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Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
July 27, 2008
I was going through an old magazine in the dentist's waiting room this morning and came across this :

German mom grounds her 4 year old in her room cause the child refused to clean up said room.
Cops came knocking at the door minutes later due to a call reporting child abuse.
Brat cryingly told cops that they HAD to protect her from her evil mom, who was asking her to clean up her room.

The brat had sat at the window holding a sign asking bypassers to please call the police.
Since the flat overlooked a busy street in Berlin, someone got worried and had given them a call.

Hope the woman can find someone to proceed to an emergency abortion on a 58 months foetus....
Re: WTF???
July 27, 2008
Maybe they are "Indigo" child or something.
Re: WTF???
July 27, 2008
That kid needs to have had the life scared out of her by being taken downtown in the police car and booked and fingerprinted, complete with a mugshot, for making what amounts to a false complaint. She needed to have a uniformed officer take her into the interrogation room and explain to her that it is breaking the law to lie that you need help when you do not. They need to tell her that while they were wasting time responding to her false complaint, someone else could have been in real danger and could have even died, because they were busy coming to her house for no good reason.

If she is pulling this kind of shit at four years of age, then there is no telling what she will try to get away with when she is 14. This needs to be nipped in the bud and the sooner the better, for ALL concerned. However, it will likely be over looked, laughed about, thought of as "cute", and go unpunished. I know that's what would happen if it had happened over here in kiddie land.
Re: WTF???
July 27, 2008
Yes, the 4 year old needs to be taught a lesson. Unfortunately, the parents will probably be investigated for child abuse and put through pure hell. Yea, society has taught this one at a young age how to manipulate the system and all the system will do to her is reward her incredibly bad behaviour.
Re: WTF???
July 27, 2008
There's always this joke in the UK called 'childline'. It was invented so that abused children could crawl out of the cellars and alert 'counselors' of their condition, who could presumably ring police. Natually, there's been a massive influx of 12, 13, 14 year old kids ringing in complaining because their parents wont let them attend parties, doggings, knifings, etc and they can't get enough booze. It's been running over 10 years and is a complete and utter joke.

Two years ago they started 'Parentline' -- same thing, but for parents to ring in for urgent help because their kids are out of control. I don't know how it's doing now, but in the first few months of operation it outstripped the MOSTLY FAKE calls to 'Childline' by about 3 to 1.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: WTF???
July 27, 2008
That kid needs to have had the life scared out of her by being taken downtown in the police car and booked and fingerprinted, complete with a mugshot, for making what amounts to a false complaint. She needed to have a uniformed officer take her into the interrogation room and explain to her that it is breaking the law to lie that you need help when you do not. They need to tell her that while they were wasting time responding to her false complaint, someone else could have been in real danger and could have even died, because they were busy coming to her house for no good reason.

Total and complete WORD to this. And the parents should be taken in, too -- not for trying to make the brat clean her room, but for doing such a crappy job of parenting that the kid thought she would get away with this. I'm sorry, but any kid that thinks it's abuse to have to clean her own room is a kid who is NOT BEING PARENTED RIGHT. Gah.
Mean Person
Re: WTF???
July 27, 2008
I don't know how it is in Germany, but in the US (at least in my state) the child welfare system is so overwhelmed with complicated and/or ligit claims that a case like this would be open and shut in about 5 minutes. Of course, in this country most 4-year-olds wouldn't know how to write "Call the police" in the first place.

I don't know what they do with "unsafe" children in Germany, but over here they're either dispatched to relatives (over whom the children probably have far less control and therefore would find it unpleasant) or they become "wards of the state" and go into foster care. So, if my kid ever pulled any crap like that, I'd call her bluff posthaste.
Anonymous User
Re: WTF???
July 27, 2008
"Of course, in this country most 4-year-olds wouldn't know how to write "Call the police" in the first place.
That's the thing that kinda made be doubt the story at first, if the story had been here in france I would have thought it was an hoax lol
Re: WTF???
July 28, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> That kid needs to have had the life scared out of
> her by being taken downtown in the police car and
> booked and fingerprinted, complete with a mugshot,
> for making what amounts to a false complaint. She
> needed to have a uniformed officer take her into
> the interrogation room and explain to her that it
> is breaking the law to lie that you need help when
> you do not. They need to tell her that while they
> were wasting time responding to her false
> complaint, someone else could have been in real
> danger and could have even died, because they were
> busy coming to her house for no good reason.

HA HA that's exactly what would have happened back when I was a kid if you called the cops on your parents for telling you to do a chore of some sort.

Sadly though, what is going to happen is that this poor moo is going to have the german child services on her ass watching her for the next 5 years and Shitleigh is going to threaten her and blackmail her with that
everytime she tries to discipline it.

If I were moo, facing 5 or more years of child services monitoring my life, I'd tell Shitleigh it was going to an orphanage since I could no longer have control in my own house.
Anonymous User
Re: WTF???
July 28, 2008
The only (slightly) positive thing about this :

Stupid little girl thought she this WAS child abuse and could get help from the police so at least there was no manipulation/social services involved etc.

The cops were at their wits end: there is a procedure where the parents are fined for bad parenting if public funds are wasted but the police reported there was no lack of parenting, just an incredibly nasty little piece of shit.

If they are breeders it is not surpising, if they happen to be (hey, you never know) decent people, it is scary: it would mean that the bratty "I'm a little prince/princess because society is revolving around kids" is so pervasive that even the very few people who try to actually raise their kids have been swamped by the Untermenschen (tries to insert a local touch LOL) breeders and their pinkypoo-glittery bullshit about kids.

If the parents happen to be decent, they're stuck with this vile thing in their lives.

Anonymous User
Re: WTF???
July 28, 2008
and the best thing about it is that we will only ever have to read about it.
Re: WTF???
July 28, 2008
I blame the parent for being an idiot and unprepared to properly raise a child, and I think the child should have a happy little stint in a foster home so she can appreciate that there are consequences for throwing her weight around.

I just read "The Baby Boon" and the shocking thing was that you have to be evaluated for sterilization, yet there is not test for breeders. Also, it is legal to enact housing discrimination against the child fre, but illegal to refuse breeders.

Thanks, breeders. Yes, I am parking in your special parking ppaces.
Re: WTF???
July 28, 2008
I'd tell the little brat that there is a nice cozy foster home waiting just for her, with an REALLY friendly daddy...............
Re: WTF???
July 28, 2008
I worked with a woman who had a real little asshole of a stepson she was stuck into raising after moomie went to the bighouse for bad checks. At about 8 years old, he was whining basically because she told him NO you can not get another computer game or something. The little shit had the AUDACITY to threaten to call children services on her as there had been a wave of PSA's on tv encouraging abused brats to call in. She said, "You know, they investigate every one of those calls and when the parent is found not guilty, which you know will happen, they investigate the kid who lied. Then they take them away and put them in a foster home with 10 other kids that nobody wants and they don't even have TV's in those places. So, go ahead and call, because by the time your daddy can get you out, I can have a week or two of peace and quiet".

Case closed.
Re: WTF???
July 28, 2008
Good teaching opportunity! The brat should find out what happens when a belt meets her ass a few times.
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