were even scratch and sniff and smelled like skunk.
We need to reintroduce those for morons these days... It's a simple visual/olfactory cue for da widdle baybies. Yes, even they can understand, I know I did. Cleaning chemicals were never put up out of reach, they just had a Mr. Yuck sticker slapped on them.
I think there were even smilie face stickers also given out, but we ran out of those fast because there was so much turnover of actual consumables.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
We keep these on the wire shelf over our washer and dryer. We keep them in what basically looks like a fish bowl with the Tide label clearly on the side. We keep the laundry room door shut and we clearly have no kids. Only total idiot parents would allow this to happen.

This is exactly how we store ours. Don't parents have a wire shelf over the washer and dryer for the convenience of having laundry supplies right there? I assumed that was standard. If you don't have it, it would be simple to install. I used to hear people talk about "child-proofing" their homes, can't parents today do this? It isn't the detergent company's fault people are complete idiots but the stories like this make it sound like the parents have no part in it.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
I just did the 'poodle test' on my lemmony smelling dishwasher pods. I yelled 'get a treat' like I usually do...and held the podsup to their noses. They sniffed, one pushed it away, and the other one.. ran under the chair. LOL So.... now we know.. my poodles are certainly smarter than a human toadler.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
crazy old crone
We keep these on the wire shelf over our washer and dryer. We keep them in what basically looks like a fish bowl with the Tide label clearly on the side. We keep the laundry room door shut and we clearly have no kids. Only total idiot parents would allow this to happen.

This is exactly how we store ours. Don't parents have a wire shelf over the washer and dryer for the convenience of having laundry supplies right there? I assumed that was standard. If you don't have it, it would be simple to install. I used to hear people talk about "child-proofing" their homes, can't parents today do this? It isn't the detergent company's fault people are complete idiots but the stories like this make it sound like the parents have no part in it.

Parents have seemingly lost the concept of childproofing because more modern parents focus on nothing but emotional security and not anything regarding safety, conduct, or education. I suppose that this is mostly due to the outbreak of latchkey kids and all kinds of other things that went down when two working parents became the norm of modern society. While parents in the 80's and 90's were busy making sure their children were alive, educated and safe (that's the impression I got since me and my peers were parented with iron fists), the kids they were being raised got all butthurt that they couldn't have everything they wanted and then started promising themselves that they would be better parents that were more attentive to their children's feelings... This however comes at a steep price, as in the dumbing down of emotionally insecure ninnies who eat tide pods... And they lived happily never after.
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
You know, I was just wondering why it's never the dishwasher pods, but always the laundry pods. I too have the Lemon-scented ones for the dishwasher. They smell from lemon, strongly, unlike the detergent ones. So, if anything, I could maybe... maybe see a kyd taking an interest in that.

Also, I could see dishwasher pods being accessible, since it wouldn't be weird to put them under the sink, which is where mine are. But, as mentioned, laundry detergent should be up on a shelf, or at least on the top of the dryer. You would think a parunt might notice a kyd scaling a dryer? Maybe not, since they often 'just look away for a moment.'

I just don't get any of this, and maybe I'm just a cynic, but it's like the hot-car thing. If parunts aren't smart enough to figure out the danger on their own, you would at least think that they might think about it whenever one of these incidents happens.

This shit is common sense. A car is hot, thus leaving a person or animal in said car would likely mean baking to death. If you can't figure that out on your own, wouldn't you think the literally dozens of news stories a year might make you think twice about it? Same goes for the detergent pods. If you're too stupid to secure them away from kyds who routinely put EVERYTHING in their mouths, wouldn't you at least buy a clue whenever it's a regular news story about some kyd eating one and being poisoned?

If you're so dumb that you don't know these things as common sense, you certainly shouldn't breed. But, how much dumber must you be if you don't learn from other people's 'mistakes'?
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
Laundry Pod Drama = Great Band Name!


waving hellolarious
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
Watching tv the other day and I saw a commercial for these pods, and it said in large text "keep away from children" or words to that effect. After all the breeder stupidity I witnessed and stories on BratFree, I'm no longer surprised that the warning has to be in the bloody commercial. This can't be anything but a PNA attempt.

Hell, I was watching a neighbor's dog and I took a dishwasher pod out of a container next to the dishwasher, the dog's thinking "Yay! Hana's in the kitchen, she's gonna give me food. Best Day Ever!". She sniffs the pod and walks out of the kitchen, disappointed she didn't get a treat. I washed my hands and gave her a treat.

edited for spelling
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
Wait...wouldn't the kyd realize the stuff tastes vile and spit it out rather than swallow? How dumb does someone have to be to eat that shit?

That being said, warnings are constantly being put out about these laundry pods. Parunts love to blame the companies for their lackluster parunting. Anything to deflect the responsibility off of them and onto someone else.

Even my parrot doesn't eat dish liquid, even though he is around it when he takes a shower in the kitchen sink. He might sniff it, but he walks away knowing it isn't food. That proves my parrot is smarter than a toadler, too! grinning smiley
Re: More Laundry Pod Drama
August 12, 2014
Kids are so good at spitting things out, vomiting, sneezing and coughing, so you'd think that they would fucking know enough to spit out something that even adults find to have a disgusting taste. Also, how did they manage to swallow the goddamn things and live? I've seen those detergent pods and they would easily choke and adult, or do they just immediately start dissolving upon contact with fluid?

I doubt very much a lot of these cases are accidental. I think the poisonings happened with a little (or a lot of) help from Mom and/or Dad. Funny, I never drank toxic shit as a kid. Somehow, I managed to make the connection that if it smells horrible, it tastes horrible. That and I knew that anything under the sink was not food because it was all in containers that didn't look like food. But then again, I was not part of the generation of children that plays with and eats their own shit.

I know little kids are prone to sticking things in their mouths, but would a kid not start playing with something before eating it? I could see a kid playing with a detergent pod, accidentally cracking open the powder or fluid side and getting a taste of what's inside.... hating it and probably crying because of the nasty taste. Figures, the little monsters will spit and puke up food, drinks, or for absolutely no reason... but they won't spit out something that tastes awful and burns?
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