I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
I call my boyfriend this morning just to say hello and he starts to tell me that he's having work drama. Yesterday two of his employees called out sick which he wasn't very happy about because it left him and another coworker with all the work to do for the day.

Anyway both employees returned today and one of them was crying her eyes out at the begining of the shift. So he askes her what's wrong out of concern. And she refuses to tell him. She continues to cry and he asks her again whats wrong. Then finally she tells him that she received "unexpected" news yesterday. She's pregnant with #2 and upset about it because her and her husband have a lot of debt and can not affort to have another.

So I tell my boyfreind, "Well that's what happens when you don't use birth control." Apparently, she was on the Nuva Ring but got off of it because it was making her periods irregular.

Same thing happend with his sister. She was on birth control but got off of it because "it made her feel funny". And then 3 months before getting married she "accidentally" got pregnant because, get this, the condom broke. She's (my bf's sister) is in the same boat as the other gal. They were not in any way, shape, or form ready to have a sprog.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? How can you "accicentally" or "unexpectedly" get pregnant when you know you're not using birth control aside a condom? Condoms break or they slip off! I should know it's happened to me enough times to know better than to use a condoms as my only form of birth control. Secondly, birth control is not that hard to use!!! You just have to be really diligent about it.

I just don't understand why so many women think that they won't get pregnant knowing damn well that they're not on birth control. Seriously, are they delusional? I don't have any sympathy whatsoever when I hear these kinds of stories. It only makes me think that they are stupid for not researching and informing themselves a little more about their reproductive system and birth control.

How is is that in the information age people don't know how to inform themselves on these things?
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
That's why god invented abortion.

I hate it when people complain about "accidents". Have an abortion, or don't, but if you keep it, don't run around crying about how you're so not ready. People do that because they want to be patted on the back for "not taking the easy way out". It's just as bad as any other form of using pregnasty to get attention.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
They don't care enough to be diligent.Also,they know that the government,their duh's and breeder pleaser family/friends will bail them out when the spawn is born.So,I think they figure,why try when everyone else will pick up the tab for them?Plus,it gets them loads of attention to be knocked up.I think some are so desperate for attention (good or bad) OR for someone who "loves them completely" that babies seem like a fine solution.

They do not see the impact of a child as negative enough to NOT have one.It is so fucking romanticized it makes me sick.

Things like this make me so mad!I can't use hormonal BC so I bust my ass to ensure that I have no "accidents".But,hey,the only good thing about chemo,it helps STOP the breeding possibility.
Anonymous User
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
yeah, how about an abortion, i get so sick of the breeders crying about how the BC failed, Ummmmmmmmmmmm, SO go get an abortion. you fucken idiots
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
Oh the story gets better. My boyfriend asked her if given her situation she planned to get rid of it and she said she "didn't believe in that".

Okay, well have fun stressing out over the finances.
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
Breeders don't cry because their contraception failed. They planned that bit of it and got pregnant happily and deliberately.

She's crying because her boyfriend/partner/babydaddy isn't doing the leaping in the air, the high-fiving, the whooping it up that she wanted him to do when she gave him the pretend-awful news. When he heard her news and his expression turned dark and he became stressed and upset, probably started pacing the floor, probably 'testing the ground' in terms of abortion possibility, and when he showed nothing but negativity towards the situation, THAT'S when she started crying.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
The morning after pill: get to know it, and love it. Kids are more expensive than that pill!
CF Uter
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
I think these accidential breeders are lying. eye rolling smiley

I know condoms *do* break, but it always happens to people (in my RL) that I suspect are really lax about BC in the 1st place (the same type of people who 'feel funny' on the pill, etc.) and I'm not surprised that they are PG when it happens.

Ok, the condom broke, and it just so happened when you were ovulating? Yes, possible (don't flame me if this did happened to you, I *know* it *can* happen), but it always happens to my lazier, sillier friends who usually create their own drama and problems. I'll say to hubby, "so-n-so is PG, the condom broke." and he'll say, "you predicted it."

Now, if it was one of my CF friends, I would believe them, because they would dutifully go to the clinic and DO something about it, instead of always playing the victim card.
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
Amethyst got it right. Amethyst gets the prize.
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
When my b/c failed, I was only crying out of sheer shock because what I had was to be very foolproof. I got the abortion ASAP and never had any regrets. I shudder to think I could have a 13/year-old terror on my hands right now. I sure as heck would not be sitting here typing this if I had that but out working my butt at two horrible jobs to take care of the ungrateful child. I also do not want to hear the tiny tears when there is another pregnancy and the mom-to-be is boo-hooing re: expenses. Get the d@mn abortion and be done with it. If she does not "believe in it", suck up and deal with it 'cause it is solely her problem then as she chose the option to have the kid. I cannot pity anyone purposely going on contraception knowing what will happen. I am sick of the "kids just happen" rhetoric. Nothing just happens!
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
This is what I always tell people: "just because you don't 'believe' in abortion, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

That option is THERE. ALWAYS. For EVERYONE.

