1052 101 Reasons for Having Another BAYBEE
March 10, 2006
What a bunch of fucked-up-hallmark-brainwashed-self-serving-ultra-religious BREEDERS!!!! Jesus tapdancing christ!!!! I couldn't believe the bullshit I was reading. What a JOKE!!!!! These people are in serious need of a REAL life with REAL responsibility, rather than laying in bed with their legs spread, knocked up or sitting around all day with a shit loaf latched on to their sagging tits. It scares me to death that these breeders share the same planet as I. They sound like clones of George Bush running all over, spewing their religious bullshit out their asses like feces, and poisoning this earth.
Nyeh, I felt nauseated after reading the first three of those. Fucking Bible thumping, breederific fetus-humpers. Shit, I could make a list of 101 reasons to NOT have children based on the almighty Catholic God. This list goes right up there with the "10 reasons to have another child" bullshit. It's so sad that people actually live by this bullshit and hatch loaves because they 'want to appease God".
They fail to realize they pray to a God that does not listen to them. Ha!
Phew...I'm glad I don't grovel before a made up holy master.
The thing is that they (the dumbasses) don't realize, no where in the 10 commandments does it say "Either you reproduce or your going to hell." Dumbass stupid bint breeders.
i have just read a first few and.. bloody hellfire, are they morons, ""It's an honor for the Lord to use my womb again"", gags at that one, what the F**K, i dont see god giving her one do you,
That is one fucked-up list! As nauseating as it is, I couldn't help laughing at a few of them. I doubt God, Himself, could read the whole thing, though. Even He can only stand so much cheese.
ok i rewrote that list slightly, wink its on this forum

101 reasons NOT to have kids my respnses are in bold

if you can think of any more, anyone can post..
i read it sprog am i better han god then wink
This one was my favorite:

We want to raise another soul for Jesus.
Why cant god make more souls, thats his job and what does jesus want with them, is there a black market in souls
some arent as funny as i would have liked, but 101 of them phew. if anyone can think of more, its in the guest area so anyone can comment there
Babeeys are so overrated! I'll have a pet over a screeching, diarrhea shitting, pukefest anyday! two faces puking
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