Having kids is ALWAYS a choice, no matter what your beliefs are. And if you CHOOSE NOT to use the solutions that society offers, you have no right to be boo-hooing your situation. EVER.
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
That breeder was screwing without any contraceptives. What the heck was she thinking, that it will not happen or something? Dumb ass!

I know that condom is not 100% but it is much better than nothing!
Anonymous User
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
surely you would feel it if the condom broke i never understood that excuse fuck it wear two or three with a zip tie
Mean Person
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
If you're too stupid too educate yourself about "backup methods" then you have no business playing hide-the-salami. The last time I had a condom break on me (about 15 years ago) I totally freaked out and quickly applied about 6 applicators full of spermicide (I think it was 6, I was so freaked out I wasn't really counting). When 24 hours later I was unable to sit down without screaming, I went to the doctor. I'll never forget her first words to me as she walked into the exam room: "Six applicators full of spermicide, eh?" (no "hello", "nice to see you", etc). Then she lectured me about the wonders of the morning after pill "for future reference".
Re: I don't get it!!
July 25, 2008
Married with Rabbits said: "I think some honestly don't think things through and are actually surprised when they end up PG. Granted, they'd have to be stupid, but it does happen where a woman is actually like, 'hey, whaddya know, there's gunna be a baybee.'

"I know a girl like that. She got purposefully knocked up at 16, had another at 18 (she's nearly 26 now) and then last year ended up with a 'surprise' pregnancy when she was not using ANYTHING to keep from getting pregnant. She doesn't always put 2 and 2 together, but she knew better whether or not she CHOSE to use her brain in that instance."

MwR, does this girl just happen to have the last name of Spears? grinning smiley
Re: I don't get it!!
July 26, 2008
I repeat, I am convinced that the majority of the population has NO CLUE what causes and what cures pregnasty.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: I don't get it!!
July 27, 2008
I'd be crying my eyes out too, but it would be because I was disgusted with my own carelessness, that I'd have to spend $400 unnecessarily because of my own carelessness, and at the anticipated physical pain I would have to experience at the abortion clinic when it opened the next day. What does she mean she "doesn't believe in it". I HATE when people say that. What is there to "believe"? God invented abortion clinics to better enable us to correct horrible one time mistakes which would negatively affect us the rest of our natural lives.

If birth control pills made her "feel funny", then boy is she in for a rude awakening when those preggo hormones take over. Last time I checked, every corner Rite Aid or Walgreens carried about ten different types of spermicidal jellies, inserts, films, suppositories, etc....along beside a vast array of various types of condoms. I believe that the odds of failed birth control, IF used or taken properly every single time, is likely next to zero. I do not buy the "birth control failed" story most of the time, because I think it's actually quite rare.
Re: I don't get it!!
July 27, 2008
Kim, tubal ligations have been known to fail. Something like 1 in a 1,000. Don't get the laser method. It is the worst one. Mine failed after 7 years and I aborted ASAP.
Re: I don't get it!!
July 27, 2008
If hormones make her "feel funny," she certainly could have used Paragard. Or any of the spermicides kidlesskim listed, with a condom. Or not had sex. What an idiot this woman is.
Re: I don't get it!!
July 28, 2008
somethingrandom Wrote:
> Oh the story gets better. My boyfriend asked her
> if given her situation she planned to get rid of
> it and she said she "didn't believe in that".
Just because you "don't believe in that" doesn't mean it won't work. It's a medical procedure, not Santa Claus.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: I don't get it!!
July 28, 2008
Feh Wrote:
> somethingrandom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oh the story gets better. My boyfriend asked
> her
> > if given her situation she planned to get rid
> of
> > it and she said she "didn't believe in that".
> >
> Just because you "don't believe in that" doesn't
> mean it won't work. It's a medical procedure, not
> Santa Claus.

You mean....(runs off crying)
Re: I don't get it!!
July 29, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> Feh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > somethingrandom Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Oh the story gets better. My boyfriend asked
> > her
> > > if given her situation she planned to get rid
> > of
> > > it and she said she "didn't believe in that".
> > >
> > Just because you "don't believe in that"
> doesn't
> > mean it won't work. It's a medical procedure,
> not
> > Santa Claus.
> You mean....(runs off crying)

Hey, at least the Easter Bunny and Spaghetti Monster are real!

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: I don't get it!!
July 29, 2008
There's LOTS of things that I don't "believe in", but that doesn't make them any less real.

1) Kids eat free
2) Kids stay free
3)"Playlands" at restaurants
4) Toys served with meals, or ANYTHING with crayons
5) Additional welfare for additional kids
6) Special treatment in the workplace for moos
7) Paid maternity and ESPECIALLY paternity leave
8) All kids can get free insurance paid by the state
9) 'Car buggies" in stores
10)No Kid left behind nonsense

The list could go on. So, if I have to compromise MY "beliefs" on a daily basis, I don't see why they can't as well.
Re: I don't get it!!
July 29, 2008
Feh Wrote:
> Hey, at least the Easter Bunny and Spaghetti
> Monster are real!

(sniff.) Ok. I feel better. Yay for FSM!
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